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Hypno Hub is the #1 free online resource for everything you need to know about hypnosis.
We have detailed guides about how you can utilize hypnosis and therapy to help with a variety of problems.
We have articles about anything you might have questions about – from information about safety, careers, and anything else you might think of.
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August 3, 2021 July 19, 2021 by Randy Charach

Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links on this website are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. We link to these companies and rank their products based on their quality and not because of the commission we receive from your purchases. While you will pay the regular price, the commission we receive helps us to fund more content and cover server costs.

Many may question whether or not people are able to reach an orgasm hands-free, simply through the voice of a hypnotist from a video. We are here to tell you that erotic hypnosis is real, and some can achieve the most intense orgasms in this state of mind. With sex typically being physical play and sensations, erotic hypnosis brings about a large number of skeptics.
Contrary to popular belief, sex and orgasms are stimulated by the pleasure sensations in our brain rather than the body. Erotic hypnosis may seem like a questionable practice, but some people swear by this hands-free method of sexual arousal. 
When people think of hypnosis, they think of mind control through a soothing voice, swirly patterns on a screen, or a hypnotist that can snap you in and out of a trance state. Erotic hypnosis is somewhat a similar process, but the main goal is sexual pleasure , usually without the use of touch.
Typically, it involves a hypnotist guiding the user into a trance state, not to be confused with making someone fall asleep, to reach some sort of sexual goal.
The session can range from gay hypnosis , BDSM play, sissy hypnosis , to simply a relaxed state of mind. In this hypnotized state, a partner can suggest certain sexual behaviors or actions and even talk a person into a hands-free orgasm .
Agree on the terms – Since hypnosis involves being in a hypnotic or altered trance, it is important to first discuss the details and make sure the process is consensual. Not only does consent ensure a safe and agreeable hypnosis process, but it also helps to build trust and compliance. Hypnosis may not work the first few times, but sometimes it also just requires the right state of mind. Agreeing on the terms helps you completely relax and lay the groundwork for successful hypnosis.  
Hypnotic Induction – This step is where the hypnotist or partner puts the other person into the hypnotic state. There are many different types of erotic induction practices that can help to enhance the sexual experience. If you are trying erotic Hypno with a partner, it is important to familiarize yourself with the induction and perform it with confidence. This ensures that your partner will be more likely to submit to the induction and enter a deep state of mind. There are many videos you could watch in order to perform a successful induction.
There are also ways to enhance the trance state of the subject by using fractionation. This method brings the person in and out of the trance for a moment, which could deepen the relaxed state.
Implant suggestions: At this point during the session, the hypnotist or partner can talk to your subconscious mind and suggest commands. The session does not always involve sex or reaching an orgasm but generally does revolve around pleasure. For some people, erotic hypnotism allows for increased relaxation that can make an orgasm more likely.
For others, erotic hypnotism can be kinky and exciting to explore. Allowing a hypnotist or partner to hypnotize and tell you what to do adds an element of submissiveness and control. Similar to how BDSM can be erotic due to physical force, erotic hypnotism allows another person to have control through verbal commands.
While erotic hypnotism does not mean you will do everything they ask, it does make someone more open to certain suggestions, in this case, sexually. In this part of the session, the subject may keep their eyes closed, but they can remember the commands given during this time. This could allow you to command your partner to orgasm or other sexual goals.
Bring the person out of trance -In this state, the hypnotist or partner will guide you out of the trance state. Since Hypno will allow you to remember the implanted suggestions, the hypnotist or partner has the power to play with the post-hypnotic suggestions. The sexual goal is completely up to the partners, as erotic hypnosis can be incredibly different for everybody. While some people are drawn to the claim of hands-free orgasms from online videos, erotic hypnosis can enhance unique sensations or triggers that the person enjoys.
After finishing the Hypno session, it is important to discuss or even question what just happened. This way, the hypnosis can be improved to your liking, and you can bring up a new idea to try.
Absolutely. It is completely normal to struggle with hypnosis, but it is definitely something you can practice. Hypnosis, especially erotic hypnosis, can be extremely vulnerable. However, after letting yourself go and trusting in the process, with erotic hypnosis, anything can happen.
Erotic hypnosis can be so sexy since it involves mental domination . For some, submission can be a huge turn-on. There are so many different types of erotic hypnosis play that you can explore to enhance the link between you and a partner or if you just feel like spicing up your sex life.
Erotic hypnosis is not just about reaching orgasm through voice or hypnotism. There are countless other ways that erotic Hypno can enhance your sex life and open the door to new sensations you may like. Some examples of what erotic hypnosis can do include:
Erotic hypnosis does not only have to be between a licensed hypnotist and yourself. There are many different ways to practice erotic hypnotism between partners and by yourself. The most common ways are through audio files, video conference, phone calls, text, videos, and in person.
If you do not feel comfortable doing it with a hypnotist, you can find erotic hypnosis groups online to find play partners to try it out with. You can also learn different erotic hypnotism methods to try out different things your partner may like.
While some people say otherwise, hypnosis is absolutely real. Through hypnosis, a person can enter a trance state, which almost everyone has experienced. For example, have you ever zoned out driving and don’t remember certain periods of time? Being in a trance state through hypnotism is a similar process.
It happens naturally through increased relaxation, but in terms of erotic hypnotism, it is brought on through audio or video.
Some skeptics will say hypnosis is like magic and not something that is real, but through the study of the brain, hypnosis is proven to be real. The act of hypnotism leads a person to act according to what the hypnotist says through reaching the subconscious mind. They are able to reach this pliable state of mind by guiding the subject towards a calmer state.
Our brains typically run at a beta state, but through hypnosis, our brains can relax to a more related delta, alpha, or theta state where the subconscious lies. In this deeply relaxed state , the subject has lowered inhibition and may become more suggestible and receptive to new ideas and sensations.
This is due to increased activity in the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, which allows for the explorative subconscious to take over. As a result, critical reasoning and boundaries are lowered, allowing an open door to sexual exploration.
Not only does hypnosis allow for increased sexual stimulation and exploration, but it can also cause vivid hallucinations, uncovering suppressed memories, and much more. This biological effect of hypnosis leaves subjects in a perfect state of consciousness for increased pleasure and stimulation.
Hypnosis triggers can definitely wear off over time, as you are not able to keep someone in a trance state forever. The trance state or Hypno session can range anywhere from 20 minutes to hours long. The session can depend on what it is used for and what the subject may like. Since erotic hypnotism can be used for a range of sexual goals, including foreplay and reaching an orgasm, the duration of the session can differ drastically.
Hypnosis triggers will also likely wear off if the subject shifts their interest. Therefore, it is important to figure out what a subject likes through trial and discussion in order to have a more successful session.
Hypnosis is legal in all 50 states in the United States; however, it is important to check what each state says about hypnosis. Each state may have different laws regarding hypnosis.
As always, consent is the most important aspect of hypnotism since it is like a version of mind control. Especially with erotic hypnosis, it is crucial to do everything consensually since it involves sexual goals and sensations. While the hypnotized person may not agree to everything you say, it does make them more suggestible.
If you feel that your sex life is a bit stale or are into submissive and dominant roles, erotic hypnosis is something you may want to explore. Unlike BDSM, it involves less physical control and can still increase sexual stimulation and sensations. In addition, erotic hypnosis is completely safe, and you may find yourself exploring and bringing out a whole new side of yourself.

