Humiliating Spanking Story

Humiliating Spanking Story


Humiliating Spanking Story

09/07/2022 30/06/2022 by katzenbaer

10/06/2022 10/06/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 27/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 20/05/2022 by katzenbaer

13/05/2022 13/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 06/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 29/04/2022 by katzenbaer

© 2022 Happening To Her - tales of the humiliated • Built with GeneratePress
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The subject of petticoat punishment, when naughty boys are dressed as
girls as a punishment, strikes a chord with me, because it brings back to me
what I can only describe as the petticoat punishment I had to endure when I
was at primary school in England during the 1950's. From time to time I have
heard this form of punishment referred to as 'cruel and unusual' in the
United States, and is, I believe, illegal there today. What a pity. The term
'cruel and unusual punishment' is a concept that only seems to exist in the
United States, and frankly, one that we in England regard as oversensitive.
Yet another difference between our two cultures I suppose.
Humiliation amongst one's peers as a robust form of punishment was widely
used and approved of in the United Kingdom when I was at primary school, as
a salutary (and in my case) most effective method of bringing naughty
children into line with no deleterious side effects whatsoever. And
certainly less physically painful than the cane on the backside for boys, or
a tawse (a Scottish strap) smartly applied on the outstretched hand for
However, my school's headmistress, Miss Wareham, was vehemently opposed
to corporal punishment, and forbade its use. That may sound lenient, but her
alternative was to any boy far worse than a short sharp application of the
cane on his backside. Miss Wareham preferred humiliation as a punishment,
and a list of her inventive penalties for misbehaviour were pinned up on
every notice board so that there could be no plea of ignorance if you were
caught committing some misdemeanour or other. As I recollect, the list of
penalties went something like this:
Talking or being disruptive in class : The culprit had a baby's dummy
stuck in their mouth, and had to keep it there for the rest of the lesson.
Bullying or impertinence to a teacher : Girls had to wear a baby's
bonnet for a day. Boys had two bows of hair ribbon tied in their hair for a
Swearing : Being a fairly strict Catholic school, swearing was
regarded as blasphemy, and the ultimate sin. It therefore earned you the
severest of punishments, and one that we dreaded. If we swore, the
headmistress used to contact our parents to obtain their approval to apply
it. Unfortunately for us, our parents (including my mother) almost always
And the punishment? Girls had to spent an entire day wearing a baby frock
and bonnet with appropriately babyish white ankle socks and a pair of black
patent strap shoes. A range of various made to measure size baby dresses
were kept for the purpose. Boys had to spend the day wearing the girl's
school uniform with ribbons tied in their hair.
What made it even worse was that the humiliating outfit was delivered to
our home the day before, so that our mothers would dress us in our
punishment dress first thing in the morning, make us go to school in it, and
ensure that we kept it on until bedtime at the end of the day. The outfit
was then collected the following morning.
I earned a dose of this most unpalatable experience one morning as a
result of taking the Lord's name in vain. It was silly of me really, and in
a way I more or less deserved it, if only because of my sheer stupidity. I'd
been giggling as I read a comic under my desk during class. Suddenly our
teacher Miss Markham stopped in mid sentence, and strode up to me. She told
me to hand over the comic, and as I did so, she said 'Very well Jimmy, it's
the dummy for you.' That's when I made my fatal mistake. I unthinkingly
swore, and at that she became furious. She looked at me and said 'How
dare you swear at me! It seems that something considerably more salutary
is required I think. I'm reporting this to Miss Wareham with the
recommendation that she applies the severest of punishments. And I think you
know what that is. She will inform your mother of her decision
tomorrow. That is all for now.'
She walked briskly back to the front of the class and continued with the
lesson, while I trembled in trepidation at the thought of having to undergo
what any boy would regard as the ultimate humiliation. Several of the girls
looked at me and tittered, as they relished the thought of me being dressed
as one of them for the day, and I blushed crimson.
True to her word, Miss Markham reported me to the headmistress Miss
Wareham, and I was duly summoned to her office at lunchtime the next day. I
stood before her, dreading what I knew was to be my fate, and I was right.
'Now then young man' she said grimly, 'It seems that you've committed not
one, but three offences. All at the same time. One, you were misbehaving in
class. Two, you were grossly impertinent to Miss Markham, and three, most
importantly, you swore at her in the process. You know what the punishment
for that is, don't you?'
'Yes Miss Wareham' I said quietly, trying to look as contrite as
possible. Didn't do me any good though.
'To…to have to wear the girl's school uniform for a day.'
'That's right' she said with a grim smile, 'I've already telephoned your
mother, and she's in full agreement that you should be punished. Miss
Markham will therefore deliver a girl's uniform in your size to your mother
this evening, and she will dress you tomorrow morning in accordance with our
instructions. Do you have anything further to say?' I could think of
nothing, and simply nodded my head in the negative.
'Very well' she said, 'You may go. In the morning you are to report to me
before assembly for inspection. Is that understood?'
