Human Cow Slave

Human Cow Slave


Human Cow Slave
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Jenny woke up slowly, her head spinning. УWhat happenedФ she thought to
herself as she slowly began to focus in on her surroundings. She had been
out with friends had a few drinks and woke up here. But where was here?
She slowly sat up and realized that she was completely naked. She brushed
her long black hair and began to check herself. She scanned her shapely
form and her large breasts. Everything intact, she thought, but as she
began to wake up fear began to build.

She appeared to be in cage. Jenny looked out through the bars into a
dimly lit room. She saw another cage next to hers. Looking in she saw
another female form lying upon the floor. УCathy?Ф she asked. She looked
at the cage as her eyes adjusted. She recognized her friend. УCathy, wake
up,Ф she quietly shouted. УCatheeee!Ф Wake up!Ф she said, her voice
beginning to quiver with fear.

Cathy stirred and began to moan. She was
lying on her stomach. Cathy had a fuller figure but all the curves were
in the right places. She had short brown hair and large breasts. УOh
gawd!Ф she said as she began to wake up. УJenny? Is that you?Ф She asked

Jenny was quick to respond, УYes itТs me, Cathy you got to wake

Cathy crawled up and was in a sitting position. She began to survey
her surroundings. УWhere the fuck are we?Ф she said.

УI donТt know Cathy, I know we are big trouble though.Ф

Suddenly bright lights came on. With tears building in JennyТs eyes she
backed off into a corner as three men dressed in white lab coats entered.
Cathy just sat there still waking up. One looked in and said УThey are
both awake.Ф

Now Jenny was scared. Who
were these people and what were going to do to them? The door opened. УNo
please donТt!Ф She begged through sobs and tears. Cathy now fully awake
stared in terror. But the two men grabbed Jenny and brought her to a
table. She looked around and saw a lot of strange equipment. She was bent
over the table her hands shacked over her head, her large breasts pressed
against the cold metal of the table.

УYou fucking bastards leave her
alone,Ф shouted Cathy at the men. They just ignored her and went about
their work.

Jenny began to cry as she realized how vulnerable she was in the
position. She begged, Уplease please donТt hurt me.Ф The men ignored her
plea as they positioned equipment about the room. Jenny continued to beg.
УPlease what do you want.. please donТtЕФ To her horror she felt a tube
enter her vagina. She felt liquid pumped into her womb and also the sharp
stings of several other injections. She began to openly cry and continued
to plead with her captors. Cathy was screaming obscenities to the men as
they worked Suddenly the tube was pulled out and she was released from
her shackles and forced into another room, and tossed on the floor.

She began to get up and look around the room. Still crying, she noticed that
the room was completely bare, just a square room with circular objects in
the walls. УWho are you!Ф she demanded, Уwhat are you going to do to me?Ф
She began to scream and yell demanding to be released.

Back in the main room, the men focused their attention on Cathy. Two
entered her cage and dragged her out. She became violent, and attempted
to kick and take swings at the men. But it was to no avail, as she also
was attached to the table to be Уprepared.Ф She felt a tube enter her

One of the men spoke, УBecause you are such a bitch you are
getting special treatmentФ Cathy now was frozen in terror, what was this
special treatment that he mentioned. She cried as she also felt the sharp
stings of needles and injections. She felt pressure build in her womb as
the fluid was pumped in. She was then released and also thrown into the
same room as Jenny.

УCathy!Ф shouted Jenny, as she rushed to her. Cathy was sobbing and
cursing at the same time. They held each other wondering what would
happen next.

Then, Jenny heard a noise. She looked around and wham! A bright light
flashed and the room was filled with a glow. УWhat the?Ф said a stunned
Jenny. Cathy was knocked backward and fell. She got back up and froze.
Jenny felt a tingling all through her body and suddenly could not move.
Fear turned to terror as her breasts began to swell. УOh godФ, she
shouted УWhat is happening to meФ. She could see Cathy in the corner of
her eye and saw that she also was standing but frozen in place.

