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1 ставка · Осталось времени 2 дн. 14 ч.
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Well if it's so - I activate it again!
I do not care, take the glass ball!

Thanks, Harry can pack the glass ball ...

This item has variations. Please select the requested variation.
pengu® Earth Hydrasuit with high-necked back and chest area, high or very high (depends on variant) leg cut and made of the fabric Watershine. A small stand-up collar adorns the neck area. The Earth is closed with a back zipper. This gives the swimsuit an excitingly closed look.
The model is 1,73m tall and wears size DE 38.
The fashionable satin fabric pengu® Watershine provides an exciting shiny look. Its 2D elasticity creates a very comfortable fit. Watershine creates an eye catcher on the edge of the pool, a sporty feel in the water and also has an UV protection.
80% Polyamide, 20% Elastane
More about the pengu® fabric properties here .
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Too bad, now we have to go back to the glass ball or read in the coffee grounds to understand our visitors ...
Why do we have to do that? Quite simply, you have forbidden us to watch Your steps on our site with Google Analytics. That sounds dramatically to You, we know. But look at it: we do not even know who YOU are, we just see that SOMEONE looks at our pages, how he/she does that, how long this SOMEONE lingers on the respective pages, etc. We do not know who You are, whether You are male or female, how old You are, how Your weight is - no idea. Nor do we pass this data on to Google, we don not have them not at all! Nevertheless, this data of SOMEONE will provide us with valuable information about our site, we want You to like everything here, that You feel good and - of course - buy our products ...
So we can see where there are problems. If many visitors leave our site during the purchase process while choosing the payment method, we know that something is wrong and can improve it. Sounds good, right? Thats good for You and good for us. So it´s a win-win situation. So let us accompany You on Your way through our store. Deal?
Great, you got it! Now we can work better on our offer again!

View all All Photos Tagged hydrasuit

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Still in high school and hating athletics carnivals as much as a tall German immigrant daughter could among sporting Australians, wether it be track & field or aquatic.
When it came to the water, teachers made the uniform all uptight & conservative...high neck...zipper back...all black.
Speedo had made the Hydrasuit popular in recent Olympics and the 96 games in Atlanta only furthered it's popularity.
But in 94...I saw Yasmine Bleeth wearing a stunning black with metallic overlay version & I screamed "MUM, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING TOMORROW".
Turns out it was limited edition & very rare...but I managed to score one.
Next swim meet...I turned heads...boys suddenly needed to all go to the changing rooms...and teachers were perplexed...what do we do?...it doesn't violate the dress code.
I trace my need to be unique & stand out to those days!
me wearing my new agonswim swimsuit
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
edited photo from our photo shooting at the sea. The model is wearing a speedo hydrasuit.
me wearing my new agonswim swimsuit
me wearing my a purple leohex longsleeve leotard and tights and on top my dark blue speedo s2000 hydrasuit.
photo session with athletic woman in speedo hydrasuit! More at beshiny.net
photo session with athletic woman in speedo hydrasuit! More at beshiny.net
me wearing my new blue and pink speedo hydrasuit
photo session with athletic woman in speedo hydrasuit! More at beshiny.net
me wearing my a purple leohex longsleeve leotard and tights and on top my dark blue speedo s2000 hydrasuit.
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
photo session with athletic woman in speedo hydrasuit! More at beshiny.net
me wearing a black speedo hydrasuit.
me wearing a new blue speedo hydraflex swimsuit.
In Speedo Hydrasuit swimsuit by the water.
me wearing a black speedo hydrasuit.
me posing in black and yellow speedo triathlon zip backed swimsuit.
speedo hydrasuit lookling to sell please pm if interested its size 34"
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
found this lovely swimsuit on the vinted app.
me wearing my new blue and pink speedo hydrasuit
me wearing my new blue and pink speedo hydrasuit
me wearing a new blue speedo hydraflex swimsuit.
me wearing my new blue leohex swimsuit.
me wearing a new blue speedo hydraflex swimsuit.
me wearing my new blue leohex swimsuit.
me wearing a black speedo hydrasuit.
• In your favorite swimsuit "Speedo", near the recreation area at the Orlik dam.
• V oblíbených plavkách „Speedo”, poblíž rekreační oblasti na přehradě Orlík.
• In meinem Lieblings-Badeanzug "Speedo", in der Nähe des Erholungsgebietes am Orlik Damm.
photo session with athletic woman in speedo hydrasuit! More at beshiny.net
me wearing my new blue and pink speedo hydrasuit
me wearing my new blue and pink speedo hydrasuit
me wearing my new blue leohex swimsuit.
speedo hydrasuit lookling to sell please pm if interested its size 34"
me in my agon zipped back swimsuit.
me posing in my agonswim zip backed swimsuit.
me posing in my agonswim zip backed swimsuit.

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