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Official: Airbus A crashes into sea off France Story Highlights French official: Airbus A Air New Zealand jet crashes off southern French coast Rescue efforts launched, no immediate reports of survivors, floating debris found Passenger jet was on a training flight when it crashed at about 4p. There were no immediate reports of survivors, but rescue efforts involving French navy vessels and a helicopter had been launched. Floating debris had been located, the official said. The test flight took off from Perpignan in southern France, the official said. A civilian vessel saw the crash take place off the coast near Perpignan. Image Processing, Computers and Fun. November, December, May, August, January, February, March, April, June, September, October, July, Airplane crash. Reload image. Personal Site of Panagiotis Kotsas.
Hydra Ешка, круглые, диски Невинномысск
Hydra Ешка, круглые, диски Невинномысск
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