Hypnotize Wife

Hypnotize Wife


Hypnotize Wife

How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation

MLA Style Citation:

Frosten, Steven "How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation."
How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation .
24 Feb. 2009 EzineArticles.com.
9 Jul. 2022 < http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­to-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­Through-­a-­Casual-­Conversation&id=2034832 >.

APA Style Citation:

Frosten, S. (2009, February 24). How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation .
Retrieved July 9, 2022, from http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­to-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­Through-­a-­Casual-­Conversation&id=2034832

Chicago Style Citation:

Frosten, Steven "How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation." How to Hypnotize Your Wife Through a Casual Conversation
EzineArticles.com . http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­to-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­Through-­a-­Casual-­Conversation&id=2034832

Steven Frosten  |  

Submitted On February 24, 2009

Most married couples have a blissful year when they first get married. After some time, both man and wife would start to annoy each other from their everyday actions. Even simple act of watching television together can end up in a silly argument. She may want to watch the latest drama while you want to watch a golf tournament. Both would be fighting to get control on the remote. There is a better way to overcome such situation. As a man, you can learn to hypnotize your wife through your casual conversation to influence her to share your interest. Some may balk at the idea while others may consider it as a form of effective communication. This article will share with you some proven ways to hypnotize someone.
Both you and your wife got married for a reason. You are in love and want to share the rest of your life together. Your wife has a natural affection for you and subconsciously she wants to make you happy. You can use hypnosis to use that as a basis to work on. In actual fact, you are helping her to realize her inner desire.
Begin by creating a safe a trusting environment
Hypnosis works in a safe and serene situation. You can start by having a casual conversation with your wife on various topics. Get her to talk about her day with the goal of making her feel good. We know that women like to talk. Have a meaningful conversation with your wife to get her into a desired state of mind.
Using quotation as a form of suggestion
When your wife is in a good mood, she is relaxed and her subconscious mind is more susceptible to suggestion. You can input powerful suggestion into her mind in the form of quote. For example, when you are in the middle of a conversation, you can say "I had lunch with Kenny this afternoon; he told me how he loves to play golf on the weekend". After that, you should continue talking as usual to avoid her suspicion. The next step is to repeat the same suggestion. After a few times, your wife will start to develop some interest in golf without realizing why. When that happens, both you and your wife can now watch the same golf channel together happily.
Steven Frosten is a communication enthusiast and he writes about the art of conversational hypnosis on his blog. Do you want to know how to hypnotize someone without them even realizing it? If you do, check out the Underground Hypnosis program and learn step-by-step the skill of a master hypnotist. For a comprehensive review of Underground Hypnosis [http://www.constanthypnosis.com], go to [http://www.constanthypnosis.com]
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Everything You Need to Be Your Best Man
January 29, 2014 by Dr. P 4 Comments
*Editor’s Note: I asked him if a woman could be seduced through the use of hypnosis and Dr. P. said he didn’t know. So I did some research, purchased a hypnosis program, and the Doctor and I studied the program.
The Doctor and I were smart enough to each keep a journal as to our results. But because I don’t hide my identity, there’s no way in hell I’m putting my journal entries online. But due to the fact I’m keeping the Doctor’s identity a secret, he’s totally fine with me posting his journal entries.
Everything the Doctor has written is word-for-word. Though I did edit any spelling and grammatical mistakes. Also, the names of anyone mentioned in the journal have been changed (with the exception of me).
And without hesitation, I’m excited to bring you The Journal of Dr. Pleasure….
Karl purchased the program tonight. It’s called Power of Conversational Hypnosis. The good news is it’s a digital download, so K-dawg sent me the program’s username and password. There’s a lot of content to this program. Around 18 hours of audio and extras to be exact. I feel like I’m in college again.
I should mention that this experience began when Karl asked me if a woman could be hypnotized into seduction. Due to my profession, I’m asked a million questions a day, but this is something I didn’t have an answer to. And when I sat there and considered his question, I think we both knew how great of a question it really is.
