Humiliation Hypno

Humiliation Hypno


Humiliation Hypno
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It was a nice sunny morning in Ponyville, and everypony was starting their day off how they normally would. Many windows would open and let sunshine into buildings, cafe's and restaurants were opening up for the morning rush, and ponies were setting up their stalls in the market area to sell items. Starlight Glimmer yawned and stretched as she left the castle, heading towards the market to pick up some items that Twilight had asked her to grab. She just wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day, but Twilight had told her that she needed these items as son as possible and was to busy to get them herself, so Starlight agreed to lend a hoof and help her out. As Starlight walked along through town, she was tempted to stop at the Café and get some coffee to wake her up. But then she glanced at the list Twilight had given her and it reminded her of the reason she was out here in the first place. "Maybe I'll get something on the way back" Starlight said, stretching and rubbing her eyes to get
Comission for Pichu-the-Pantser Max belongs to him.
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"Aww man, looks like I won't be going around the Wild area in my underwear again" Max said lightly to himself, as he scanned around. The Wild area was full of many other trainers exploring around and trying to fill out their Pokedex's, and Max didn't feel like bringing so much attention to himself. A while back he had entered the Wild area and it was practically empty, so he had the chance to have some fun and run around in his underwear. Sure he wouldn't mind too much if he was seen, but with a lot more trainers around it was different than last time.
Max sighed and stretched, then turned and began calmly walking around the area himself to start collecting Pokemon as well. As he turned though, a familiar voice caught his ears and he looked towards the sound. In the distance, the water type gym leader Nessa, was currently looking down at a Poliwag and smiling happily as she talked to it. Max smiled and decided to head over to see what she was up too. Once he got closer, he understood that Nessa had just recently caught Poliwag and was training it so it would grow stronger. Nessa had her usual stance of her arms folded, and she hadn't noticed Max coming up yet.
Poliwag bounced happily in place and let out a happy cry, and Nessa glanced over her shoulder to see what had gotten Poliwag so excited. She smiled as she spotted Max approaching, and she turned to face him. "Well if it isn't Max, how nice to see you! I haven't seen you since you beat my gym so long ago" she said with a giggle. "Hey Nessa, nice to see you again too" Max replied, extending his hand to shake with her. Nessa unfolded her arms and returned the shake, then stretched lightly. "So what have you been up to ever since then? I'm sure you've moved on to the other gyms and are making your way towards becoming champion, right?" she asked. Max nodded and chuckled. Sure am, it will be exciting taking on Leon and beating him" he replied, stretching lightly himself.
Nessa nodded and folded her arms again. "I can agree on that, he's a tough opponent, and you need to be ready for anything" she said. "Speaking of being ready, I noticed you were talking with this Poliwag and I understand you had just caught him. You training him so he can be on your team?" Max asked. Nessa nodded and crouched down beside Poliwag, petting his head and smiling. "Sure am, Poliwag is just a really cute Pokemon, and very strong once they are trained correctly" she replied.
"Well, how about we have a little friendly battle, to help train him up?" Max offered. Nessa stood up and thought about the idea, and smiled. "That sounds like a great idea! I'd love to battle again and possibly kick your butt for beating me at the gym" she teased. Max chuckled and looked around the area. "Well we have enough space here, and a few other trainers to spectate if they want" he said, gesturing to the other trainers around. Nessa nodded once more and smiled. "Alright then Max, your on!" she said, extending her arm out in a challenging stance.
A small group of trainers had began to gather around after hearing about the friendly battle between Gym leader Nessa and Max. The trainers cheered and clapped for both sides, some urging Nessa to win while others cheered for Max and urged him to beat Nessa a second time. Max chuckled and smiled at Nessa as the two stood face to face in the center. "Looks like our fans are pretty even about either of us winning, lets give them a good show" Nessa said. Max nodded, and the two turned and walked back to their battle positions. To start, Nessa sent out her Toxapex and Max sent out Jolteon.
