Hypno Slave Story

Hypno Slave Story


Hypno Slave Story

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SmutMD: The World's Biggest Erotic Literature Search Engine.

by ShinyHypnoMaster01
on Mar 27, 2020

by evilenashypnoslave
on Sep 17, 2017

by pleasantlymanifest
on Sep 12, 2017

by pleasantlymanifest
on Sep 12, 2017

by Cerberus_ficwriter
on Feb 26, 2019


Part 5: Brenda
"I still don't understand?" Kyle said, desperation creeping into his voice. "What did I do wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong," Brenda told him. "I hate to be cliché, but it's not you it's me. Really. I just realized things about myself, things I know you can't handle."
"What do you mean?" asked Kyle.
Brenda put a hand up to Kyle's chee...

My name is John Doe. I attend college. And this is the story of how my life changed forever.
See,I was never popular with the ladies. I'm what you might call a nerd. I was a virgin at the time of this story. A 'dweeb',I guess you could say. But that all changed.
I was walking home from school one day when my sexy female bully,Eliza,and her friends,Veronica a...

Evilena -- Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance
Part Three -- Takedown
When Larry woke up he was sitting in a wooden chair, with his hands handcuffed behind him and secured to an eye bolt and clip attached to the sturdy chair. His legs were strapped to the uprights on the chair with thick leather straps. He glanced around the room and saw that it was...

Copyright (c) LrningDom All Rights Reserved
You were bored. Bored with life, with work, with being alone. You wanted thrills... passion... excitement.
You also wanted to fulfill your fantasies. Childhood fantasies of being hypnotized like people you saw on television. Teenage visions of wild sex, of being controlled and commanded, becoming the young gir...

Katie lay on the bathroom floor, letting her breathing settle.
I fucked Brenda. Holy shit, I fucked Brenda.
The rest of the night came flooding back quickly without her having to experience everything that happened over again. It had been a fuck fest. Threesome after threesome, the girls playing alone when Boratus needed to recover. When she remembered him...

Part 3: Brenda
The title of the video piqued Brenda's curiosity. "Hypno-slave Induction for Women." Her last boyfriend was an asshole. She stayed in that relationship far too long, despite almost every friend telling her to leave him. They couldn't understand why she put up with him telling her what to do like he owned her. He'd get angry and jealous when w...

Michael was a normal guy, he worked a 9-5 and was comfortably getting by. One day however he woke up with a strange ability. As the day progressed he realized he could control people's minds for how ever long he wanted. At this point he knew his destiny was no longer to work a 9-5 and be overlooked by everyone. From that day Michael set out to live life as b...

Prelude: I have the power to instantly hypnotize anyone at will. I will not touch upon the source of this power, instead, I will ask you, dear reader, to take it for granted. Perhaps it will be revealed in a future story, but not today!
Amy and I have been together for a few years now. We have some great chemistry together, we enjoy our conversations, spend...

You are Maggie. You grew up in a small town, you liked the people but hated the pace. As soon as you turned 18 you moved to the city and tried your hand at modelling. Oddly enough, it paid off. You're able to make quite the life for yourself, living the single girl's dream. On these trips you go for photoshoots you sometimes tend to shack up with some of the...

"So what do you two do for fun, then?" Minnie asked, her voice ever so slightly slurred by alcohol. She looked at the couple across from her, seated on the bed next to each other like teenagers at a slumber party. "If you know what I mean."
It had been that kind of night. They were only two days out from port, but already, Mark and Judy felt like they'd kno...

Veronica's three naked sex slaves stood in front of her own bare body. Their blank, almost emotionless eyes rarely blinking waiting for their next command. The smiles on the three mindless bodies' faces were almost haunting. Each of them with not much more intellegence or thought then a vibrating dildo. Soon, if Veronica's plan goes through, Jamie and Jim wo...

Some examples of the Items that might appear in the reality of your choice:
Ring of 3: A golden ring with three emeralds. When worn you can change a person through the use of a three word phrase. A person can only be changed three times before they are immune to further uses of the ring, however any transformations are then permanent.
Reality Remote: Alter r...