The guys began throwing hypothetical questions out there… really cool things they wish hypnosis could actually do. I’ll try to list them—the ones I can remember… using hypnosis we want to:
-Get someone who hates you to like you
-Get the hospital to give me a raise
-Have an employee at Best Buy to give me a ridiculous deal on electronics
-Dave had a great idea: to go in front of the assessment board and to hypnotize them into lowering his property taxes
-Enter new social circles and move to the top
-Take any situation I’m unhappy with and have someone do whatever it takes to fix it for me
I’m very excited. I’ve browsed the program and will work hard to master this. Karl is as competitive as I am, so I know I’m going to need to take this seriously or else I won’t hear the end of it.
I didn’t have a chance to journal yesterday. I was too into the program. I got home from work yesterday evening after swimming some laps at the pool and then went straight into the program . I spent all of today studying the program . I am hooked. This is fascinating stuff.
What’s really interesting is that a person can not only hypnotize another person (or people), but they also have the power to hypnotize themselves. I made it a point to not attempt any techniques until I’m completely finished with the program. But I do want to see if I can hypnotize myself into no longer being afraid of dogs. If that can be done, I’ll be a true believer.
So exhausted! I thought today would never end! But the good news is I’m finished with the program . I was supposed to meet with Karl, but am way too tired and behind with other things I need to do. I promised to meet him tomorrow. We want to strategize and see what we can do with this stuff. I’m too tired… got to go to sleep… right now. Don’t need to hypnotize myself for that!
I feel so much better now! I slept like a king. I met with Karl and we talked for roughly three hours tonight. This is going to be a fun experience, that’s for sure! We decided to make a list of ridiculous hypnosis tasks, list them individually on a sheet of paper, and put them in a hat.
And before we go out, we must pull three tasks out of the hat and attempt to perform each of the three hypnosis tasks that night.
I wasn’t much help in making the list. But the majority of the tasks deal with attracting women or getting someone to do something super random—one of the tasks I mentioned is to get someone to give their watch to the hypnotist. Nerdy, I know. But there were much crazier ones. Much crazier. Like how to hypnotize a woman to do anything….
…We’re going out tomorrow night. I’m actually very excited. I hope this works, but even if it doesn’t, it will be good for a whole lot of laughs. …
…Let me start off by saying holy fuck! Last night was one of the best nights ever. SO MUCH HAPPENED. I need to start from the beginning. We met at Dave’s house to pregame. The three tasks I pulled from the hat were:
-Get someone to apologize to the bartender for blowing a fart.
-Get a woman to grind on the creepiest guy at the bar
-Get a DJ to play The Chicken Dance
– Get free drinks from a waitress or bartender
I should probably just start with the fart. I wanted to choose a guy to hypnotize for this one, but David tells us it should be an attractive woman. Oh, great!
And before I have a chance to respond, Karl runs over to a group of girls and says something, and this beautiful 20-something brunette woman immediately glares at me and then flicks me off, mouthing the words “Fuck you!”
Karl waves me over and the girl stands up and practically yells in my ear, and I feel the spit from her mouth as she shouts, “What the fuck are you doing telling your friend I farted? That’s totally fucking rude.”
And there’s Karl smiling at me like the punk pal he is. I turn back to the woman and she says, “You’re a fucking asshole.” Then she looks around and adds, “I want to get one of my guys to beat your ugly ass!”
I look at this girl’s face for any sense of her smiling or lightening the mood, but to put it mildly, she’s not happy. She’s a bitch. So I looked straight into her eyes—thought for a moment—and did everything the program taught me to do.
So I cleared my throat, looked deep into her beautiful bitch eyes, and made the suggestion, telling her she needed to apologize to me for farting, and then apologize to the bartender.
“I’m sorry for farting.” she said, not breaking eye contact. In unison, with the exception of this bitch girl, everyone’s face dropped—mine, Karl’s, our friends, her friends. And then I look over to see bitch girl in the bartender’s ear. The guy listens to her, and instantly laughs so hard he slams the bottle of beer he’s holding down on the bar, causing it to fizz over.
The bartender laughs so hard he’s almost crying, and then a female bartender comes over to see what’s so funny. And the bitch girl calmly tells her, “I’m sorry for farting,” and the female bartender—clearly caught off guard— grins, shakes her head, and walks away to serve a customer across the bar.