The crowd cheered and watched the battle with excitement, with max taking an early lead after defeating Toxapex. Nessa took a breath and smiled, then sent out her newly acquired Poliwag. "Alright Poliwag, I know you can do this. This is what we trained for!" she said to him. Poliwag nodded and chirped happily, then turned to face Jolteon. Max knew he could easily take out Poliwag since it was water, but he didn't want to finish the battle too quickly. Instead, he told Jolteon to use swift. Jolteon did so and Poliwag took a few hits of damage, and Nessa looked a little worried.
But then, she had a great idea. Commanding Poliwag, she told him to use hypnosis to hopefully stun Jolteon enough so they could get in some hits next turn. Poliwag bounced and sent out the wave of hypnosis, and it flew towards Jolteon. At the last second, Max told Jolteon to dodge, and it just managed to get out of the way in time. Nessa groaned as she saw the attack miss Jolteon, but then she frowned as it continued its path right towards Max. He didn't have time to react, and the wave hit him and stunned him instantly, little swirls spinning in his eyes.
Jolteon was ready to make its next move, but frowned when Max didn't give him any instructions. Glancing back, Jolteon saw that Max was just standing there, looking dazed. Jolteon stepped over and poked Max's leg with his paw, and frowned again as he still didn't move. The crowd watched and frowned as well, while Nessa giggled lightly to herself since she knew what had happened.
"Oh my, it seems Poliwag's hypnosis attack hit Max instead of Jolteon" she said, and the small crowd gasped lightly. Nessa walked forward and approached Max, waving a hand in front of his face to confirm. Max still didn't respond, his eyes still swirling from the effects of being hypnotized. She was about to try and wake him up, but then she got a wonderful idea. "Max, you are under Poliwag's hypnosis. You will now do as I say. Nod if you understand" Nessa said. Max's head lightly nodded, showing that he was now under Nessa's command. Nessa grinned and lightly clapped her hands together, excited to have a little fun with him.
First, she instructed Max to recall Jolteon to let him rest. Max did so, then set the Pokeball back on his belt and waited for Nessa's next command. Nessa thought for a moment then giggled, and told Poliwag to shoot a stream of water at Max's shirt. Poliwag did so, spraying Max's shirt until it was soaked. "Now Max, go ahead and remove your shirt" Nessa told him. Max did as he was told, pulling his shirt up and over his head, leaving his bare chest exposed. Nessa then decided to humiliate Max by commanding him to take off his pants, which he did after setting his shirt down. Stepping out of his shoes as well and revealing some Pichu patterned white socks, Max then dropped his pants to his ankles and stepped out of them to reveal his Eevee chasing Butterfree's patterned blue briefs. The crowd of trainers began laughing lightly and giggling, and Nessa even joined in.
After that, Nessa again told Poliwag to spray Max's pants as well, so both his shirt and pants were soaking wet. "Now Max, be a dear and pick up your clothes and bring them over to that tree" Nessa said. Still hypnotized, Max picked up his wet clothes and carried them over to the tree and waited for another command. Nessa giggled as she stared at Max's butt, seeing his name written on the waistband of his underwear. She then instructed him to toss his clothes up to the highest branch so they could dry. Max did so, and his only means of covering his embarrassing underwear were now really high up and would take a while to get.
"Oh this is too much fun, I need to get a picture of this" Nessa said, quickly instructing Max to jump a few times in an attempt to retrieve his clothes. Max did so, and as he did his butt jiggled lightly from the movement. Nessa pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures, zooming in on Max's underwear so she captured every adorable detail of them. Thinking the battle was basically over, the crowd of trainers began to slowly disperse as they decided to move on and continue filling their Pokedex's . Many of the trainers laughed and snickered at max as they passed by him, and once they all left Nessa approached him and giggled.
