Huge Boob Games

Huge Boob Games


Huge Boob Games



As everyone knows in just about any field, sex sells. Whether you're selling underwear, cakes or video games, throwing a scantily-clad man or woman (depending on the product) into the mix is a sure way to keep people's eyes fixed on the item and get them talking. In this day and age, it's rather cynical and sometimes even patronising to pander to people in this way, but given that sex is one of our most basic biological needs, it shouldn't be too surprising that gamers are frequently targeted in this way. Of course, it opens a huge can of worms regarding sexism and the objectification of women especially, and as such this boob-related approach to video game marketing has calmed down considerably over the last 5 years or so, even if these infamous games, which thrusted large female chests in our eyelines at every opportunity, have lingered long in our minds ever since release. Whether the final product was actually worth playing or not, however, is a different matter entirely... These 12 video games, whether inherently sexual in tone or simply sexed up because it sells, were marketed almost entirely on mammary glands and little else, because predictably, when you've run out of good things to say about your game, "it's got boobs in it!" is about as enticing as you can get.

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More stories to check out before you go
When you've run out of good things to say about your game, "it's got boobs in it!" is about as enticing as you can get.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).

General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
11 Hugely-Anticipated Video Games You Won't Believe Got Cancelled

10 Hardest Video Game Enemies They Had To Patch


10 "Assumed To Fail" Video Games That DESTROYED Expectations

10 Video Games We’re Dying To Play (Even Though They’ll Suck)

10 Great Video Game Sequels The Fans Rejected

10 Video Games Way Darker Than Originally Advertised

10 Most Hated Enemy Types In Gaming

8 Insane Video Game Secrets That Made You Say WHAT?!

10 Important Video Game Plot Points Answered In DLC

GTA 6: 8 Confirmed Details You Need To Know

Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum.



As everyone knows in just about any field, sex sells. Whether you're selling underwear, cakes or video games, throwing a scantily-clad man or woman (depending on the product) into the mix is a sure way to keep people's eyes fixed on the item and get them talking. In this day and age, it's rather cynical and sometimes even patronising to pander to people in this way, but given that sex is one of our most basic biological needs, it shouldn't be too surprising that gamers are frequently targeted in this way. Of course, it opens a huge can of worms regarding sexism and the objectification of women especially, and as such this boob-related approach to video game marketing has calmed down considerably over the last 5 years or so, even if these infamous games, which thrusted large female chests in our eyelines at every opportunity, have lingered long in our minds ever since release. Whether the final product was actually worth playing or not, however, is a different matter entirely... These 12 video games, whether inherently sexual in tone or simply sexed up because it sells, were marketed almost entirely on mammary glands and little else, because predictably, when you've run out of good things to say about your game, "it's got boobs in it!" is about as enticing as you can get.

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More stories to check out before you go
When you've run out of good things to say about your game, "it's got boobs in it!" is about as enticing as you can get.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).

General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
11 Hugely-Anticipated Video Games You Won't Believe Got Cancelled

10 Hardest Video Game Enemies They Had To Patch


10 "Assumed To Fail" Video Games That DESTROYED Expectations

10 Video Games We’re Dying To Play (Even Though They’ll Suck)

10 Great Video Game Sequels The Fans Rejected

10 Video Games Way Darker Than Originally Advertised

10 Most Hated Enemy Types In Gaming

8 Insane Video Game Secrets That Made You Say WHAT?!

10 Important Video Game Plot Points Answered In DLC

GTA 6: 8 Confirmed Details You Need To Know

Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum.

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really bad add a lot more scenes and funner
damn wouldn't have a giant chick on me, overall good stuff though i would add a LOT more scenes
Honestly i thought i would have been funnier if she just stuffed the smaller girl in her vag or butt and let her suffocate in there while giant girl went on with her day. Or maybe I'm just messed up in the head. Maybe even both but was still good except for the arm phasing through her boob.
omg this made my day it was hot and it was funny kudos!
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An inflation based 3D-platformer life-sim hybrid (proof-of-concept prototype)
An adult RPG game focused around breast expansion and lactation content.
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A farming game but with naked kobolds!
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