I Forced My Sister

I Forced My Sister


I Forced My Sister
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Artemis took off her sword and armor then massaged her nylon covered legs after a hard day of work. Artemis undid her ponytail and let her hair spread by running her fingers through the pink strands. Knock. Knock. Artemis looked in the mirror. Without her armor, she only had a battle dress and tights. Nothing that would shame the royal families pride if someone saw her. "Come in," Artemis called out. Her bedroom door opened and a servant stood at the door. "My lady," the servant curtsied, "a letter for you." Artemis took the sealed letter from the girl. "Who sent it?" "I got it from the Roc family." The girl replied. Artemis checked the letter for a seal and found a waxed outline of an intimidating bird. "My lady." The girl curtsied and walked away after Artemis closed her door. Artemis broke the wax seal and read the contents of the letter. Knock. Artemis' door opened and in came a younger version of herself wearing a choker. "Letter about the kidnappings?" asked the
Brooke held her phone to her ear, nodding and agreeing with the person on the other line.

"Alright Mrs. Miles, 3 o'clock 'till 8 on Saturday? Okay. I'll see you then!"

Brooke hung up on Martha Miles, as she sat down on her bed. She'd just gotten a call from Martha, asking her to babysit her three children, Thomas, at the age of seven, Kate, who was ten, and Tilly, who was twelve. The seventeen-year-old girl thought she'd struck a goldmine, as Mrs. Miles was paying twenty-five dollars an hour, and she was babysitting for five hours, giving her a total of one-hundred and twenty-five dollars by the end of the day. Brooke grinned, as she texted
I'm 20 years old and I don't babysit as much as I used to but still on occasion do. I have straight, light brunette hair that hangs just past my shoulders, brown eyes and a curvy build. I first started babysitting when I had just turned sixteen, I used to do it regularly, at least once a week, for one family who had three kids, an eight year old, a ten year old and a twelve year old. The ten year old was a girl and the other two were boys, I'll call them Matthew (8), Katie (10) and David (12) rather than telling you their real names. The first few weeks with them went seamlessly, no problems at all, they always did what they were told and mos
Philip and Emily, they are cousins by birth and are conservatively raised kids who enjoy life of school, church and playing with friends and family. Like all kids though, they grow up and start embracing the mature side life which can lead them against values they learned while growing up.

