Humiliate Girlfriend

Humiliate Girlfriend


Humiliate Girlfriend

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Although it is wrong to humiliate somebody, it can be sweet revenge when a double crossing took place, whether from an ex- lover, friend, family member or a rival. Gring shame to the target, here's how to do it in the worst ways.
Strategize well before degrading someone. Certain motives works well depending on the person being dealt with. Is the person very strong-headed and lets embarrassment easily roll off his back or prone to sensitivity and easily mortified? Consider these questions to get an idea of what kind of action is needed.
Make false claims to those closest in her circle. One of the best ideas is to spread terrible rumors about the person. Then watch him try to deny all the accusations and prove all the lies aren't true.
Create a blog on the Internet exposing her deepest secrets and embarrassing stories. Or go to websites that will gain plenty of visitors such as Myspace and make a fake profile about her so everyone can get all the juicy details about her. To heighten the embarrassment, post pictures of the person so the public can see.
Invite the person to a party and get really drunk. Talk loudly so every guest can hear you reveal embarrassing details about her and watch her fuming at your drunken speech. A bad reputation can be hard to live down so make sure to think of ones that will make everyone see her in a different light.
Use his biggest flaw against him. If a guy likes to wear women's clothing and makeup, take snapshots of him and show it to all his friends and family or if a woman is known around town as a serial cheater, gather all of her lovers so they will confront each other at the most unexpected time.

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My girlfriend humiliated me in front of my friends




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Learn how to make a woman want you sexually! In today's video we're talking about sexual attraction and how you make a woman want you! We're going to be discussing some useful tips you can put to work to get a woman interested in you and building that sexual desire. Often men think they know exactly what women want, men in sports cars with big houses a big wallet and a bad boy attitude. This might be what the ladies want in movies but not in real life it's very different. To know what a lady wants you need to understand what you need to do to make her want you sexually. Imagine if you knew the secret formula to do this, the one that tells you exactly what women want sexually. The formula would let you know exactly what you need to do to get a woman to fall into your arms, sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not! It's as easy as being mindful of your own behaviour and adopting steel-proof boundaries. Want to know some more? Well don't move an inch.

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rob12 ,
May 27, 2013 in Relationship Advice

I have been with my girlfriend for a year and a half and we have a good relationship for the most part, but I always get a bit embarrassed when we are with my friends because I feel like she likes attention and she likes to talk about sex. I am so reserved and uncomfortable with that stuff, I believe it should not be public discussion and it should remain in the bedroom. I don't even talk about details of my own sex lives with my friends; some of my friends talk about the details of their sex lives, but I just personally hate talking about any of my own sexual experiences, it makes me so embarrassed. Also, I feel like when we are with her friends, which is alot, she doesn't talk about sex or raunchy subject matter that much, but when we are with my friends, she goes on and on about it. I am a man, and I hate being emasculated. Sometimes I wish I had a submissive girlfriend that will only speak when I let her, it really ****s with my sense of masculinity when she talks about this stuff that I clearly have a problem with. When I told her I get uncomfortable, she says, "Well it's who I am and you can't change me!" Fine, well if that's the case, then she can't change me either, and I will always feel uncomfortable and we will never be able to resolve this issue so I am seriously pissed off right now and I sort of don't want to see her for a while! Perhaps I get overly worried about what others think of me, but it truly bothers me and I am losing sleep over it. I just feel like I have a voice here and apart from that, I should be able to have some control over her when it comes to her conduct around my friends. After all, I don't act like an ass in front of her friends, although she says that if I did, she wouldn't care.

I am wondering if it is worth ending the relationship over this? Should I keep insisting that it bothers me (this will undoubtedly turn into a big fight, which I am fully prepared for).
I don't think you should keep insisting that it bothers you, instead you should show her with your actions. If its making you uncomfortable don't invite her out with you and your friends... she'll start to wonder why and maybe think about how she's hurting you. And saying that you wished for "a submissive girlfriend that will only speak when I let her" is extremely chauvinistic... and probably wouldn't be as great as you think it would be.

I should be able to have some control over her when it comes to her conduct around my friends.

Actually, no- you should not have any control over her. She is right when she tells you that this is who she is. If you don't like it, you are free to leave the relationship. Trying to control what she says and change her is not going to work.

Wishing you had a submissive girlfriend who only speaks when you let her sounds a little alarming, but you are entitled to your desires. The girl you're seeing now sounds very far from that ideal, though.
Did she really "humiliate you?" Or maybe you need to lighten up? If she said something about your sex life, and you are a very private person, I can see why you might feel upset, but I think "humiliate" is going really far. Then again, we don't know what she did/said.

I think that if these people are *really* your friends - they won't judge you for something she said (and if it was a funny sex story, they might even hold you in higher esteem, who knows?!)
From where I'm looking it ain't gonna change no time soon, ain't gonna happen.

Stop inviting her out with the friends, you stay home and don't go or breakup.