Jenny felt pressure in her breasts as they grew to about the size of a
large D cup. Then something else got her attention. She felt pressure
below her breasts. УWhat the hell?Ф She thought as she felt churning with
in her own body. Suddenly she felt something below her breastsЕanother set of breasts pushing outward. Jenny was too scared to say
anything. This change was continued as the second set of breasts grew to
the size of the first. Her nipples grew lager but were still human like.

Cathy was watching these changes to her friend in horror. Suddenly
CathyТs pelvis suddenly forced her torso forward, bending her over. УUgg,Ф
she said as a force wrapped her body and began to twist muscles and
bones. УNoooo!!!Ф She screamed as she fell to the floor, still unable to
move. Her torso began to grow and thicken. УWhat the fuck are you doing
to me you bastards?Ф She screamed out but talking was becoming difficult
as the change progressed. She was laying on her side bent over, her torso
now double in length and her insides churning.

УOh my god,Ф thought Cathy as she discovered two growths coming out of her
below her belly button. As they grew, they were becoming legs. УWhat are
they doing?Ф She thought in terror. Her new form stretched out as her new
legs now fully grown took shape. The light went off.

Jenny turned and saw the transformation that had occurred to her friend.
УOh my god, Cathy, what did they do to you!Ф Jenny went to go to her but
found it difficult to walk with the extra weight of her new breasts.

УOh, I, whatЕФ stuttered Cathy as she slowly got up. She looked at Jenny
with her huge four breasts. УJenny, look what they did to you!Ф Shouted
Cathy. Then something else, Cathy felt a growth by her crotch located by
her rear legs. Her crotch now pointed straight outward. She tried to look
to see what was happening and caught sight of a huge breast type
appendage that appeared to be growing by her rear legs. УOh Cathy!Ф Cried
Jenny, as she tried to comfort her.

At the same time Cathy noticed a tail also had been growing, with a tuft
of her brown hair on the end. Her breast like feature developed into a
bag with large human-like teats hanging from it. УIТm a cowfreak I can
feel it swaying,Ф she cried to Jenny. She now had human body a little
thicker between her two sets of legs and a human udder. She wondered who
would be sick enough to do such a thing to her and why. Cathy did not even try
to walk yet and stood uneasily in shock from the transformation that had
just taken place. Pain then shot from her temples as two small cow horns
broke through her skin and grew outward several inches. УWHY!!Ф Screamed

Jenny suddenly felt pain in her head as two cow horns also grew from her
temples. She also had grown a cowТs tail with a tuft of hair on it,
growing from just above her rear end.

Suddenly a voice came over to speaker. УWelcome to our farm.Ф The voice
said. УYou two are now our Уcows, our property.Ф Both stood there in
total shock with tears streaming from their eyes. The voice continued
УYou will produce milk for us and serve us well. There is no escape and
your change is not reversible, furthermore you human sex organs remain
intact but you cannot become pregnant. You may be used for sexual
pleasure of some of our higher paying customers.Ф

Jenny cried out ФWhy?
Why did you do this to me?Ф Cathy was in shock, tears rolling from her

The voice continued УPrepare for duty!Ф

Jenny looked at Cathy and
then saw something else. УCathy look at yourself!Ф Screamed Jenny. Cathy
scanned herself best she could. Darker patches of skin had formed on her
lower body, still human texture but resembled the pattern of a cow.
Jenny saw CathyТs udder was hanging just above her crotch. CathyТs feet
then got her attention. УCathy your feet!Ф She exclaimed.

Cathy cried,
УWhat?Ф She looked down and saw her feet were no longer human, but
looked as if they belonged on a cow. Her hoofs were made of a fingernail
like texture and coloration, but looked like the hoofs of a cow. Cathy
began to cry uncontrollably, this was too much for her. JennyТs feet
remained unchanged.

A large door opened up and two men, one with a cattle prod urged both of
them out into a field. It was warm, sunny, with palm trees, and then she
saw other Уvictims.Ф She saw other women that resembled her with four
large breasts, others that resembled Cathy.