And then I remembered… I wasn’t done yet. And so I made the suggestion (which is a nice way of saying I commanded…) for bitch girl to walk over to a guy and grind on him. And as the piece of paper noted, it was the creepiest guy around—maybe not in the entire bar—but in the area we were situated at.
He was around the age of 50, had a grayish moustache, and was wearing a hunting hat. The guy was definitely out of place. He was alone at the bar and hunched over his seat, drinking a beer.
My mouth again dropped as she makes a bee-line over to the guy and started dancing on him. The guy quickly turned, as if he was shocked, yet agitated. And when he realized it was a good-looking woman, there was a few seconds of him just staring at her. And then he looks at all of us. It’s as if he was trying to figure out if this was a joke or not.
So the guy turns to face her, and she’s dancing, and by this time, half the bar is watching this. And Karl and some of our other friends run over to me and Karl says, “I don’t fucking believe this!”
Then Karl says, “I’ll be right back!” and I watch in complete shock as the creepy guy has his hands all over the chick.
And I decide to do the unthinkable…
…And it might have been a bit much. But I knew if it actually worked, this hypnosis thing would be for real. Maybe I was just drunk off the power?
I walked over to the creepy guy and smile. He gives me a faint smile and turns his attention back toward hot bitch, as she’s still grinding on him. And I whispered the final command into her ear…
…For her to take off her bra and give it to me . She stops dancing and I add for her to remove her bra while dancing on the creepy guy (yet I didn’t call him creepy in the command), and…
…Karl suddenly rushes over with two drinks and hands me them both, saying, “I didn’t even pay for these! I got the bartender chick to give them to me!” And then we all watch as the bitch girl pulls her tank top off over her head…
Everyone in the bar began cheering. And I swear, the creepy guy’s eyes were bugging out of his head.
And next, everything was slow motion. Because the girl begins to unstrap her bra, and one of her friends rushes over to try and stop her, but bitch girl shrugs her friend off and slides out of that bra…
…And then she slides the bra down her arms and off completely, unveiling a pair of breasts that are either fake or naturally perfect.
And she holds the bra up for me to take so I approach her…
And what happens next is pure comedy gold. I wish I had it all on video tape. Because the creepy guy gives me a huge grin when I hand him the drink…
…and the bitch chick grabs her drink and dumps it over her bare breasts as she dances.
Everyone cheers as her nipples grow hard from the icy drink. I then take her bra and stuff it in the pocket of my pants as numerous people cheer. I put my hands above my head to signal triumph.
At that point, bitch girl’s friends swarm her, grab her tank top from the floor, and get her in the corner. They dress her, and one of the girls comes over to me, puts her hand out and says, “May I please have my friend’s bra back?” And I give it to her.
And pretty much right then and there, The Chicken Song starts playing.
Gee, I wonder how that happened? KARL!
And Karl hurries over to the creepy guy and says something, and moments later, the guy is grooving over to the dance floor, a hop in his step, and he’s dancing the chicken dance with a drink in his hand.
And Karl says in my ear, “I know I was supposed to hypnotize a valet to dance, but there’s no valet here, so I did the next best thing!”
And before long, the dance floor was full of people—mainly women—dancing the chicken dance with this guy. It blew my fucking mind.
I can do anything with hypnosis, including making a night like tonight a great one—for both me and my friends—and for a random creepy guy.
‘Dave’, Me and Karl That Very Night!
*Editor’s Note: There’s MUCH more in the world of journal entries, and to be frank, today’s post is the tame stuff. But I figured in the event I post more in the future, I definitely wanted to make Dr. Pleasure’s identity a secret.
Comment and let me know if you would like to read more. And if there’s enough interest, I’ll post more.
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Dr. P is a Los Angeles native. When he's not prescribing drugs or sewing stitches, he enjoys surfing, reading and going to concerts.
This article really makes me want to learn hypnosis, yup I’m gonna do it. But first, I have to learn to stop procrastinating, lol, hahahaha!
You can learn hypnosis & then hypnotize yourself to not procrastinate!
I looked up this article because I think I had this happen to me the other night. It was really odd. I ended up covering his eyes to break the spell then immediately turned around and walked away. I’m pretty sure he knew exactly what he was doing! Creep.
Very interesting. And how did you feel as the ‘spell’ was taking effect?
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Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion

