Human Pet Play Stories

Human Pet Play Stories


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Today's post comes from Skylerpet, a submissive pet in a D/s relationship who volunteered to write an essay for me after seeing the Weekly Tips on YouTube. Thank you Skylerpet! She has since written another short piece specifically on
Human Pets that you can read here .

Pet play is one of the most unique, least known and in my opinion, the most fun and entertaining sub-cultures in the BDSM, D/s and “kink” lifestyle. Now, I write this from the perspective of a submissive female, so please keep in mind that it can be changed around to any form you want.

Pet play involves one or more people acting like an animal with typically the submissive being the animal and the Dominant being the “Owner” and/or “Trainer.” I have heard of the Dominant being the animal and Dominating his/her submissive that way, such as holding the submissive down with a bite on the neck, but I am unfamiliar with this.

What animals are common for submissives to be? Most commonly you will see ponies, puppies, and pigs. I myself have been a kitty and as of this writing am a puppy. Less frequently I have also seen bunnies, cows and once a seal, though I have no experience with these animals.

For me, one of the biggest reasons I enjoy pet play, aside from it simply being fun, is that it reinforces the Owner/owned relationship. Non-human pets are owned and completely dependent on their owner. They get fed when the owner decides and only then. Their toys and medical care is wholly dependent upon the owner remembering and doing. In a 24/7 D/s relationship, this is often times also true. The slave is fed after their Owner has eaten. They wear what their Owner wishes, sleeps when and where their Owner tells them and follows the rules their Owner dictates. So it is with non-human pets. The only difference is that your non-human pets didn't consent. You choose them and bring them home upon your own whim. With D/s pet play, the submissive consents to be the property of their Owner. For me, being an animal, being “less than human” reinforces my Dom's Domination of me. He is a Man and wholly human. I am a pup. His pup.

One way is the submissive acting upon his/her instincts to which animal they most identify with. If the submissive is loyal and playful perhaps they lean towards the puppy. If they enjoy being led around and high protocol training perhaps it would be a pony.

One other common way for the animal to be chosen is for the Dominant to choose for the submissive. If S/He prefers a puppy to a kitty, the submissive will be molded into a puppy. As another example, if the Dom is a farmer who enjoys breastfeeding from His submissive, perhaps He would like her to be a cow.

The submissive can also switch animals from time to time if their pet play is temporary, if they simply enjoy experimentation or if they do not identify with one particular animal.

One large reason many D/s couples go into pet play is for the humiliation and dependency aspect. Restricting a submissive's movement and vocalizations force them to be that much more dependent on their Dom. Also, not being allowed on furniture or having to use a litter box instead of a toilet can be very humiliating for some.

Another is because it is simply fun. It is a great psychological and emotional release to be able to come home and let loose the restrictions of humanity and what humans are “supposed to be like.” It is just plain fun to bat around a cat toy or play tricks and get treat rewards. It could also be described as a “de-stressing” process from the rigors of daily life, especially if the participants work outside the home.

It can help with submission, as taking away some parts of the submissive's humanity can help take away their sense of equality. It can help the submissive orient their mind to their Dom being their focus in life.

Pet play could also be used as punishment. If the submissive misbehaves badly it could be a punishment to be put out in the pig stalls with the pigs for a period of time, or whatever animal is available, and made to act like that animal as the punishment.

Restrict verbal communication, perhaps to only certain words or animal sounds such as “woof!” or “mew!” or more child-like words such as “up!” or “potty!”.

Training exercises such as tricks for puppies, walking on leads and leashes or for ponies pulling a cart/plow.

Eating and drinking out of bowls without the use of hands and/or silverware.

Learning to use a litter box instead of a toilet, or even going outside.

Playing with toys, such as batting toys for kitties or tug-of-war toys for puppies.

Begging in the manner of the animal you identify with, such as a puppy whining.

Not being allowed on furniture without permission.

Check out’s entire Animal Play category for your equipment and pet wear needs!

So please keep these things in mind, and also any others that fit your lifestyle:

When it comes to eating actual animal food, while it is okay for perhaps a short scene, it is not safe to do so on a regular basis. Humans have different nutritional needs than animals do, and it is incredibly important to get your nutritional needs met. There are many ways to simulate animal food and treats such as mashing up meatloaf with ketchup, using stews or even baking treats in the shapes of bones and such. However, for any long-term play, Eukanuba, Purina and any other brand of animal food you use, are for canines and felines, not humans.

If you choose to use training and/or shock collars, please, PLEASE read the instructions! On a personal level, I am not into electric play, but it is out there. So please, be careful and safe.

