I Am Not Mature Yet

I Am Not Mature Yet


Чиаки - студентка, разочаровавшаяся в любви, стремится поскорее уехать из дома и начать жить самостоятельной жизнью из-за плохих взаимоотношений со своей мачехой. Она подрабатывает в хостесс-баре, чтобы накопить денег на переезд. Однажды во время работы девушка встречает свою первую любовь - Хая-куна...

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In adopting these attitudes and practices, a parent will accomplish a large part of educating a child for responsibility. And yet, example alone is not enough. A sense of responsibility is attained by each child through his or her own efforts and experience. While the parents' example creates the favorable attitude and climate for learning, specific experiences consolidate the learning to make it part of the child's character. Therefore, it is important to give specific responsibilities to children matched to their different levels of maturity. In most homes children present problems, but parents find the solutions. If children are to mature, they must be given the opportunity to solve their own problems. — Haim G. Ginott
She was intelligent enough to realize that her excitement was childish, but not mature enough to care. — China Mieville
Some people should never be told truth. Their stomachs are not mature enough for that type of food — Bangambiki Habyarimana
I don't think I could ever live with either a man or a woman for a long time. Male and female are attractive to my mind, but when it comes to the sexual act I am afraid. In every situation I need a lot of stimulation before I am conquered by the forces of passion and lust. But confusion, before and after, is the dominant factor.
I dreamed many times about a mature man with experience who would have the vigour of a boy but an adult's polished methods. Strangely enough, I also dreamed about women of my mother's age who were ideal lovers. These dreams came superimposed on one another. Sometimes the masculine element was dominant, sometimes the feminine one. At other times I wasn't sure. I saw a female body with male organs or a male body with female ones. These pictures, blended together in my mind, occasionally brought pleasure but more often pain. — Adam Thirlwell
Actually believe in your potential. You spend all day and all night daydreaming and sometimes talking to yourself... out loud, which people can see by the way so maybe consider stopping that, about all the things you wish you could be and do, but instead you doubt yourself and say its impossible, and instead of following your unrealistic dreams, you should accept that you're an average person that will never get lucky and should just do what the world seems to have laid out for you like.. study law at University.
That's not gonna go down well, just trust me there. You are a horrific procrastinator and one day you will just mature enough to look past what you have been told about the world, and decide to take it into your own hands, and that will finally make you happy. — Dan Howell
When I was 13, I looked like I could play 16, and I wasn't mature enough to play 16. — Hailee Steinfeld
I was on the point of saying something about the power of positive thinking, but anyone who's reached the age of thirty ought to know at a glance when something is irredeemably fucked, and be mature enough to admit it. — Eileen Curtright
The way to live a long time - oh, a thousand years or more - is something between the way a child does it and the way a mature man does it. Give the future enough thought to be ready for it - but don't worry about it. Live each day as if you were to die next sunrise. Then face each sunrise as a fresh creation and live for it, joyously. And never think about the past. No regrets, ever. — Robert A. Heinlein
Life was all about choices. You chose what to make out of what you had. And I wasn't going to let it make me its bitch. I could be a mature adult who knew her limits. I could be a good person. Maybe not all the time, but enough. — Mariana Zapata
Life isn't static, and sometimes, we don't realize the value of knowledge or even of people, until farther down the track, when we're mature enough to truly understand. — Nalini Singh
been deemed old enough to contribute to the family's livelihood by taking on chores more suited to a man. He had been a little nervous the first time his father had sent him out to watch the flock alone, but his pride at being given such an important task had kept him from admitting to his fear. That was a year gone now, and tending the flock seemed a much less daunting task now. At thirteen he was just beginning to grow into a larger frame, and he felt much more mature. In fact, on days — Michael G. Manning
Until we mature enough to understand that God uses everything for good in our lives, we harbor resentment toward God over our appearance, background, unanswered prayers, past hurts, and other things we would change if we were God. People often blame God for hurts caused by others. This creates what William Backus calls your hidden rift with God. — Rick Warren
The right loved one will fill up your life like the final puzzle piece that makes it all complete. You feel it when you meet them. Or sometimes if you aren't mature enough or wise enough, it can take time to discover that they are the right one. Once your jigsaw puzzle is complete, the rest are often just extra pieces. — Kate McGahan
She knew Neal loved her.
Good for him for realizing it wasn't enough to make him happy. That was very mature of him. He was probably saving them both a lot of heartache. — Rainbow Rowell
You are your child's keeper until she's mature enough to keep herself. — Laura Ramirez