Both were ushered into a barn and hooked into a milk machine. Cathy had
tubes were placed on her human udder and two smaller ones to her now
enlarged breasts. She began to resist but was zapped by the cattle prod.
Through her tears she realized that this was her new life, to be a human
cow. None of the men would ever talk to her. Jenny was bent over, her huge
breasts hanging down. Small tubes were hooked to her nipples and she also
was milked like a cow.

Jenny and Cathy did talk to the other УvictimsФ on the farm. All were
forced here from all over the world. But none of them knew were they were
and why. Jenny was milked three times a day and was forced to have sex
with the occasional Уcustomer.Ф Cathy, because of her form, was milked
more frequently and sometimes given to several УcustomersФ at a time for
parties on the farm.

Both were turned into milk machines and sex toys for the remainder of
their lives.

Mama Candace shortly after her water broke.
Josh checks to see if the calf is in the right position. He heard the calf gasping for air so a vet was called.
Jake & Josh tied a rope around the calf’s hoof and pulled to help delivery.
Dr. Miki Mannino-Skaggs administers an epidural.
The Dr. checks the position of the calf.
Pull chains were fastened to the hoofs.
George is a large, 120-125 lb calf.
Upending George to clear fluid from his lungs. And that’s cow dung on Josh’s pants, not his own.
The Doc checks to see if there’s a twin.
Candace licks George clean, which results in a swirling pattern in the hair. That’s where we get the term “cowlick.”
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Posted by Greg Lhamon | Jul 24, 2014 | Learn , Wit | 0 |
I was sitting in church minding my own business when my friend Dave leaned over and asked me the oddest question:
“We’re going to castrate a few bulls today. Wanna help?”
How could I say no? I mean, if you have even a smidgeon of curiosity or sense of adventure you just can’t pass up an opportunity like that.
Our good friends Dave and Deb Matthews are farmers. Mostly crops but some cattle too.
They have six sons: Josh, Jake, Jordan, Jonah, Jeremiah, and Jesse. Josh, the oldest, is 30 and Jesse is 14. Farming is hard work. But having six built-in farm hands makes things a lot easier. I showed up at the farm that afternoon in clean jeans and new boots. My first mistake. By the end of the day, clumps of cow dung clung to my clothes and my new Red Wings.
“Here comes the slicker,” Josh yelled as I walked up. “Just when we’re about to finish.”
“Well, I wanted to give you guys time to practice before the master arrived.”
The Matthews boys like to call me “city-slicker.” I’ve spent decades hunting and fishing and I live on 3 acres outside of town. But those acres are in a subdivision. So, the label fits, I suppose.
“I’ve got a job for you,” David said. He handed me a rod with a sponge on the end. “When we lock the bull down in the squeeze chute, dip the sponge into that bucket there and swab the back of it’s neck.”
I’m not sure exactly what the medicine was for, but I was glad my job was working on the top side of the bull.
“Just curious…why do you castrate steers in the first place?” I asked.
“They’re bulls now. They’re not steers until we snip ’em.”
“So, why do you snip the bulls?” I asked.
“Lot’s of reasons,” Dave said. “But the main reason is that we’re raising them for meat. And if a steer can’t have sex then he spends all of his time eating instead. Fattens ’em up.”
“Ahh. Sounds a lot like humans,” I said.
A couple of the younger Matthews’ boys were out in the pasture driving the bulls toward a cattle sweep. A sweep is a large, circular carousel that operates like a revolving door. The cattle enter the sweep and then one of the guys pushes the revolving gate which moves the bull around the circle until it empties into an alleyway. The bulls move down the alleyway to the squeeze chute. It is a fascinating and sophisticated system of gates and doors and alleys. (If you’re interested, this video will give you a good idea of how a cattle sweep works .).
The purpose of the squeeze chute is to hold the bull securely so that it doesn’t hurt itself during the procedure. What looks like a steel pipe fence on either side squeezes the bull in place.
Once the bull was secure, I swabbed the back of its neck with the medicine. My part was done.
And that’s when things got interesting. (Note: If you are at all squeamish, you may want to skim right on down to the next section).
This is what the guy did who was working on the business end of the bull.
First, he took some calipers that had blades on either side and sliced open the bull’s scrotum. Then he reached inside the scrotum above the testicles and wrapped his fingers around the cord (vas deferens) that attaches the testicles to whatever else is up there (I did not squat down to look).
Then he just pulled the testicles off.