'Yes Miss Wareham' I said miserably, and she told me I could go.
That afternoon I was continuously stared at by the other children, and
felt utterly wretched as I contemplated the next day. It was impossible for
me to concentrate on my lessons, and I passed the afternoon almost in a
When school ended that afternoon, one of the girls giggled and said to me
'See you tomorrow, little girl !' and the others burst out laughing. I
blushed and ran nearly all the way home, eager to get away from their
merciless teasing.
My reception when I reached home was icy. Mum was obviously very angry at
being let down by my behaviour, and showed no sympathy as she told me that
she would ensure that I would be immaculately dressed in my girl's school
uniform the next day.
Shortly after tea, Miss Markham delivered the uniform and explained
exactly what was required with Mum. Unfortunately, my mother seemed to be in
full agreement with her, and I dreaded what the next day would bring. Miss
Markham added that she would take me to school, and Mum would collect me
after school to ensure that I didn't get lost. There was to be no escape
from my fate.
That evening I couldn't think of anything else as I sat in the lounge
miserably watching television, and decided to go to bed instead. Mum told me
that she was going to get me up earlier than usual the next morning, so that
I could take a bath before she turned me into a sweet little schoolgirl.
With that hideous prospect dominating my thoughts, I went to bed. Mum had
already hung the all to familiar girl's school uniform dress on the door of
my wardrobe and laid out the other items on a chair ready for the morning. I
lay there in bed trying to read a book, but couldn't concentrate as I
frequently glanced at the dress hanging there as if it was lying in wait to
envelop me I its humiliating grasp. Eventually, and Mum came in to say
goodnight and put my light out, and I lay there in the dark, tossing and
turning as I tried to drive all thoughts of the next day out of my mind. It
took me a long time to get to sleep.
True to her word, my mother woke me up earlier than usual the next
morning, and after I'd taken a bath I padded back down the landing to my
bedroom where she was waiting to dress me. She'd laid everything out on the
bed in readiness, and I recoiled as I looked at the familiar uniform worn by
every girl in my school. I shuddered to think of the teasing I was going to
have to suffer when I arrived at school dressed as one of them.
'Right' said Mum briskly, your vest first.' She picked up a white
winceyette vest, not unlike my own, and helped me into it. But the next item
definitely wasn't like anything I'd ever worn. Mum held out a pair of navy
blue girls school knickers and said 'In you get.' I stepped into them, and
she drew them up my legs until they were round my waist. Then she tucked the
vest into the waistband of the knickers. They were slightly baggy, and the
elastic around my upper thighs and waist felt restrictive.
Next came the summer dress that I was used to seeing the girls in my
school wearing every day, and now it was my turn. It was a typical girl's
primary school summer dress made of blue and white check gingham, with a row
of white buttons up the front to the neck. It had short sleeves with white
cuffs, and a white pointed collar, and there was a breast pocket with a
white strip along the opening. The belt was fitted with a white plastic
buckle, and was threaded through two keepers attached to the dress at the
sides of the waist. On the end of the belt was a buttonhole to stop the belt
slipping open.
Mum held the dress up and put it over my head while I put my arms into
the sleeves. Then she pulled it down over me and fastened the buttons up to
the neck and secured the belt in place. On my feet went a pair of white
ankle socks which she turned down neatly, and on top of those, a pair of
black T bar strap shoes with buckles at the side of the foot. She made sure
that the strap buckles were tightly fastened so that they could not come
Taking down a royal blue school blazer from its hanger, she held it out
and I obediently put my hands into the sleeves. Then she pulled it up onto
my shoulders and arranged it neatly. She stood back to examine me, grinned
slightly, and said 'I always wondered what you would of looked like if you'd
been a girl. Well you'll certainly look like one after I put some ribbons in
your hair. Sit down at the dressing table.'
I did as I was told, and blushed crimson with humiliation, looking at
myself in the mirror in front of me as she prepared my hair like that of a
girl. On the dressing table she'd already placed a hairbrush, two elastic
bands, a roll of white satin hair ribbon, and two white plastic hair slides
in the form of small bows. She expertly cut two lengths of white hair ribbon
and trimmed the ends at an angle. 'Now then' she smiled, 'Let's see how you
like having nice pretty bows in your hair, just like all the other
little girls at your school.'
It was now that I regretted having avoided a haircut for months. Long
hair was considered a mark of being in my gang of immediate friends, and
consequently my long hair came down well over my ears and over my collar.
Brushing her hand through my long hair, Mum smiled and said 'You know Jimmy,
his your is shorter than many girls, but certainly not too short for hair
ribbons I think.' Unfortunately for me, she was right. It was definitely
long enough for hair ribbons.
I then glumly endured what to any boy would be the ultimate humiliation.
After parting my hair down the centre, Mum picked up an elastic band, and
pulling my hair on one side into a bunch, she wound it tightly around my
hair. She did the same on the other side of my head, so that I now had two
bunches of hair sticking up conspicuously. Then, taking a length of white
hair ribbon, she wound it firmly around one bunch of hair, tied it tightly
in position in a non-slip bow, and pulled it down the bunch of hair closer