With Philip entering his early twenties and Emily climbing high in her late teens, they started to feel this changes as Philip had already started to experiment with his secret interest while even though cousins, Emily teased him on a flirting level. Even though out going, Emily was a bit shy when it came to her body and she showed little skin, always wear
First story and hope it gets some attention. Comment for any of mistakes or if you like to give me pointers and help me improve my writing.
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My birthday passed a few weeks back and the only thing I wanted was to tie up a damsel. Not for any nasty business. I was always into tying up the opposite sex. Some may say it is too domineering or tying myself a damsel is degrading to the feminine gender. Maybe it is. If you think deep about it. To me though, I never thought tying up a girl was degrading I only thought it was something fun to do when I was little. Now that I am going through puberty, I try not to think about it. I only know what I like, and I am a man lead by my desires. So, when my younger sister started maturing as she entered high school I took note. Mind you, I never took note in the wrong way. I just thought my sister is growing to become a fine young lady.
It started one day when we sat in her room reminiscing about our past. She brought up the past tie-up games. When we were children playing with the neighborhood kids. She reminded me of how I would always tie up the girls in all sorts of ways.
I don't know why, but that pushed a button. I wasn't going to let it show though.
"That is the past." I said, "today is the present."
"Yeah even though you tried so hard in the end you could never keep me tied up," she smiled.
"Bondage," I replied. "I could never keep you in bondage."
I could see the question mark forming above her head. She was still so young, barely in high school and she still knew so little. Maybe I should teach her how much I have improved since then.
After my thoughts, I called out to her. "Haya, how about you..." I stopped, I was having second thoughts.
My mind retreated to think some more. I cannot possibly tie her up. She is my little sister. When I see a girl tied up I get stimulated and immediately have indecent thoughts. She is family. I can't do that to her.
We talked for a bit more. Our relationship was always close, because we had to team up as kids to face others. We stuck together and I am glad we were still close.
A few days later. Haya came to my room in an outfit I would never forget. She wore a white lacey dress and her long legs were clad in white tights. It was the same outfit from church a few days ago. The look of tights on a girls legs always got me stimulated. She wanted to talk about something, but my eyes are focused on her legs and my mind is thinking of ways to con her into being tied up. Wait I shouldn't tie her up. If I don't do it now when will I? This is the perfect chance. No she is my sister. She is a human being and she has a right to say no. Ask her about playing the old tie up game. Actually that sounds too childish. Just don't over think this and...
"Brother?" Haya called out to me, "are you listening?"
"Uhh yeah, you were talking about school." I paused, "I think."
"Not even close," she said, "also look at my eyes when we have a conversation."
"Yeah sure." I thought, might as well try . Looking at her eyes I asked. "Do you want to be tied up?"
Dang. That was too direct. Whatever go with it. "You know, like the games we played as kids."
"You mean the one where you tied me up?" She asked.
"Yeah. I tie you up and..." Hold it what did I do after I tied the girls? I guess watch them escape or let them struggle while hanging out with the guys.
"If it is not today then I probably won't ever tie you again." I said as my face felt hot.
"Sorry, I just don't want to be tied." She said, then she turned and left the room.
I watched as her knee length dress swished and went through my door. Her white nylon legs and feet took steps out of my room and I heard her go back to hers. My last hope ended with her closing her door. Or did it. There is no one else home right now. I could, perhaps ask her again.
Making up my mind I grabbed some cotton rope. The ones I used back in my elementary days of tying up the neighborhood girls. Then I went to her room.
Closing the door behind me, Haya didn't looked up from her Mac book. She sat on the opposite side of the room. Her back against her bed frame and the Mac placed atop her lap. Her dirty white feet pointed towards me as she continued with whatever she was doing on her Mac.
"Still want to tie me up?" She said simply.
"Yes," I said, "I want to tie you up."
The light on her face paused before distorting with different colors. I assume she is scrolling through some website.
"As I told you before I don't want to be tied up."
"That is okay." I said trying to calm my emotions "A bit disappointing. I remember you asking me to always tie you up when you were younger."
"That is because you seemed happy when you tied someone up." She said. Still not looking at me.
"So you wanted to make me happy?" I asked.
"It is the past." She said, "presently I don't want to be tied up."
"Cool." I shrugged, letting my inner turmoil run wild, "you're not supposed to want to be tied."
Haya paused then realization dawned on her. She put her Mac aside while I pulled rope out of my pocket. We stared at each other before making a move. She tried to run past me and out through the door. Not on my watch. She squealed as I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her into the air before dumping her on the bed. She turned on the bed and tried to get away from me. Bad choice. Never show your back to an opponent. I grabbed at her pure white feet. More squealing came from her as I dragged her towards me. Her nylon clad ankles felt amazing. The feeling of flesh covered in nylon is always divine. Holding both her ankles in one hand I started tying them together. Haya started kicking and when that didn't work she got on her knees to push me away. I put her ankles above my head then turn around so her waist is on top of my shoulder while her legs are in front of me. Ignoring the stimulation that comes from feeling her legs clad in tights against my skin. I bind her ankles together before cinching them. I do this in under a minute. Good thing too as Haya figured out she has long nails and now knows where to put them. I throw her legs off me. She quickly tries to untie her ankles.
I push her down and flip her onto her belly. Straddling her back I take both her arms. I place my legs under her armpits and above her head. Crossing my ankles together I hold her arms in a joint lock with my legs. Her head is stuffed into her mattress from the weight of my feet on her head. She mumbles something, but I am too focused to hear it. I take her arms and wrists into my hands and tie them together. First I tie her elbows. Then her wrists which was hard considering she loves scratching and holding onto any loose rope to stall her inevitable predicament. Using generous amounts of rope for both I also cinch them. Elbow ropes are tricky because they can slip off and cause damage if the damsel is not flexible. Haya is somewhat flexible so I don't make her elbows touch. Instead I take more rope and tie it around her elbow rope. I then take that rope and go under her armpit, behind her neck, under her other armpit, and back to her elbow rope. Now the elbow rope won't slip downward. I take more rope and connect her wrists to her elbows. Now there won't be any slippage at all. The only way to escape from this is to push off the rope atop her shoulders, before working on the other rope, but I doubt she knows that.
Now I step off my little sister to admire my rope work as well as her almost fully developed curves.
Haya grunts, "I hope you had your fun."
She struggles in her bonds while I mover all her papers and other items from her bed to her desk. When done I take a moment to admire her figure squirming around on her bed. Her legs look amazing. The porcelain white tights stretches to reveal tan skin with each struggle.
"Like what you see?" She asked while glaring.
Soon she stops and shows signs of defeat.
"How long do I have to stay like this?" She asked.
I don't answer. Instead I run to restock on rope. When I get back. I see Haya halfway to grabbing some scissors from her desk. I silently approach her and take the scissors away while she squeals in surprise. I then push her back onto the bed tie her wrists to her waist. I then tie her legs together a bit above her knees before flipping her onto her belly and putting her in a hogtie by connecting her ankles to her wrists.
"Aren't you going to say something?" She asks.
I contemplate what to say while the steam in my head clears. Taking control of my emotions again I begin to touch her nylon feet.
"You look really good tied up like this." I said tracing my finger along her dirty white foots sole. She spasms and tries to kick me before realizing she can't. Instead she moves her foot away from me.
She remains silent as I chase after her feet. Finally grabbing her white as snow ankles, I begin tickling her.
Between spasms she said, "how long do I have to stay tied like this."
I stop and let go of her ankles before asking a question. "Do you not like this?"
She tries to look at me. Since I am close to her feet she has to roll onto her side. Her hands pinned behind her back. Her feet forced into an arch. And finally her skirt hiked up enough for me to see her white thighs.
"I don't particularly mind." She said.
"In that case I will keep you until I can get you to say uncle." I said.
"Okay. But what if I say uncle right now?" She asked.
"Un.." She started and I interrupted.
"I will release you from this tie and tie you up another way." I smiled.
She glared. "This is going to be a long day."
"Come on, you're enjoying this as much as I am." I said.
"The world will never know." She said before submitting to her fate.