Summer Begins
Apologies for the long delay in presenting part 3, I hope it is worth the wait. Whilst I realise some readers would prefer just a mom-son story I find I easier and more interesting to include other characters, so sister Angie is in this episode too.
In the week following my return from university, my aunt had some kind of bad tummy bug and...

Authors Note:
Hey everyone, I thought I would try a comic book/superhero type story with my usual type of sexy fun in it as I am a bit of a geek and I love graphic novels. I'm not sure if this will continue or if it's a one off. But if enough requests come in to add to it, maybe I will add to it but no promises. It's a bit long but I love it and I hope you...

A beautiful woman walked into the walked into the dimmly lit bar. All eyes both male and female turned on her. She had chin-length blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, full lips, perfect nose. She had no make-up on because she didn't need it; she was a natural beauty. She had a black fur coat on not done up so everyone could see her low-cut velvet t-shirt which...

It would have been after that documentary. The one with a feature on online dominance-submission relationships on Fetlife. Because before that moment in time life had been so vanilla.
Marcus had been queer and had had a boyfriend or two... or three since turning 18. Well, hell, he'd been to the bathhouses since turning 20. He'd even gone as far as to create...

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. Jack was spending the afternoon with Amy, his girlfriend of 3 years, and Stacy, his friend's wife who was in town visiting and was over for lunch. Things were great with Amy, but Jack always had a secret desire for Stacy's perfectly shaped round ass. And on that particular day, she was wearing a reasonably conservative skirt...

Hypno Girl took a deep breath as she entered the seedy nightclub. Coming here was risky, but she felt confident that her mental powers would protect her from any threat. Besides, with Psionica battling the tentacle monsters on Alteron Five, Hypno Girl was the only available member of the Justice Society with the telepathic power to find Cosmic Girl and rescu...

Veronica heard the bathroom door close and the shower being turned on. When Veronica began to get dressed she heard foot steps coming upstairs. She quickly pulled up her black jeans and put on her bra. Then she picked up her blue velvet shirt off the floor and quickly pulled over her head.
"Hello?" Amanda called from the hallway. Veronica shook her head to...

Allura walked up to the woman at the cash register, placed her groceries on the conveyor, and noted the woman's gaze lingering on her milky white breasts. As her groceries were rung through, Allura began to experience a dampness between her thighs as she imagined what it would be like to have this woman's face buried in her crotch. The woman, of course, did...

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There is a lot more to SmutMD than you think!

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SmutMD: The World's Biggest Erotic Literature Search Engine.

by Sandman_Nightmares
on Sep 19, 2017

by evilenashypnoslave
on Sep 17, 2017


For submissive girls, BDSM Hypnotic-Erotica, Orgasm Inducing, Master/slave. To get the most out of this audio, be at a place to be nude, relaxed, quiet, and without distractions. You may fall into hypnosis, but if you don’t, not to worry, this is only one type of induction. Not all inductions work for all girls.
I welcome any comments, or desires for the n...

My name is Divina. I serve Goddess K. and Madam Vega. I am on a journey to become their perfect sissy girl, and a cuckold slave to Goddess K (who is my wife).
The following is a true story of an assignment given to me by Madame Vega, and carried out with Goddess K.
Assignment: Watch cuckold hypnosis video pornography, with my chastity cage locked and and...

Authors Note:
Hey everyone, I thought I would try a comic book/superhero type story with my usual type of sexy fun in it as I am a bit of a geek and I love graphic novels. I'm not sure if this will continue or if it's a one off. But if enough requests come in to add to it, maybe I will add to it but no promises. It's a bit long but I love it and I hope you...

Hypno Girl took a deep breath as she entered the seedy nightclub. Coming here was risky, but she felt confident that her mental powers would protect her from any threat. Besides, with Psionica battling the tentacle monsters on Alteron Five, Hypno Girl was the only available member of the Justice Society with the telepathic power to find Cosmic Girl and rescu...