If you put your pup slave into a kennel, please keep in mind that they are very cramped. You do not want your pup slave to be damaged from being in that position for long periods of time.

If the submissive has had their ability to move and speak restricted it is incredibly important that some form of communication is available to them so that they may communicate if something has happened and/or gone wrong, both physically and emotionally.

Also, in my opinion having a human pet can add some responsibility to the Dom because when some of the submissive's humanity is taken away and especially if their communication is restricted, the Dominant must that much more aware of the submissive's frame of mind.

So that's a very basic overview of pet play. It can get a lot more specific if one looks at each relationship and the animal(s) involved. A note though; pet play sometimes can be sexual, and sometimes can be completely non-sexual. It, as with everything else, simply depends on the couple involved. Please keep in mind that I am in no way speaking of bestiality. This is two or more human beings acting and role-playing within the confines of their negotiated relationship.

Most importantly: Have fun and ask questions if you need or want to!!

In my opinion, pet play can deepen submission, but only if it's right for you.

Pet Play Instructional Videos at Kink Academy†:

† Submissive Guide is an affiliate partner of Kink

Check out Skylerpet’s newer post on
Human Pets !

Skylerpet is a 24/7 submissive pup in her late 20's. She has been into pet play since she discovered the D/s lifestyle and can be reached at: for emails and also YIM chat.
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by Limits Unleashed
on January 5, 2017
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Limits Unleashed is a life coaching service dedicated to supporting Safe, Sane and Consensual sexual exploration, health and emotional well being in the BDSM/Fetish/Kink and Alternative Lifestyle community. The purpose of this site is to offer our Coaching services and to provide education and information to those who are involved in said community, and to those who are interested in or new to it.
 Please be Aware that this website contains no pornography, explicit nudity, nor graphic descriptions/descriptions of sexual acts, but it does contain adult oriented material pertaining to sex and alternative sexual or relationship lifestyles. Content or services are therefore strictly for informational purposes to provide guidance and education for those seeking to explore or enrich their lives and relationships. This website does not contain any pop-up ads or links to external sites which contain pornography.If you are under 18 years of age, or if you feel you would be offended by the information presented on this site, please do not view any further.
Pet play is a form of role-play in various BDSM, D/s and other kink practices. This can be engaged in within a given scene, but is more commonly found as an aspect of D/s and other power exchange relationships. The participants can adopt just about any animal affect as their “pet” personality. For the purpose of this writing I will often site forms of kitten play as an example.
This is not intended to be definitive, comprehensive, or prescriptive. Rather it offers those exploring this dynamic a starting point for their investigation and trial.
Pet play is a style of role-play which typically involves one or more players adopting roles as animals which are domesticated pets such as bunnies, puppies, kittens, and such. Note that it is common, but not to the exclusion of such, for pet players to be younger versions of the chosen animal (i.e. a kitten versus a mature cat). Typically the Dominant is the Owner of the pet and the submissive is the one who adopts the animal like characteristics. In this way, pet play can be very much like or nearly identical to D/s, M/s, and TPE relationships.
Please note I am making a distinction between Pet play versus other types of animal play. For example, where both parties assume predator/prey roles as part of a hunting scene as in types of Primal play. Certain types of animal play may focus on humiliation and shaming, which is not the purpose of this writing. It is therefore wise to avoid insisting on absolute or clear delineations when looking at the broader category of Animal role-play. Not all types of animal role-play are pet-play, and vice versa.
A major distinction in pet play is whether the submissive is a human or animal pet. Again, the human pet is typically a submissive or slave that is “owned” by their Dominant. As such, a human pet may or may not necessarily wish to exhibit any animal like behaviors, but rather favors the spirit of being a pet (being kept and taken care of, sleeping at feet or lap, being petted, leashed, crated/caged, etc). The difference between a slave and human pet may be semantics, or the pet adopting some animal like behaviors most attuned to their personality.
Non-Human or animal pets, on the other hand, more fully embrace a creature’s attributes. Like a slave, they also are under far more control of their Owner than in other types of submission. A pet’s adopted identity can range from domesticated pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc); wild animals (foxes, deer, wolves, Panthers, etc); livestock (horses/ponies, cows, pigs, sheep, etc.); and even mythical or fantasy beasts (unicorns, dragons, pokemon, and just about anything the imagination can summon).
Animal pets players often attempt to leave as much as their humanity behind, however there is a very broad spectrum left up to the pet, and some may desire a “softer” transformation which isn’t as comprehensive.  Those who adopt their animal roles to the fullest will often utilize elaborate costumes and props including full suits, masks an
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