She decided now was a great time to get Max out of the hypnosis, and so she stuck her fingers in front of his face and snapped them. Max blinked a few times, before shaking his head and looking around. "Huh, what happened?" he asked, before glancing at Nessa and chuckling. "Oh, is the battle over?" he asked, confused as to why she was right next to him. "The battle was great, sadly you didn't beat me this time, Eevee butt!" Nessa teased, glancing down at his underwear again. Max frowned at that and then followed her gaze, and he blushed deeply as he saw his underwear was on display. He quickly threw his hands down to cover up, blushing deeper as he glanced back at Nessa.
"W-where are my clothes? Why am I naked!?" he squeaked. Nessa snickered and smiled. "Your clothes are up there, and your in your underwear because I commanded you too" she replied. Max glanced up into the tree and gasped as he saw his clothes hanging in the branches. "C-commanded me? How!?" he replied shyly. "My Poliwag's hypnosis attack missed your Jolteon and hit you instead, so I decided to have a little fun!" Nessa said, turning to Poliwag and petting his head for doing such a great job.
"Now, I suggest you wait until your clothes are dry, Poliwag really soaked them. And with this nice breeze blowing, they may be cold after you get them down" Nessa said. Max blushed again and looked down at his exposed underwear, then sighed. Nessa giggled and waved to Max as she turned and headed off towards Hulbury, with Poliwag hopping along beside her.
"Well, I did say I wanted to be in my underwear earlier..." Max said to himself, before sitting down against the trunk of the tree and resting in the shade while he waited for his clothes to dry.
Ouch caught by a hypnosis attack that's just bad luck nessa should get hypnotized just to show her its wrong and I have a pokemon that can do that
Just hope it actually listens to me and doesn't hypnotize me that would be humilating


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Feminizing Hypnosis: Making Yourself Girly from the Inside Out

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As crossdressers, we all strive to be womanly when we decide to dress up and have some girl time. Appearing feminine is one thing; adopting feminine mannerisms is another . Still, another more intense level is thinking like a woman ; believing that you’re truly a woman deep in your bones.
If you feel that way, or are looking for a way to mentally escape from your masculinity from time to time, perhaps experimenting with some feminizing hypnosis is something worth trying. Perhaps you’ve never heard of feminization hypnosis, or are wary of trying something which seems awkward or strange. I can assure you that there is nothing wrong or dangerous about it. We’ll cover some of the basics about feminizing hypno, where and how to find it along with a few recommendations, and finally some of the benefits. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy can really help you become more feminine.
Hypnosis is a state of being where your awareness to immediate stimuli is reduced and your attention can be more focused. In this state, you’re more open to suggestion or direction . Hypnosis has a number of applications; some will use it to help quit smoking or as a form of therapy . We, as crossdressers, can take advantage of hypnosis to make us more able to accept and internalize feminine habits, mannerisms, or mindset. Don’t expect to be dropped into a trance like state and then wake up with a completely feminine mind at the snap of a finger.
Most of us are likely to explore this online, using self-hypnosis videos or audio . In my experience, these will be hit and miss. Most are produced for novelty reasons. Most of what you’ll find available for free online is meant to tempt you to buy into a more involved program , but there will be nuggets of quality. Depending on what you plan to focus on, or your reason for trying feminizing hypnosis you’ll want to look on different sites.
So why should you consider feminizing hypnosis? I think the best application is to overcome a mental barrier or break a bad habit. Hypnotherapy can help people quit smoking and is even used to help relieve chronic pain by ‘training’ your subconscious to ignore impulses or sensations. When applied to our crossdressing, we can utilize this to improve our confidence. One of the biggest issues many of us will have is a fear of being found out, perhaps a deep apprehension about a secret hobby. Repeated feminine affirmation hypnosis might be able to help you overcome this.
Other benefits may be just momentary and short lived. Some feminizing hypnosis might be titillating for you because what it encourages you to do or think is in some way taboo. More explicit hypnosis is intended for those of us who find the idea of being pushed over the edge arousing. These sessions are just for entertainment though, they won’t permanently change your mind.
