Human Toilet Mistress

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β†’ Toilet slaves

D o some dominant Ladies really keep toilet slaves 24/7 for the rest of their life.

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by peter 3 hours ago



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I don't think that you ever will find a lady who is interested in that.
What's the profit or advantage for a woman using you for the rest of your life as her toilet?
Usually she would 3 or 4 times need a toilet per day and the rest of the time you are useless hanging around for her.
That makes no sense at all.
B eing a full-time toilet for daily use and for all the needs of your mistress and her household, I can tell you that you won't survive for longer than 3 or 4 week maximum.
Being fed only with the feces of your mistress and drinking nothing but her pee and maybe of her girlfriends, you will have after abot 7 or 8 days a serious damage at your health. Too much urine in your blood will destroy your kidneys and you will have a breakdown of your kidneys accompanied by extreme painful and frightening delusions.
Making male prisoners eat the feces of women and make them drink pee of women is a very old method of very effictive torture.
Very tough people can stand that perhaps at a maximum of 3 or 4 weeks and most just die after 1 or 2 weeks.
I just wanted to add that most chinese emperesses were this way executing their enemies and the execution the toilet of the the emperess was first an extremely degrading act and secondly a very cruel and sometimes long lasting act.
After a few days there comes up an uremis which means that the urine of the lady whoch the victim has to drink, gets more and more concentrated in the body of the victim. And the worst thing that is that as more pee the victim drinks the more he gets thirsty and from a certain point the concentration of the urine is so high that the victim gets more and more into a delirium with pure agony which is increasing more and more until the people get complety insane.
In addition the hormones of the women which are swallowed with their pee and feces mix up the whole hormone situation in the body of the male victim nad this is enforcing the agony and delirious state until important organs like kidneys and heart finally give up.
As far as I could read about it was an extremely long and extremely painful kind of torture.
T hank you for your contributions.
Chinese emperesses were quite well known for their love of tasteful and ingenious punishments and tortures as well as most emperors.
Their regime was always based on cruel punishments.
And probably it gave to the emperesses an extra feeling of satisfaction seeing their enemies suffer for a long time on the most degrading and most painful way towards a slow death.
And by this way every potential enemy knew what could happen to him.

I think this kind of execution was as old as mankind.
Quite similar seems to me the japanese attitude.
They preferred to commit suicide als well as Roman soldiers before they would surrender.
And so the Japanese in WW II were regarding foreign soldiers who surrendered as cowards without any honour and so treated their prisoners in an extreme mean way.

Anyway we know similar punishments of Catherine the Great from Russia who was a successful but also very cruel emperess.
W ell this kind of torture was extremely feared by everybody and this kind of torture which was well known was also enforcing the ultimate power of female rulers.
And women in these positions never knew any pity because they knew that these convicts were their most dangerous and most hateful enenemies.
Catherine the Great was very well known and feared for her sadistic games she enjoyed with her enemies.
But it was also a matter of extreme authority and women who are usually much more tasteful in their cruelties because they want to enjoy the pain of their enemies like a pleasant theatre and as a real violent erotic kick for getting longer and better climaxes.
Women are in this point much more sophisticated as men who mostly kill the short way.
And for a woman it was an extreme satisfaction if she could execute her worst and most dangerous enemy by stuffing his mouth just with her feces and pee until they finally shut up for ever.
If her enemy wholuld have won against, she would have had a very bad fate with different methods and so women in these positions always grabbed their chance.

In medieval Germany I know that rebellious people or enemies were thrown into the deepest point and hole of a castle. The dungeon in these castles was always the deeprest point and directly over the dungeon there was the ladies tower. And the dungeon was for the ladies the toilet hole and the only thing the prisoners could see far over their heads if a lady was taking place on her toilet and dropping her pee and feces on the prisoners.
Everybody knew that and so the families of the prisoners were doing anything to pay the ransom and they knew every day was a new torture for the prisoner.
If the prisoners stayed down there for alonger time and the ladies were shitting and peeing on him they finally got sick and died.
But some prisoners stayed down there for years.