Porn Dude reviews the best porn sites of 2022. Find safe free porn sites & premium porn websites all sorted by quality!
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Solid execution of the Danbooru-style porn site Over 50,000 images all about hypnotized bitches Lots of SFW content No videos or other types of content
Find a better FREE hypnotized hentai imageboard than HYPNOHUB on ThePornDude !
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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.

Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized bitches getting fucked like it's going out of style.

You'll find all kinds of hentai girls with blank or hypnotized eyes, caught in a strange trance where they suddenly feel the need to get naked and head straight to the nearest cock. Of course, as men, we are only happy to oblige. It’s not my fault that the bitch can't control her own mind.

HypnoHub is a Danbooru-style board that caters especially to girls in trance-like states. Most of the images will have hypnotic imagery whether it's spirals, glazed eyes, lifeless bodies, or just hypnotism storylines. Mind control is a common theme where a bitch doesn't seem to have control over her own body.

Ever watch the Outer Limits episode where a big black dildo starts emitting smoke that makes Alyssa Milano suddenly need to take all the cocks in town? Well, you watch that shit and you're sure to develop a hypnotism fetish, trust me.

As a Danbooru style board, HypnoHub is all about the tags. Every image will have tons of tags, so you can do deep searches into your fetish. Why search for hypnotized cunt when you can search blond-haired hypnotized cunt? Now that's customization.

Since this site is more about hypnotism than porn, you'll find a lot of SFW images also. There's a lot of interesting pics about hypnotism like an anime scientist showing off his mind control helmet. Or a story of Tifa Lockheart getting hypnotized by Shinra to masturbate in front of the company headquarters.

As I said, this place goes beyond just porn, but is more about the mental shit with regards to hypnotized or mind-controlled girls.

There are also links to Posts, Comments, Tags, and Forum. A small arrow will lead you to a full menu page, that has all kinds of other options like sorting by popularity, browsing, history, Random, and more. You can even browse recently deleted content.

