Hurry Before Our Boss Catches Us

Hurry Before Our Boss Catches Us


Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо. С английским не дружу. Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous) I can't come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath

a) am having b) have c) had d) has

2) The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.

a) is living b) lives c) lived d) has lived

3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.

a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned

4) John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

a) writes b) wrote c) has written d) will be writing

5) How many cities you (to see) in Australia?

a) did ..see b) saw c) see d) have seen

6) I never (to be) to Italy.

a) was b) have been c) is d) shall be

7) Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.

a) saw b) sees c) had seen d) will see

8) It (to be) cold last week

a) was b) is c) will be d) has been

9) My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

a) has cooked b) has been cooking c) cooked d) will cook

10) The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul's Cathedral at 2 o'clock yesterday

a) was visiting b) visited c) had visited d) visits

II. Choose the right form of the possessive, personal and reflexive pronouns and complete the sentences

1) She gave number and I gave her....

a) her, mine b) his, we c) yourself, his

2) John told.. about his new pet and I told about

a) her, mine b) me, mine c) she, her

3) Mary felt so unhappy that she threw...on the bed and cried.

a) himself b) yourself c) herself
I can't come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath
2) The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace.
a) is living b) lives c) lived d) has lived
3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.
a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned
4) John says he (to write) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
a) writes b) wrote c) has written d) will be writing
5) How many cities you (to see) in Australia?
a) did ..see b) saw c) see d) have seen
a) was b) have been c) is d) shall be
7) Andrew asked if John (to see) any skyscrapers.
a) saw b) sees c) had seen d) will see
a) was b) is c) will be d) has been
9) My elder sister (to cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.
a) has cooked b) has been cooking c) cooked d) will cook
10) The group of tourists from France (to visit) St. Paul's Cathedral at 2 o'clock yesterday
a) was visiting b) visited c) had visited d) visits
II. Choose the right form of the possessive, personal and reflexive pronouns and complete the sentences
1) She gave number and I gave her....
a) her, mine b) his, we c) yourself, his
2) John told.. about his new pet and I told about
a) her, mine b) me, mine c) she, her
3) Mary felt so unhappy that she threw...on the bed and cried.
3) I (to phone) you tomorrow if you like.
a) phone b) phoned c) shall phone d) have phoned
Тут не впевнена: може бути як і А,так і С. Схиляюсь до А
встатье слова очень срочно!!!!!!!!​
срочно ! срочно!срочно какая была международная обстановке в центральной Азии в7 веке?
Трансформируйте прямую речь в косвенную. Используйте глаголы в скобках для построения предложений. 1."Ok, I will tidy up the mess", said Tom. (agree) … 2."Don't drop litter in the street!" Bob told his younger brother. (tell). 3. "Leave the documents in the office, please," Kate said to Mike (ask) ​
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