to my head. She then repeated the process with the other bunch of hair, and
finished off the effect by clipping the two plastic hair slides into my hair
to secure the ribbons. As a finishing touch, she combed my hair forward in a
fringe, and taking a pair of scissors, cut it across the front in a neat,
even line.
After making a few adjustments to make sure that the bows of ribbon were
even in length, she straightened them so that they were at the same angle to
my head. Then she stood back to admire her handiwork. She smiled broadly and
said 'There we are, one little girl, ready for school. Stand up Jimmy, come
and see yourself in the mirror.' She took me across to the wardrobe
full-length mirror and I groaned at what I saw. I was almost unrecognisable.
There in front of me was a demure looking sweet little primary school girl.
I groaned at the prospect of looking like this for the entire day, dreading
my journey to school.
'Now then' said Mum, 'One last thing.' She picked up a cream coloured
straw panama school hat with a royal blue hatband with the school crest at
the front, and put it carefully on my head. Then she pulled down the hat's
elastic band and tucked it under my chin.
'There we are' she grinned, 'Don't you look delightful? Very sweet. Well
since you're going to be a girl for the day' she smiled, 'I'd better teach
you how to stand like a girl.' I had a feeling that she found the
situation quite amusing as she made me stand with my feet together, hands by
my sides or clasped in front of me in proper little girl fashion while she
pulled and tugged at my uniform. 'Well I must say' she said, 'Miss Markham
did very well with the size. It fits you perfectly. Good. Now let's go down
and have some breakfast.' We went downstairs into the kitchen, and Mum
removed my hat and blazer and hung them on the back of my chair.
As I miserably ate my breakfast I kept glancing nervously at the kitchen
clock as it inexorably ticked the minutes away. Once I'd finished eating,
Mum sent me up to the bathroom to clean my teeth, and I came back down into
the kitchen to await Miss Markham's arrival. I didn't have long to wait.
A little after eight o'clock I was startled by the sound of the front
door bell. Mum went to answer it, and a moment later came back into the room
with Miss Markham, wearing a bright red poplin raincoat. She took one look
at me and gave a slight chuckle. 'Well well' she grinned 'And who's this
little new girl? All ready for school are we? I must say' she smiled, 'You
really do make a passable girl Jimmy. Almost too convincing actually, and if
I saw you walking down the street I wouldn't give you a second glance. It's
interesting how we see the clothing before we see the person. And let's face
it, if I see a child dressed in a girl's school uniform with ribbons in
their hair, they're hardly likely to be a boy are they?' she laughed.
Mum found the observation amusing as well, and I blushed uncomfortably at
the thought of being mistaken for a girl.
Miss Markham looked at her watch and said 'Well we'd better be off. Don't
want our little girl to be late for school do we?' Mum helped me on with my
blazer, and then lowered my school hat carefully down onto my head before
tucking the elastic under my chin. 'Very nice' smiled Miss Markham as she
straightened my hat.
Mum escorted us to the front door, and as we stepped outside I said
hopefully, 'Miss Markham, are we going in your car?' She knew that I wanted
to avoid being seen in the street, and wanting to ensure that I experienced
my humiliation to the full she smiled and said 'No Jimmy, I decided that we
should walk. It will do us good.' I groaned as I realised that I could no
longer avoid the inevitably amused stares of every onlooker, and as Mum
kissed me on the doorstep she said 'Now off you go, don't misbehave, and
I'll meet you at the school gate at 4pm sharp. Understood?'
'Yes Mum' I said miserably, and walked reluctantly down the front path
with Miss Markham and out into the street. My day's purgatory had begun.
It only took us about twenty minutes to walk to school, but it was one of
the longest twenty minutes of my life. Miss Markham walked on the inside of
the pavement so that I was more clearly visible to any onlooker. After only
a couple of minutes, three girls in my class at school turned into the
street across the road, looked across at me, and instantly recognised me.
They immediately shrieked with laughter, and ran across the road to join us.
They kept standing back to look at me as we walked along, and it wasn't long
before more of my schoolgirl classmates joined us as we approached our
school. Strangely enough, none of the boys seemed to do so. Perhaps they
thought that my humiliation might rub off on them. Or perhaps they actually
felt sorry for me. I suspect the latter. After all, no boy would wish on his
worst enemy what I was about to endure that day.
By the time we reached the school I'd attracted a crowd of about a dozen
girls around me, all laughing and giggling at my predicament. I'd crossed
swords with one or two of them in the past, and they were seizing this
golden opportunity to get their own back.
We walked up a long driveway, and as soon as we reached the school
buildings at the top, Miss Markham escorted me to Miss Wareham's study for
inspection. She knocked on the door, and the headmistress's voice from
within bade us enter the hallowed precinct.
As soon as I entered the room she stood up from her desk and walked
around me. I felt like an insect being examined. She surveyed me in silence
for a moment, and then removed my hat and put it in my hand. 'Rule number
one' she said, 'The girls never wear their hats indoors Jimmy. But since
it's only for the day, you can leave yours in your desk. But I must say' she
added with a smile, 'Your mother's done an excellent job of dressing you.
You really do look the part. How do you feel?'
' Dreadful ' I said miserably, 'I've never fe
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