I Am Laurie. How Bipolar Disorder Altered My Life 🧬

I Am Laurie. How Bipolar Disorder Altered My Life 🧬

👓 Laurie Johnson
I Am Laurie. How Bipolar Disorder Altered My Life 🧬

I Am Laurie. How Bipolar Disorder Altered My Life 🧬

✅ I realized after my diagnosis four 4️⃣ years ago that having bipolar disorder does not ❌️ define who I am as a person 👤. For close to three 3️⃣ decades, I battled an unknown adversary, believing I was just sinning because I wasn’t choosing happiness. The story is composed of trials from my life 🧬, including a turbulent relationship; hopelessness and ➕ thoughts 💭 of suicide; the abandonment of my Olympic dream; the death 💀 of a son in my arms from a genetic disorder; the early end 🔚 to my teaching career; and ➕ the suicide of my nephew. I can 🥫 now see 👀 how my undiagnosed bipolar disorder affected my decision-making 🛠️ ability, my relationships, my joy 😂, and ➕ the goals 🥍 I once 🔂 had for my life 🧬. It is a story of triumph 😤 in the face 😀 of adversity, one 1️⃣ that tells 🗣️ how God has given ⬅️🎁 me 👤⬅️ a meaningful life 🧬 even though things haven’t turned out how I originally envisioned.


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