This is perhaps the most important part of what we will explore here. If you type feminization hypnosis into a search engine, you’re going to get a bunch of different results; if you turn off your safe search option, the range of results is going to grow immensely. Most of the results you will likely notice first are going to be videos on sites like YouTube, but dig a bit deeper and you’ll notice that there will be a lot of results on more adult or fetish websites as well. Depending on what you’re going to be trying to accomplish, the website you’re looking for is a good place to start a filtering process. So, the first thing to do is to think about why you’re going to try some self-hypnosis. Are you looking for a goal to achieve, a fear to overcome, or something else entirely?
If you’re just looking to improve your confidence or lessen anxiety about crossdressing, you probably can find something helpful on YouTube. Be specific with your search , otherwise you’re going to have a hard time finding what best meets your desires. There will be lots of general hypnosis videos for feminine affirmations or validations.
Feminine Affirmations – A video to listen to while you fall asleep and through the night. It’s meant to seep into your subconscious while you dream.
Good Girl – 30 minutes to help you embrace femininity .
You’ll notice that both videos start in a similar way; a calming voice talking about relaxation and breathing. This is meant to help you relax, lower your filters, and become more receptive to the hypnotic process. Depending on the video, that can go on for 3 minutes or 15 or even longer.
Feminization Secrets (Paid) – This website has a number of hypnosis programs, some of which come with some supplementary materials . All of them are only available for a price ; I’d advise looking at the samples before buying.
If you’re looking for something more focused, like achieving a more womanly voice through hypnosis, just search for it. Something like these will likely have minimal initial effects, but repeated use could help lower your affective filter over time.
I’d suggest trying to find really narrow topics here; think about one skill to improve or insecurity to overcome. Here are some just a few hypnosis videos I found on specific feminization topics.
Voice Feminization – hypnosis to encourage you to find a female sounding voice.
Encouragement to wear lipstick – This one is meant to help you be more comfortable wearing make-up and lipstick . It might make you want to wear them more often or embed the desire to wear it in your subconscious.
Fit and Femme Program – Perhaps you’ve got an issue with food or your weight. I know that I can’t resist a late night cookie craving, and when it’s time to decide between having pizza or a salad, I always choose the pizza. This program can help you control your cravings and stick to a weight loss plan . This program isn’t free though.
So far, we’ve just covered some more innocent hypnosis topics. If you’re looking for a greater degree of escapism, or to indulge in some femme fantasies, you can amend your searches to reflect that. When I engage in some hypnosis, I’m usually trying to trick my mind into thinking my body is changing to be more feminine. It’s possible to find hypnosis videos that gently repeat that you’re starting feminine puberty, or growing your own breasts, or maybe growing long flowing hair. Obviously, none of them will have real physical effects, but they can complement your own actions. I have enjoyed putting on some of my breast forms, and then listening to a voice affirm that my breasts are my own, that I will need to wear a bra all the time, and that they will jiggle and bounce as I move.
Now there are also more, shall we say, fetish orientated hypnosis videos as well. These can also cover a range of topics; the most common will be about coerced or “forced” feminization, sissy play, anything that where crossdressing is a component of sexual fulfillment. Some of the less explicit versions of these can be found on YouTube ; you’ll also find a lot of these on adult websites . None of these will brainwash you to turn you into a simpering weak caricature of a woman, they are just momentary entertainment .
Online feminizing hypnosis is intended as a novelty, not as real therapy . This is the big issue you’ll need to be aware of when you’re engaging in it. It might offer you a small window into a greater part of yourself; if that’s the case, I’d strongly advise you to seek out a qualified hypnotherapist to help guide your journey to a constructive end.
There’s also a chance of some side effects from any sort of hypnosis or hypnotherapy . These are usually minor, such as headaches or momentary dizziness . Take a break from it if you experience any of these side effects. Also, lots of free hypno that’s found online is meant as a baited hook to get you to bite and pay for more. Because of my doubts about how effective this is, I’d think twice before paying money to access more.
Escaping from ourselves is often what crossdressing is all about. Exploring a deeper part of o
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