W ould love to know which medieval castles in Germany they were! I would love to be a prisoner in one of those dungeons getting pissed and shit on by ladies all day, sounds like heaven to me.
W ell in the last centuries this kind of execution was a ptrivilege of noble ladies.
Even in Europe these things happened and it depended on the moood of noble ladies at the court.
The prisons were mostly filled up and noble ladies from the court could make their free choice just as on a market.
For prisoners who were condemned to capital punishment this was even some hope to save their lives.
So handsome prisoners were chosen for these purposes and it depended on the decision of the noble ladies when or if they were executed and if most of them finally died, it did not matter at all.
At the time of Louis XIV when the castle of Versailles was built there lived about 3.000 or 4.000 people and there was only a single toilet for the whole castle.
So you can imagine what ladies with their wide clothes could only use if they did not want to go into the garden.
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β†’ Toilet slaves

H ow often could a fully trained toilet slave actually eat shit ? couple times a week,every day,etc?

#BMW #CAR #M3 #Turbo #V8 #6cylinder

by gertrude11 3 hours ago



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i t seems difficult to get people to answer questions regarding s and m especialy toilet stuff. My finance question got answered quickly however im into this stuff aswell. From my research only through writing to real pro Mistresses. It takes at least 10 times to try to swallow your Mistresses shit before your body learns to exept it. I wrote to one USA Mistress who wrote back claiming that she had the same toilet slave every day for weeks and he seemed ok but he got regular food aswell from my research i believe this women. As it seems lots of people really do this if a slave was only allowed to eat her shit that would be different i think the slave would only last a week or so. However some online info states that if given a daily vitamin pill they can survive even put on weight doubtfull but i dont know. Anyway it seems it isnt as harmfull as people think ive had my mouth shit in twice and although i never eat all i had a good try i wanted to heave at the time but my stomach settled down i was not ill afterwards. The second time left a sticky feeling in my throat afterwards. I think that if its eaten pretty quickly after it exits her body it wont be so harmfull. If its left hanging around the pathegens would build up to much and probable cause something like food poisioning. If i could find a beutifull Domme i would certainly like to try serving her every day for a while.
I think a couple of times a week it works.
Perhaps 2 or 3 days and the a break of one or two days.
And then it depends how many users you have.
I also learned from real mistresses that they had their toilet slave over weeks but he got other food and clean water also.
Using somebody completely as toilet and giving him nothing else but pee and feces that would kill him within a short time.
F or some of us slave out here it is just not humiliating it is considered an honor. To have our Mistress,Master giving me there gift. it then becomes part of the slave. and aswell as knowing that it please them. forced to become as they want is an ideal postion, for me anyway
H i, I have a related question. When looking around on the internet I mostly find scenes depicting scat in which the dom is quite "cold" or indiferent towards the recipient. Me myself I have more of an erotic fantasy, in which someone realy wants me to share her body with her, and not just to take her orifices for putting things into. To me it feels a bit strange to just want to use a female body to stick yourself into, one place or the other, and disguarding whatever she uses those places for privately as none of your bussiness. That is, if you dont just want to use her as a toy but want to love her whole body and everything. And vice versa: I love to think a woman wants me to accept her, lets say share her in that too. Like she wants to share herself with me and wants me to except her. Thats the theory. In practice this has two hefty concequences: crossing the line of what is common practice, and secondly, the taste is by defenition a bit foul, which makes it even more so a matter of accepting the other. However, when it all comes together, it's ever so beautiful as intense. I find that kind of intimacy rarely on the internet, but it's what I would like to see, and experience. Am I the only one? Is it for the majority just a kinky last resort of how crazy one can get when having seen it all? Porn in general seems quite plagued with being 1-dimentional and therefore uninspiring. Myself, I really like to share a feeling, not just an "act". Does this sound familiar, or do I sound like a emo-type minority? I'm curious...
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