Maturity is humility. It is being big enough to say, "I was wrong." And, when he/she is right, the mature person need not experience the satisfaction of saying, "I told you so." — Ann Landers
And when you find love, or when you are mature enough to understand it, the feeling you get is gratitude. — Donald Miller
I wasn't a kid when I came out. Soulja Boy was 16. I'm saying that when he came out he was a kid so it was naturally a show for him. It's not about the music right away. It's a show for him. Not that he's not putting enough effort into his music, but how much effort can a 16 year old put into his music because as you mature and get older even the songs he's doing now has evolved and he's looking back. — Nelly
My take is you "should" become a parent if and when you're ready for it! Could be when you're twenty or when you're forty. I don't think age really matters if you are mature enough and have enough love within you. — Hannah Sullivan
In other words, Hitler's soul life was not mature enough at that moment to maintain an awareness of himself and his surroundings when this alien entity entered him. During the following six months during a series of irregular meetings and discussions with Hitler, Walter Stein was to witness a maturing soul development in this enigmatic character through which he became more and more a conscious and responsive tool of the world-shattering purposes of the demonic Spirit which overshadowed him. 'I move like a sleep-walker where Providence dictates,' said Adolf Hitler at a press interview. — Trevor Ravenscroft
You Have To Be Mature Enough For A Kid Inside You! — Sundeep Lal
This man was gorgeous. I'm mentioning this because women live their lives secretly waiting for their lives to become movies. We act like men are the ones shallow enough to desire an unending stream of beautiful women but really, if a charismatic narcissist beautiful bad boy man actually desires us, seems to choose us, we go to pieces. We suddenly feel like we are finally in that movie rather than a life. Just what we always wanted. To be chosen by the best looking man in the room. Rhett Butler. Even though we are of course smarter and more mature and more together than to ever want that. Or admit it. — Lidia Yuknavitch
We still talk in terms of conquest. We still haven't become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe. — Rachel Carson
Immanuel Kant believed that we humans, because we are so emotionally complex, go through two puberties in life. The first puberty is when our bodies become mature enough for sex; the second puberty is when our minds becomes mature enough for sex. — Elizabeth Gilbert
A dog, for me, it's not just getting a dog. I couldn't leave him at home. I'm looking for a life partner and I'm not ready. I'm not emotionally mature enough. — Zac Efron
Invalidating a woman's life choices by saying things like, "Oh, but you'll regret it if you don't have kids," or, "I didn't think I wanted kids either until I had one," is like me going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and telling the newly sober that eventually when they grow old, they'll want to take the edge off with a little gin and tonic and that if they could only just be mature enough to control themselves, they could go on a fun wine-tasting tour in the Napa Valley. — Jen Kirkman
The very young woman can be charming and delightful and pretty but only a mature woman can be beautiful; and only a mature man can be strong enough to be tender. — Madeleine L'Engle
Children are not always mature enough to follow advice but often learn from the example of others. — Brian Michael Good
Turn off your computer and go out of doors. Dig a large enough hole to transplant a mature apple tree. Nurture the tree, feed it, coddle it so that its fruit will be ample, bright and firm. Practice open-hand strikes against the rough bark of the trunk until it's time to harvest. Choose the champion of your apple crop, pluck it from the tree, and beat yourself about the face and tits with it until your mettle will suffice. — Nick Offerman
I suppose that's the reason I believe that as long as there is someone in charge of the household, someone who can maintain order among its members, someone who is clearly mature and established as a person, someone, in other words, like my mother, then eventually all who live under the same roof, despite blood ties or lineage, will at one point become family. Such a simple idea, but one that took a while for me to catch on to.

Oh, and another thing.

If the same people don't spend enough time in a home, even if they are connected by blood, their bonds will slowly fade away like a familiar landscape. — Banana Yoshimoto
I think a Moon base is not necessary to get to Mars, but I think it will be helpful. It would give you a chance to develop and mature some systems; long duration, deep space stuff; and you're close enough to get some help, via radio from Earth. — Charles Duke
I do not love.
Love is only for women who are complete.
I cannot love while my heart lacks safety and in my wallet there is enough money to pay for a loaf of bread.
I cannot kiss you while I am thinking of the house rent and the electricity bills.
I cannot behave as a mature woman who can exchange with you phrases of love while my childhood is not yet complete.
This is an unfair compromise for safety and for existence.
We only call it love to preserve our dignity. — Jihad Eltabey
I remember loving 'Braveheart,' and I still do! It was one of those films my family had on video and we watched over and over again."
Author: Rose Leslie
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I Am Not Mature Yet

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