Eri walked down the sidewalk towards the hair salon. She was early for her appointment today, but she figured that it was better than being late. She made sure to get her hair trimmed up every month just to keep her split ends from coming in. Of course, the fact that she had a little crush on her hair stylist may have had something to do with her regularity...

Copyright (c) LrningDom All Rights Reserved
You were bored. Bored with life, with work, with being alone. You wanted thrills... passion... excitement.
You also wanted to fulfill your fantasies. Childhood fantasies of being hypnotized like people you saw on television. Teenage visions of wild sex, of being controlled and commanded, becoming the young gir...

Katie lay on the bathroom floor, letting her breathing settle.
I fucked Brenda. Holy shit, I fucked Brenda.
The rest of the night came flooding back quickly without her having to experience everything that happened over again. It had been a fuck fest. Threesome after threesome, the girls playing alone when Boratus needed to recover. When she remembered him...

"Just who is this Futa-Girl???"
Jacqueline Rothstein, mayor of Gammaville, stood at the end of a conference table, visibly irate. Her advisors looked on as the young politician launched into a tirade, going off on Gammaville's newest superhero.
"This Futa-Girl is a menace!" Jacqueline screamed in a rage. "She claims to be a great superhero, but she just le...

(Welcome to my second ever story, inspired by Swallows999! I thank them for letting me play around with their concept. If you're curious about where my inspiration comes from, check out their story Humans and Homesteads, under the "The Cock Ring of... Magic Glory Holes?" chapters. I welcome and even encourage anyone and everyone to submit chapters,...

WIC, short for „Weekly Image Captions“, is a project I started this year to post an image caption each week. The characters, scenes and kinks are often different from piece to piece but there are some reoccurring themes like Timestop and Mind-Control, since these are my own favorite kinks.
Since March, it‘s possible to choose the character for an upcoming we...

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Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format. (6 min/mp3)
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"Oww... please, Daddy, may I please untie myself and take off the clothespins? They, like, hurt" Jenny whimpered.
Her owner's voice came over the computer speakers. "No, girl. Now recite your mantra again - stop! Do NOT close your thighs!"
Jenny whimpered and spread her k...

If you're not used to the trade show floors at tech conferences, you probably picture things like CES, with thousands of booths crowded with people. That's a huge show, and the trade floor is the focus. But smaller conferences usually have two or three dozen booths, and we're really all there for the panels. The trade show is where we go to kill time between...

Introduction: Merry Christmas, I'm back after over a year with a new story for you. This is a story I started over two years ago and I decided to finish it off. I've had a beginning for years, but it was short and lacked detail and I had no ending. 6 days straight of typing and tinkering with it I have a more detailed story and an ending, I hope you like it....

Part 5: Brenda
"I still don't understand?" Kyle said, desperation creeping into his voice. "What did I do wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong," Brenda told him. "I hate to be cliché, but it's not you it's me. Really. I just realized things about myself, things I know you can't handle."
"What do you mean?" asked Kyle.
Brenda put a hand up to Kyle's chee...

My name is Dan Clarke. I hate mind control porn - it's all stupidly fake. They bring women in, pretend to hypnotize them and instead, there's a bunch of bullshit and bad acting. I, however, had a different plan. I set up a studio of my own with excellent facilities, hired a crew and looked to be preparing to run a perfectly normal porn studio.
At first, that...

Evilena -- Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance
Part Three -- Takedown
When Larry woke up he was sitting in a wooden chair, with his hands handcuffed behind him and secured to an eye bolt and clip attached to the sturdy chair. His legs were strapped to the uprights on the chair with thick leather straps. He glanced around the room and saw that it was...

You're taken by surprise as a fairy appears in front of you while you're home alone.
"Hello dear human" she says. She's stunningly beautiful and has blonde hair.
"I've decided to make you my slave!"What's next?
Who are you?! What the hell do you want?
Nothing. You're enchanted by her beauty
What's next?
Who are you?! What the hel...