Those are your three options. If she's talking about sex just as a subject and not specifically about the two of you then I don't see that in a bad light. I do think that's a bit strange, however. How old is she? She sounds pretty immature and doesn't sound like she has a very good filter for conversation. For me personally, I'm not so sure I'd be willing to trash my relationship over something like that. But again I don't know how much this bothers you and what's being said to your friends about your sex life. But yes it is weird, I agree.
See your friends without her. If she complains, kindly explain that while you'd prefer to invite her along, her ticket to an invitation is voluntary--she can agree to your terms or not. If not, it's okay, but you'll do things without her.

Stay kind. The more hostile you become the less likely you are to get what you want. Learn how to negotiate--I'll bribe you with this if you'll give me that. Perfectly normal and healthy, but its a skill.

Wishing you had a submissive girlfriend who only speaks when you let her sounds a little alarming, but you are entitled to your desires. The girl you're seeing now sounds very far from that ideal, though.

Agree. The submissive girlfriend thing is alarming and smacks of insecurity.
Despite the argument of if it's right or not right for her to be doing this and you not liking it...

What it comes down to, is that you are uncomfortable with her loose lips. You have expressed this to her. She doesn't care.

That's my biggest worry about it. Relationships should have respect for one another's feelings.

If she said that's who she is and you can't change her... and she left it at that... that's sad to me.

There are plenty of people who have traits that aren't very productive, and they work hard to change them.

If my significant other came to me and told me I was doing something that was hurting his feelings, I would keep that in mind and try to stop myself from talking about such private things around his friends. Why? Because I care about him, and deep down, I know it isn't right. It would hurt me to know I hurt him.

If she isn't acting this way, then obviously her feelings are more important than yours. Do you want to be in a relationship where your feelings aren't considered?

The only other thing I would suggest is really trying to talk to her about it, and not from an angry place, but seeing if there's some sort of underlying reason why she would do this. Is she unhappy with your sex life but doesn't want to talk to you about it because she doesn't know how?

Communicate with her. Try. Try everything you could do to save the relationship, and if you've exhausted all methods, you can break off the relationship knowing you've done your best.
She brings up sex around your friends because they are male and she is trying to show off. All attention is on her for being the pnly girl when you all hang out, so she goes straight to sex talk to keep attention on her.

I would sit her down and have a real good talk. If she cant respect what makes you uncomfortable than forget about her.

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A Reddit user has taken to the platform to describe a difficult situation between his girlfriend and his conservative Christian parents.
In the post , the user describes how he has been dating his girlfriend for a couple of years but due to the conservative views of his parents, he held off telling them. He wrote: "My parents don't want me dating at all so I was hellbent on changing their minds. I put a lot of effort that day to make sure it goes well and I practiced how all the conversations will go and the questions that might be asked."
He goes on to describe how he had high hopes for the meeting until his girlfriend walked in "wearing the most revealing outfit i have ever seen her wear." He describes his anger at her behavior and "the dead stare and look of disappointment on my parent's face."
"Why the f**k would she do that? I told her how my parents are and what she should wear...She swore a lot and she even tried to touch me in front of my parents. I told her multiple times to stop and she asked me why I was getting all cranky. I exploded and yelled at her for how she was misbehaving despite everything we talked about, then she threw the bowl of food on me and told me to go suck a d*ck, right there in front of my parents. I can't fu**in believe this. This just gave my parents incentive."
He then goes on to describe how when he met her parents, she chose what he would wear despite disliking the outfit, and became a vegetarian to "make her feel more comfortable."
He added: "I've done everything she's ever asked and I've broken a lot of my values as well as promises I made to myself just to please her and make her happy. I'm shocked I'm getting so much hate in the comments and I'm guessing it's because you don't know exactly what she wore. If I were to post a link to anything similar, this post would automatically be NSFW.
"I asked her for just this one thing. It would have meant the world to me to see her and my parents get along. I said some derogatory things about her in the comments and it's because of the hate I'm getting. I respect women and I didn't mean to offend anyone here."
He describes the dress as transparent, adding: "So her bare chest was entirely visible and the lower part of the dress was shorter, it barely covered her v*gina when she was standing but when she sat down it was visible. The dress was also sleeveless."
He posted a link to a similar dress, to which one user replied, "That's definitely not a first meeting with the parent's outfit lmao."
Many users in the comments described both people as toxic. Mental health content website and therapist directory Choosing Therapy define a toxic relationship as one in which "two people don't communicate or relate to one another in healthy ways, and where conflict easily arises. In these relationships, at least one person tries to minimize the other's perspective and increase their competitive nature. There tends to be a lack of support and general unpleasantness."
They describe some common symptoms as:
One user commented, "Have you considered that she may have done that on purpose?" with 15 thousand uplikes, while another wrote, "Oh this is 100% intentional".
Many called the girlfriend out for her behavior, "I feel bad for him. She sounds toxic" said one person. "She did it so she didn't have t
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