I Can Make You Cum

I Can Make You Cum


I Can Make You Cum
I'm a virgin. When I'm playing with my self I can't seem to make my self cum or even squirt. I always see other girls be like "I'm cumming". Like they feel it when it happens but I can't.. What I'm doing wrong. And any tips?
How to make myself cum or have an orgasm?
I'm a girl and I can't make myself cum?
Girls do you always have an orgasm from sex or only from playing with yourself? guys do you make sure your woman is fully satisfied?
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First thing, if you have something in your mind thats blocking the freedom of yours then clear it, be calm and enjoy your touchings, especially touch and stimulate your clit, and once you feel like your ready, start rubbing your clit and imagine what you like the most sexually.
its a learning process for women, guys are easy... stroke n cum... women's bodies are more complex. It is important to learn where your "Buttons" are, otherwise you will not be able to show your "Lover" and it will end up being a life of "fumble fucks"
Different girls require different stimulations. Some need clit stimulation necessarily. Some need fingering. Some need nipple play
It's entirely possible you have some sort of mental block that keeps you from getting to that point. That's how I am.
The brain is the biggest sex organ, especially in women, so your mind has to be relaxed and free of distractions. Then you have to go slow and ease into it. Take your time. Women take a while to heat up and release.
read this site How to masturbate for women and if you did all of these and none worked for you I suggest using a vibrator on your clit that will definitely make you cum also, girls don't "cum" they reach orgasm and what you see in porn is just a word, closest liquid to cum in girls is grool which is not cum
You might need other forms of stimulation! How does your masturbation technique work? Do You use fingers on the surface, or more penetrate inside? Either way, try (safely) experimenting different things! Find things that really stimulate You, and make You feel nice. In my personal experience, when it's slick, wet and slippery, it feels better.
From my experience with my girlfriend, the main tip would be to not think about cumming, not worry about the pressure to have an orgasm, but just take your time and enjoy it, and if something happens then great, but if not that’s also fine.
End me a message lol I can help you get there and beyond
Invest in a clitoral vibrator. You will likely see results. Some women need that extra stimulation that you can't give yourself.
You have to be very relaxed and not feel stressed about it. Get naked, find out what turns you on, explore your body, and buy some toys.
I don't know I just bought a vibrator hopefully it does the job for me
Play with your clit and relax make yourself comfortable and not very girl squirts a lot don't
Try a vibrator - most women like them and have no trouble cumming with them.
Do you have an electric toothbrush, Maisie?
dont they have tutorials on porn sites?
Are you mentally turned on when you’re playing?
U just have to be relaxed and play with ur clit.
And not every girl can squirt so don’t get mad if that doesn’t happen right away.

