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About Hyperspermia

How it can affect fertility


“ Hyperspermia ”

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“ Rabbit testes ”

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“ Male anatomy ”

―by Elf Sternberg

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“ Sperms ”

―by Doruk Salanci

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Hyperspermia is a condition in which a male has an abnormally large ejaculate (or semen) volume. It is the opposite of hypospermia, and is generally defined in humans when the ejaculate is over 5.5 ml. 
This can be either caused by excessive production of sperm in the testicles (Pic. 1, 2), or by overproduction of seminal fluid by accessory sex glands. Hyperspermia can occur after long periods of sexual abstinence, which causes a build up of fluids. In this case, the ejaculate may contain greater proportion of dead or dysfunctional sperm, that are not capable of fertilizing the egg. If the volume of seminal fluid is significantly increased, it can lead to dilution of the sperm (Pic. 3) and lower chances of fertilization. However, if the amount of sperm is proportional to the amount of semen, hyperpermia can actually enhance fertility.
Hyperspermia is not a pathological condition of its own, and is often considered harmless by men experiencing it. However, it should be investigated to prevent possible complications in the future and to rule out any associated conditions affecting future fertility.
Several symptoms accompanying hyperspermia can usually be observed. These include a longer duration of ejaculation, little pain felt during the discharge of semen, a period of weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath after ejaculation, dizziness, and thin semen at the end of the discharge. Men experiencing hyperspermia frequently have higher sex drives than men that do not.
If the ejaculate is large in volume but excessively diluted, infertility may ensue due to low concentrations of the sperm. Because hyperspermia can cause fatigue and exhaustion after ejaculation, it can lead to poor erection quality and even male impotence after a period of time.
The conditions associated with hyperspermia include mostly behavioral and dietary factors, rather than specific diseases. These include:
Devices and drugs boosting sex drive and sexual performance
Various substances and devices can cause increased production or build up of semen, increasing the quantity of ejaculate.
High potency steroids and highly nutritional diet
The production of semen is influenced by dietary intake of proteins and nutrients, as well as levels of androgens (the male sex hormones). Intake of a heavy diet rich in proteins, fiber and with a higher nutritional value, and consumption of steroid hormones with androgenic activity may lead to increased semen production and also higher sex drive.
Longer periods without ejaculation can cause the semen to build up, leading to discharge of larger quantities of semen during ejaculation.
Apart from avoiding the known causative factors of hyperspermia (long sexual abstinence, sex boosting drugs and devices, high potency steroids and highly nutritional diet), there is no definitive way of prevention for hyperspermia.
The impact of hyperspermia on fertility depends mainly on the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate. In most cases, hyperspermia does not severely compromise fertility. If the amount of sperm is proportional to the volume of seminal fluid, hyperspermia can actually increase fertility of the male. If the semen is thinner, however, the sperm becomes more diluted and the chances of fertilization of the egg are lower. Also, if hyperspermia follows a period of longer sexual abstinence, the semen may contain a higher proportion of dead and damaged sperm, which cannot fertilize the egg. Some men experiencing hyperspermia can therefore suffer from infertility.
Hyperspermia generally does not interfere with male fertility in most cases. Patients with this condition should nonetheless consult an urologist. If the patient suffers from infertility due to low sperm concentrations in the ejaculate, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or split ejaculate therapy may be advised. As the first portions of the ejaculate contain higher concentrations of sperm, separating this portion from the rest of the ejaculate and subsequently using it to inseminate the partner carries a higher chance of achieving a pregnancy.

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About Hyperspermia

How it can affect fertility


“ Hyperspermia ”

―sourced from Wikipedia

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“ Rabbit testes ”

―by James Scott

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CC0 1.0

“ Male anatomy ”

―by Elf Sternberg

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“ Sperms ”