At this point, the newly minted steer started to dance.
The guy tossed the bull’s testicles into a bucket (remind me not to eat any mysterious fried foods at the Matthews house) while another guy released the squeeze chute and opened the gate.
The steer’s erratic cha-cha lasted just a minute or two. Seriously, just a couple of minutes. Then the bull started grazing, because, you know, you might as well eat, right?
I gotta say, this city-slicker was amazed by the whole process.
Earlier this week, Deb announced on Facebook that one of their cows was about to calf. She invited all who were interested to come view the event.
Man, I wish I could’ve made it out to the farm.
Thankfully, Deb is an outstanding photographer who runs a business called Studio 156 . She shoots family portraits, senior pictures, baby bump photos, and the like.
So, she chronicled the entire event in pictures. With her permission, I’ve created a gallery of the birth.
These photos are of a live birth, which means things get a little messy. So, like before, if you are squeamish just keep scrolling.
It occurs to me that the Matthews — and other farmers — see more of the arc of life than the rest of us. Or at least they see it more often.
The events of our lives are marked in decades. Childhood, adolescence, marriage, kids, career, retirement, death.
But the work life of a farmer is measured in months. Cultivate, fertilize, plant, harvest. Birth a calf, nurture it, help it grow, sell it as food.
They see the whole span of life in the space of one year. Every year.
The American farmer experiences joy and triumph, to be sure, but sometimes loss is his steady companion.
Needed rain doesn’t fall and crops wither. A herd is devastated by an infectious respiratory disorder. Calves die unexpectedly. And even when they reap a bumper crop, profits are sometimes gutted when commodity prices move against them.
At times it must feel like a lottery.
So, why do they do it? Why do they spend small fortunes on equipment and seed and medicine and feed when the end result is speculative?
They do it for the pure love of the work.
Dave will tell you that farming is in his blood, his DNA. The joy that comes with the harvest and the cattle auction is somehow worth the long hours and backaches, the callouses and the weathered skin.
He works 18 hour days during the harvest so that you and I have steak and sweet corn for our summer cookouts.
How can we repay the small farmer for his sacrifice? Here are a few ideas:
I can tell you from personal experience, the people who grow our food are hard-working, salt-of-the-earth folks. They’re worthy of our respect.
Questions: How do you support local farmers? Do you use a food co-op? Shop locally? Leave a comment below.
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With these scientists help, the world governments started to alter human reproduction, to create more women on the planet then men. This action led to the birth rate of about 10 females to each male. Naturally, men were thrilled, but soon there were debates raging over what to do with the increased human population. The world governments decided that the only way to both feed the masses and to control the population was start a meat lottery. Women who were unmarried, over 23, or were not the first born into a family, were collected, and designated “surplus”.
These surplus women were then moved to huge farms outside most major towns, where they were allowed to be fattened, milked, then on a given day, a set number were to be butchered for meat. Once the initial collection process was done, governments began to pay the men of each family to donate any excess females to the meat farms, once they were 4 years old. This age allowed for the surplus women to be given the best health care around, and still allowed them to have some basic motor skills taught. Once the girls were 4, they were taken to the local hu-cow farms, where the women in the herd would raise the girls to be cattle. Sarah was one of these hu-cows.
After the hu-cows were placed in the receiving docks by the depositing family members, workers would tag each hu-cow, and then a special paint dye was added to their skin, coloring them for life as cattle. Then the hu-cows were released into the pens, to be raised by the older hu-cows.
As the selection process began, the first to be sorted out were those hu-cows who were over 40. These were loaded into a cattle car first. Then the workers took the remaining eligible hu-cows, and made them run around in the ring. Those who couldn’t or refused to run were loaded into the cattle train.
Sarah and about 30 other hu-cows were running around the ring. Workers would periodically take a hu-cow out of the mass, and put them over their knees, to be spanked. This was to test the meat, or so the workers told the hu-
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