I know everyone does this differently, but I am 28 and have never made myself cum. I’m starting to wonder if I even can at this point. Are there any toys you’ve used that have made you cum or literally anything that helps get you there? Help a sister out, please!
I have masturbated with my fingers, inserted them inside of myself and rubbed my clit- most of the time at the same time. I’ve also used your average vibrator with clit stimulator.
Ladies, how do you make yourself cum?
Ladies does a guys cumshot turn you on? GIRLS ONLY!
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Sounds extremely frustrating. Could be that you are not in the right mindset and relaxed enough. But what you really need is a woman who knows what she's doing to talk to you, because a woman will definitely be able to relate more. I really hope you can find that orgasm you are looking for.
Your response is somewhat helpful! I do wish somebody had a magic tip that would make me gush though
I'm sure you implement a fantasy as you try to pleasure yourself right? Because it sounds more like a potential emotional block than a physical one.
Sorry to hear that you're still having issues reaching orgasm.
I appreciate that. I’m trying to address it now and hopefully be unblocked and open to orgasm soon
Some girls can’t orgasm, but do what you did in your update will work
I actually don't orgasm from my own self play. I do require penetration via a penis to actually get off it seems May want to say what you have or haven't used toy wise, no point in anyone recommending toys if you've already used them
Great point! I’ve added what I’ve done so far
Not much help with toys, but I did a quick google and maybe this article could help? 37 tips to increase pleasure in female masturbation, might help! www.netdoctor.co.uk/.../
I think your clitoris should be overstimulated. Of course women know best.
@polkadotshorties have you ever had sex?
Yes I have, many rimes, but have never cum that way either. Everything feels incredible but I never climax or cum
I think you need to be fucked for a long time. Sex shouldn't end after a man ejaculates. women reach their peak late in sex. that's why you need to fuck for a long time. or find a man who can fuck you for a very long time. When he ejaculates, he will continue to fuck you. or be with multiple men at the same time. when one of them ejaculates, let him get out of his cunt and the other continues immediately without wasting any time. You get ejaculated when you're fucked for that long.
@polkadotshorties You can also have sex with a black man. niggas' dicks get pretty big. can empty you
Sounds like in your case it’s more mental and you are blocking your brain
I have masturbated but have never cum
What works best for you clit stimulation or vaginal stimulation?
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Despite having a standard number of notches on my belt for a man in his early twenties, I have never actually cum as a result of any external assistance—not even once. If I meet you in a bar and you decide on coming home with me, you can jack me off, suck my dick, ride me like a bitch in heat, or even stick it in your pooper, and I can guarantee that you won’t shake so much as a thimbleful of effluvia from my impressively sized yet pervasively stubborn manhood. You might give me blue balls, but that’s cool—I can take care of that once you’re safely in your cab and I have the place to myself again. It’s almost worth getting vasocongestion for the slow-release pleasure of alleviating the pain by blowing a load; think putting an ice pack on deep bruising or an explosion in reverse.
I have had professional insights regarding this sexual malady but no confirmed diagnosis as of yet—despite my efforts during research, there is no set medical term for someone who can’t get off through fucking or foreplay. “Autosexual” is the closest definition I can find, and even that doesn’t cut it, as it describes a person who can only enjoy their own touch. I love having sex for the excitement and spectacle of tearing somebody’s clothes off and obliterating the outside world for an hour or two, ravishing them while watching their eyes roll back like a pillhead during a triple-dose climax. But I can’t cum. Truth be told, I can barely even feel anything—enough to keep a hard-on most of the time, but essentially having sex with me will be all about you, whether I like it or not. As it happens, I’ve learned to like it; in fact, it’s probably one of the few areas in life where I’m genuinely unselfish.
During cognitive behavioral therapy for my OCD (yeah, I actually have it, I’m not one of those attention-seeking dipshits who thinks that liking your sandwiches with the crusts cut off is a serious psychological disorder), my therapist told me that this inability to erupt was likely the result of overthinking. I disagreed; sure, like anybody else after a few weeks of fucking someone I become familiar with their body and find room to let my mind wander. But the first time we do it, my head—along with the rest of me—will be fully in the moment and I will melt into the act in such a way that time disappears and reality takes a sidestep, reappearing only once you’re flushed in the face and breathless and I’m sitting there thinking, “Holy shit, I can’t wait until she leaves so I can ruin a couple of Kleenex.”
I wonder if there’s a support group for people like me, but I doubt it. The whole thing would probably just descend into one big fruitless orgy, and I have a hard enough time with just one other person in the room.
An ex of mine became so frustrated at what she perceived to be her own shortcomings (heh) that she’d encourage me to masturbate in front of her, working myself to the moment of truth and then blasting her right in the face. I’d lie there on the sofa, strumming away at my member while thinking about virtually anybody besides her (no disrespect to the girl, but come on, you’re right there ), and after what seemed like an eternity I’d hit pay dirt and give her an alkaline facemask. The whole thing was kind of sweet in a sweaty and bizarre kind of way, but I couldn’t recreate it inside of her. Who knows? Maybe I’m gay, though my total lack of interest in exploring that possibility undermines the idea somewhat.
Friends have told me that I just need to find the right person, though as previously stated I’ve sampled a decent assortment of female genitalia and I can’t quite imagine what it is they have in mind. Who is this magical woman that they’re thinking of? Does she have four independently flexible pussies that sing encouragement like a barbershop quartet? Does she lactate liquid epimedium and sweat psilocybin from every pore? Are her tits so magnificently pert and symmetrical that a man could shoot his wad just by looking at them?
In my mind she’s something between a blue-skinned Hindu goddess and a Latin American porn star, but I’m unlikely to find such a specimen in Stratford Westfield; the closest thing available there are some of the better-looking Muslim women, and I have enough problems in my life without having a fatwa issued against me.
No, it looks like sex will remain a Sisyphean struggle for me where cumming is concerned. I’ve learned to accept the fact, as there’s little I can do about it short of consulting a sex expert (and those people give me the willies; I’m not the first person to notice that they’re always the most unsexy people to look at), but nevertheless I soldier on, drifting between women as I search for the Liszt of lady lovers, one who can orchestrate my orgasm and bring my body to a natural crescendo.
If you’re a guy with similar issues then you should try not to feel too bad, because you’re definitely not alone. If you’re a woman, don’t beat yourself up either, because it isn’t your fault that you aren’t cutting the proverbial mustard—that is, unless you’re deliberately withholding his orgasm through some sinister desire to cause him pain and frustration, in which case you should be tried for crimes against humanity and forced to jack off circus clowns until you’re waist-deep in multicolored semen.
Holy shit, I think I feel my dick twitching; time to go and take care of business.
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