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Posted Mar 15, 2015 10:23 by Doelerz



This happened about 2 months ago now. My sister has always been the flirty type and she has always wore revealing outfits around the house. This all started when i was in the shower. When i got out of the shower to dry myself, i noticed that there wasn't a towel in the bathroom, so i walked across our hallway to get one. But as i was walking across the hallway my sister (21) came out of her bedroom and saw me naked. Her eyes light up when she saw me and she looked so shocked. Anyway, after a few seconds, she walked off downstairs. We didn't speak for the rest of the day. The next day we only really spoke a few times, but i could feel the awkwardness. I had college that day, but i finished early, at 1:30 pm. My sister had the day off, but when i got back from college i could hear my bed squeaking (my bed is really noisy), and i could hear what it sounded like, to be my sister moaning and groaning. So i went up to my room where i saw her on my bed, fingering herself. When i walked in she instantly saw me, but she just started staring at me and she carried on masturbating for about another 10 seconds, after that she walked out. All day i couldn't stop thinking about what i witnessed my sister doing, and i was curious as to why it was on MY bed. So later on that night i went into my sisters room to confront her about all of this. I asked her why she was playing with herself on my bed, and she told me that she couldn't stop thinking about her seeing me naked and about how much i have 'grown'. I am the younger sibling by the way, two years younger, im 19. Anyway, she told me that she liked the look of my penis and she asked me if i could show her again. I wasn't sure what to think, but after hesitation, i decided ''what have i got to lose'', so i went and undone my trousers. I pulled my penis out of my trousers and showed her, she was staring at it and started licking her lips. She also undone a couple of her buttons on her shirt to reveal some cleavage (i think that might of been subconsciously though haha!) But seeing quite a bit of my sisters breast got me a little excited, so i started getting hard uncontrollably. Obviously she noticed as she was staring at it. As i was excited, my mind was all over the place, i was looking at her boobs, so i asked her if i could see them seeing as though i showed her my penis. She said yes, she got them out, they was amazing, perfectly shaped and pretty big. This made me even more excited, she then asked me if she could touch it, and by doing that she would also let me touch her boobs at the same time. she stood in front of me and put her hand on it, and i also put my hands on her boobs and started rubbing them. we was looking at each other, but she'd occasionally look down at my penis. after about 5 minutes, she got down on her knees and carried on stroking it. Then, what she did next surprised me, she spat on it. I was so shocked, i said 'oh my god why did you do that'. And then she replied ''i'll show you'', and then she started licking it and she put it in her mouth and started slowly sucking on it. It felt so wrong, but insanely good!! While she was sucking it, she kept on spitting on it and she made it incredibly wet with all of her saliva, she was even drooling from her mouth.. It made it even more exciting that my own sister was moaning while she was sucking it. after about 10 minutes of her sucking it i told her that i was about to cum, and she said '' please can you cum on my face'', so i did. It went everywhere, and after i came she licked and sucked the rest off of my penis... This experience was absolutely incredible, and other things have happened since this.

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Keep fucking your sister, you're gonna end up with a mongloid baby.

I was no stranger to having sex, my first time was when I was twelve and it was painful but other than the pain with the help of my first partner who was going down on me for 6 months before I tried penetration I knew it would get better. By my fourteenth birthday I'd had sex with over a dozen guys. Most were not very good, cumming real fast and I would cum.
I never considered messing around with my brother James until I walked in on him after he stepped out of the shower. He was hanging limp longer and thicker than anyone I'd ever seen while they were hard. He was 19 and home from college. He told me to get out but I couldn't stop looking at his dong. I told him I just wanted to touch it, I literally begged him. He smiled and said go ahead. I couldn't wrap my hand around it, I felt myself getting wet, he was getting hard. Without warning I started sucking it. As he was getting hard I was removing my pants.
I locked the door and bent over the sink and said "I want to try it, come on I'm in the pill James fuck me" he wasted no time. Holy shit he was huge. I got wetter and once my pussy adjusted to him I was cumming so much he had to grab my hips and hold me up. I couldn't believe it, ten minutes later and he was still fucking me. I was done, I wanted him to cum so I could go to my room and lay down.
When he started cumming he must have been perfectly aligned with my cervix because the warmth of his semen was intense. When he pulled out, not a drop leaked out, how can that be. I felt it.
I went to lay down, I fell asleep. A couple hours later I got up, some semen was leaking out of me. He leaked out of me all day long the next day. Where in the hell was it hiding to take so long?

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