Michael was a normal guy, he worked a 9-5 and was comfortably getting by. One day however he woke up with a strange ability. As the day progressed he realized he could control people's minds for how ever long he wanted. At this point he knew his destiny was no longer to work a 9-5 and be overlooked by everyone. From that day Michael set out to live life as b...

Part 3: Brenda
The title of the video piqued Brenda's curiosity. "Hypno-slave Induction for Women." Her last boyfriend was an asshole. She stayed in that relationship far too long, despite almost every friend telling her to leave him. They couldn't understand why she put up with him telling her what to do like he owned her. He'd get angry and jealous when w...

This story is open, feel free to add on anything that you want.
Mind control and hypnosis are far from the weirdest in the Naruto universe, but they are about to become far more popular. Pick a character and send them on a journey to enthrall or be enthralled by the massive cast of the franchise. Genderbenders are A-Okay, and just about anything goes. The fi...

You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?

It was the morning of July 5th 2009 which was a Sunday and I had
just gotten back from trip to Cape Cod to watch the firework the day
before with my buddies and our girlfriends. They were amazing, and the
fireworks were pretty good too. I had dropped my girlfriend off at
home yesterday and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

I woke up at about 11 am and checked my cell phone for any missed
calls, text messages and emails to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
I wasn’t too surprised to see only junk email and nothing
important. Since I had nothing planned I texted my girlfriend to see
if she wanted to do anything but she just wanted to rest and read a
book of Her’s that she’s been reading. I then called around and all of
my buddies were too hung over and didn’t want to do anything either.
It was only noon time and I was already bored out of my mind.
I decided to surf the web for a little while and indulge some of my
fantasies. I secretly wished that a woman would just hypnotize me and
brainwash me into being her little play toy. It was a fantasy however
that I felt would never and could never happen. I felt that way
because for my 21st Birthday, back in ’01, my buddies and I went to a
hypnotist show I was picked to go on stage. I was excited but the
hypnotist failed to hypnotize me. I realized right then that I
couldn’t be hypnotized.
I always did like to go to those “HypnoDomme” websites though as
stare at the women and read the stories. I would even listen to the
MP3’s from time to time and jerk off to them. They never actually
hypnotized me though. After more than 8 years I was sure that nobody
would be able to hypnotize me and that it was safe to listen to all of
the MP3’s that these women put out. So that’s exactly what I would do
when I was bored and today was no different. Well that wasn’t exactly
Today I found a new website that I haven’t seen before. The woman
called herself Goddess Kay and she was stunningly pretty. She even had
“Warnings” posted on her website that said “Unless you fully consent
to and are completely willing to become my slave then turn back
now. From this point forward there is NO going back. If you chose to
proceed forward then you are admitting that you wish to become my
property. I WILL NOT be responsible for what happens to you or your
action thereafter. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!!!”
I’ll be honest, it made me laugh and I clicked on the button that
said “i submit myself to You Goddess” and then I was skimming through
her site. I was amazed at what I was seeing. She had a lot of pictures
of herself as well as ones of her “hypnotized slaves”. Some of them
were holding up signs proclaiming her as their Owner, Mistress,
Goddess and even Queen. I’ve seen the same type of photos on other
sites and just laughed at them. I finally found her MP3’s and started
reading the descriptions to see which ones I thought would turn me on
the most. She had about twenty MP3’s on her site and they all seemed
I was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the MP3’s on her site
were free. The shock was that the site was set up to only allow
someone to listen to the files in order and not to skip around. When I
tried to select one file it asked for the password that was provided
in the previous recording so I had to start at the first one and
figure out what the password was. I found that the first recording was
just an introduction to, and explanation of, her hypnosis
programs. She restated the same warnings that were on the home page of
her website and reassured me that the subsequent recordings would
start a process that could not be stopped or reversed. After that she
gave out a password to use on the next recording.
The voice on the recording was so sweet, smooth and sensual and I
thought that she had a great voice to masturbate to. The second MP3 in
her “brainwashing program” was titled “Basic Induction” and took me
about 5 minutes to download. When I went to play it I noticed that the
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