Whether you search or browse, the main body of the site will be the gallery. You’ll see a bunch of thumbnails for your search results, with popular tags to add to your search on the left. You’ll see some colors too, like purple text showing series title or green text being character names.

Hover your mouse over a thumbnail to see some basic information, including rating, tags, title, and uploader.

Click on an image to get to the main image viewer. You’ll see your pic or animated GIF, along with the comments below. At the bottom of the page, you can add your own too.

Along the left side of the page, you’ll get a bunch of stats on the pic including the source link, the image size, upload date, and what users favorited it. There are also download links, mod reporting, and more. If you want to quickly jump from pic to pic, you’ll see a Related Posts section where you can click Next or Previous image.

HypnoHub also has a forum, although it operates more like a Chan-style message board that updates based on the latest comment. Check out the Sticky threads, especially the “New To Hypnohub?” to get a quick overview on how to use this site. Hypnohub also has a Discord channel you can also find in the main links.

If you like this type of layout, check out the “Other Booru’s” section from the main links. You can find dedicated Danbooru-style boards for Rule 34, hentai, and more.

Include “animated_gif” in your tag for all the animations. These GIFs work great with the swirly eyes, creating a bizarre effect where you’re trying to fap to their pussy while not staring at their zany eyes. Don’t take too many drugs when you visit HypnoHub.

For such a specific fetish, a lot of the art is surprisingly high quality. I was expecting a ton of MSPaint shit drawn by amateurs for the sake of hypnotism, but I guess this niche is big enough to attract some serious artists.

The HypnoHub archives also have pics with stories. These little text stories will usually tell a hypnotism story to go along with the pic. There are also some comics here, although nothing long-running.

Sometimes I think this should be called eye fetish instead of Hypno fetish. Most of the pics revolve around some kind of eye manipulation, like spiral eyes, glowing eyes, or symbols in eyes. You know you’re fapping too much when regular eyes just don’t do it anymore.

I’m a big fan of the style personally, and HypnoHub doesn’t fuck it up in any major way. I love that the tags are color-coded, and usually, the tag list will be organized as such so you can quickly browse the characters, series, or tags all in one list.

HypnoHub also puts a lot of emphasis on femsub porn. Almost all of the porn adds female sub situations, whether it’s a harem of sex slaves or mental takeover of just one babe.

The content here blends a good amount of story with the actual pictures. The fetish is really mental-based, so the narrative is important to the fap more than traditional porn. You’ll find a lot of porn here that adds dialogue or story to give it a unique twist.

I saw a lot of porn that just looks like generic hentai, and the admins themselves admit that their guidelines for the content here are pretty loose.

HypnoHub also has a lot of images that aren’t necessarily porn. You’ll find plenty of clothed bitches here as well, especially when the focus is more on the mind control than the ass and titties. This is kind of annoying when I want to fap, but I do admit the images are categorized by NSFW content as well.

This type of site can also be awkward to use if you’re not used to it. New users will be turned off by the use of underscores for spaces, the strict rules that tags follow, and the fact that important features like blacklisting tags requires user registration.

HypnoHub also maintains strict rules against lolicon/shotacon. They are really sensitive about loli porn here as well as copyrighted content. Finally, HypnoHub will tolerate but not promote real women pictures, so you won’t find much of that here.

A lot of HypnoHub is about the feeling of dominating a woman’s mind, where a girl doesn’t even know how to say no let alone where she is.

There’s a dedicated staff at HypnoHub that works hard to maintain quality control and rule enforcement. Sometimes you’ll wonder why a pic or GIF got posted here since it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with hypnotism, but the general theme is maintained pretty well overall.

With mind regression, mind control, and all kinds of wacky-looking eyes, HypnoHub is sure to please the special few of you who are into this shit. For the rest of us, there are better places to find fap food, especially considering that a lot of these pics don’t even show tits or ass. To me, that is mental torture.

Porn Dude reviews the best porn sites of 2022. Find safe free porn sites & premium porn websites all sorted by quality!
Sorry, no results. See the current top searches
Solid execution of the Danbooru-style porn site Over 50,000 images all about hypnotized bitches Lots of SFW content No videos or other types of content
Find a better FREE hypnotized hentai imageboard than HYPNOHUB on ThePornDude !
Support PornDude and get t-shirts & other cool merch at PornDudeShop ! - now shipping worldwide
Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.

Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized bitches getting fucked like it's going out of style.

You'll find all kinds of hentai girls with blank or hypnotized eyes, caught in a strange trance where they suddenly feel the need to get naked and head straight to the nearest cock. Of course, as men, we are only happy to oblige. It’s not my fault that the bitch can't control her own m
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