MLA Style Citation:

Segal, Vincent "Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion."
Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion .
30 Nov. 2008 EzineArticles.com.
9 Jul. 2022 < http://ezinearticles.com/?Secretly-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­to-­Share-­Your-­Passion&id=1742855 >.

APA Style Citation:

Segal, V. (2008, November 30). Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion .
Retrieved July 9, 2022, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Secretly-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­to-­Share-­Your-­Passion&id=1742855

Chicago Style Citation:

Segal, Vincent "Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion." Secretly Hypnotize Your Wife to Share Your Passion
EzineArticles.com . http://ezinearticles.com/?Secretly-­Hypnotize-­Your-­Wife-­to-­Share-­Your-­Passion&id=1742855

Vincent Segal  |  

Submitted On November 30, 2008

I used to have an argument with my wife whenever I wanted to watch a soccer match; she wanted to watch reality shows. You might have experienced similar problem and using hypnosis can help you overcome such problems. Reading this article you will learn how to secretly hypnotize your wife to share your passion, so you will never have such problems again later in the future.
In order for hypnosis to become successful, the subject in question must have a desire even though they may not realize it to do something you will ask them to do. Your wife of course has a desire to make you happy; therefore hypnosis can be successful referring to this basis.
Whenever you want to perform hypnosis you must start with comfort first, comfort means making the subject of your hypnosis to trust and feel comfortable with you. To do this with your wife you can start with normal conversation in various topics, having her to have a good mood.
I want you to be aware with a kind of words she uses repetitively, and mimic her repetitive words in your conversation. Maybe your wife likes to say "awesome" or "beautiful" often. This stage is when you will disengage her logical mind.
Quote is so powerful yet so simple to use in the art of hypnosis. The basis of using quote goes like this, after your wife has a good mood, you start making embedded suggestion throughout your story using other people's name. For example "my friend came to me yesterday, he said how much he loves football".
After that suggestion you should back again to normal story as to avoid her suspicion. And later do suggestion again several times. After a couple of times your wife will start to share your passion.
To learn more about how to secretly hypnotize your wife to share your passions visit: http://www.squidoo.com/conversational-hypnosis-igor-ledochowski
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Sean hails from Southern Oregon. He likes to explore the science of thought and physical matter.
Do you want to learn how to hypnotize someone in just five seconds? Well, before we begin, let me tell you . . . I wrestled back and forth with myself about writing this article. I didn't feel right giving out this information to the public, but when I saw videos on other sites detailing the following simple yet very powerful suggestive hypnotic method, I changed my mind.
I decided to go ahead with teaching the public how to place a subject into trance by hypnotic induction. However, I am urging you to please share this tool in a safe and responsible way. In this article, we will cover the following tips for beginners who are interested in hypnosis:
The following techniques are used as part of stage hypnosis. It is important to note that stage hypnotism is different from clinical hypnotherapy which is detailed below. I believe that if you are going to use hypnosis, it must be used responsibly. You and you alone are responsible for the safety of your subject when you have them in a trance-like state.
I am not a trained hypnotist nor am I a licensed practitioner of this practice. All the information I
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