―by Doruk Salanci

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Hyperspermia is a condition in which a male has an abnormally large ejaculate (or semen) volume. It is the opposite of hypospermia, and is generally defined in humans when the ejaculate is over 5.5 ml. 
This can be either caused by excessive production of sperm in the testicles (Pic. 1, 2), or by overproduction of seminal fluid by accessory sex glands. Hyperspermia can occur after long periods of sexual abstinence, which causes a build up of fluids. In this case, the ejaculate may contain greater proportion of dead or dysfunctional sperm, that are not capable of fertilizing the egg. If the volume of seminal fluid is significantly increased, it can lead to dilution of the sperm (Pic. 3) and lower chances of fertilization. However, if the amount of sperm is proportional to the amount of semen, hyperpermia can actually enhance fertility.
Hyperspermia is not a pathological condition of its own, and is often considered harmless by men experiencing it. However, it should be investigated to prevent possible complications in the future and to rule out any associated conditions affecting future fertility.
Several symptoms accompanying hyperspermia can usually be observed. These include a longer duration of ejaculation, little pain felt during the discharge of semen, a period of weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath after ejaculation, dizziness, and thin semen at the end of the discharge. Men experiencing hyperspermia frequently have higher sex drives than men that do not.
If the ejaculate is large in volume but excessively diluted, infertility may ensue due to low concentrations of the sperm. Because hyperspermia can cause fatigue and exhaustion after ejaculation, it can lead to poor erection quality and even male impotence after a period of time.
The conditions associated with hyperspermia include mostly behavioral and dietary factors, rather than specific diseases. These include:
Devices and drugs boosting sex drive and sexual performance
Various substances and devices can cause increased production or build up of semen, increasing the quantity of ejaculate.
High potency steroids and highly nutritional diet
The production of semen is influenced by dietary intake of proteins and nutrients, as well as levels of androgens (the male sex hormones). Intake of a heavy diet rich in proteins, fiber and with a higher nutritional value, and consumption of steroid hormones with androgenic activity may lead to increased semen production and also higher sex drive.
Longer periods without ejaculation can cause the semen to build up, leading to discharge of larger quantities of semen during ejaculation.
Apart from avoiding the known causative factors of hyperspermia (long sexual abstinence, sex boosting drugs and devices, high potency steroids and highly nutritional diet), there is no definitive way of prevention for hyperspermia.
The impact of hyperspermia on fertility depends mainly on the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate. In most cases, hyperspermia does not severely compromise fertility. If the amount of sperm is proportional to the volume of seminal fluid, hyperspermia can actually increase fertility of the male. If the semen is thinner, however, the sperm becomes more diluted and the chances of fertilization of the egg are lower. Also, if hyperspermia follows a period of longer sexual abstinence, the semen may contain a higher proportion of dead and damaged sperm, which cannot fertilize the egg. Some men experiencing hyperspermia can therefore suffer from infertility.
Hyperspermia generally does not interfere with male fertility in most cases. Patients with this condition should nonetheless consult an urologist. If the patient suffers from infertility due to low sperm concentrations in the ejaculate, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or split ejaculate therapy may be advised. As the first portions of the ejaculate contain higher concentrations of sperm, separating this portion from the rest of the ejaculate and subsequently using it to inseminate the partner carries a higher chance of achieving a pregnancy.

World of Medical Saviours (WOMS) is a website formed by a group of medicos who are embarking to provide facts, tips and knowledge related to health and lifestyle. This website proves to be a great platform for the medical enthusiast and also for those medicos searching to outgrowth their knowledge about the medical field.
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Hyperspermia is a condition where a male person produces semen of a larger volume than average volume. The fluid that man ejaculates during orgasm or copulation is semen, which contains sperm, along with other fluids produced from the prostate gland.
Hyperspermia is a relatively rare condition. It is comparatively less common than hypospermia. In various studies around the world, fewer than 5 to 10 percent of men had a high sperm volume.
Hyperspermia doesn’t affect a man’s health adversely or negatively. However, it could reduce his fertility, and sperm counts can differ.
Semen is the fluid that is ejaculated at the time of orgasm containing sperm and secreted from the seminal vesicle (60%), prostate (30%), vas deferens (10%), Cowper’s gland covering by the urethral gland.
Unless you are willing to risk your chance of becoming a parent, it’s best to take an early step towards treating the condition.
Here are some significant symptoms of hyperspermia that you need to be aware of:
Though the definite cause of hyperspermia is yet to be identified, particular factors may cause this rare condition: 
Hyperspermia can in some cases lead to low fertility. Some men with a very large amount of semen volume have fewer sperm in the fluid they ejaculate than normal. This dilutes the material. This dilution impacts fertility negatively.
However, low sperm counts don’t make a person automatically infertile. An individual with hyperspermia is still possible to conceive.
Hyperspermia does not affect your fertility if your semen is high but you still have a daily sperm count.
Some of the causes of infertility in men are:
Here are some methods used to diagnose hyperspermia :
You might want to look out for a doctor for tests regarding one’s sperm production or fertility. 
For this purpose, the doctor would carry out a physical examination of your reproductive system. Then only will proceed to specific tests required to confirm the diagnosis.
In the physical examination if there is anything unusual seen in the reproductive system, then you have to do an imaging test such as an ultrasound. It is done so to know the issue more and take measures against it.
Semen sample analysis may be another test that doctors may also ask for you to do. In this test, semen is taken to check the total sperm present and the sperm’s quality as well.
There may be a blood test done to look out for other causes of infertility. It is mainly done to know if there is a presence of hormonal imbalances or if there is the presence of low testosterone levels.
Hyperspermia mainly doesn’t require treatment until it doesn’t cause any problems related to fertilization. But Prevention is critical, so it is recommended worth to stay away from sexual-performance enhancing drugs and pills.
But also if the seminal discharge causes you problems, then it is wise to consult a urologist.
If the hyperspermia is causing infertility problems , then one should access treatment. The treatments include:
Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) is a medicine used to increase sperm count. It is an estrogen blocker. When men take it in oral form, it triggers the pituitary gland to make more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulation (FSH). A higher level of these two hormones can improve sperm count, morphology, and motility.
Sperm retrieval technique is anyway used to get sperm for fertility purposes. There are many ways to get sperm. The method used depends on why sperm isn’t in the semen, what the patients want, and the surgeon’s skill.
Some of sperm retrieval technique is:
Invitro fertilization can be used to treat infertility in the following patients. Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes. Male factor infertility, including diminished sperm count or sperm motility. Women with ovulation disorders, premature ovarian failure, uterine fibroids. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can help in the management of the hyperspermia
Hyperspermia is found to be affected by around four percent of the male population in India. Though you escape from all the causative factors for hyperspermia like stamina boosting drugs, steroids, and diet, there are no definite preventive measures for this condition. If you face any major problem, you must consult a urologist.
40 – 200 million/ml (Avg: 100 million/ml)
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