Https Client Private

Https Client Private


Https Client Private




yuqian0218 opened this issue
Aug 1, 2016
Β· 50 comments




changed the title
can't pull/push images after updating docker to 1.12

Private registry push fail: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Aug 2, 2016









closed this

Aug 10, 2016




mentioned this issue

Sep 30, 2016




mentioned this issue

Jul 18, 2017







mentioned this issue

Dec 25, 2017






mentioned this issue

May 17, 2019

[root@dhcp-140-36 ~] # docker info
Containers: 5
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 5
Images: 40
Server Version: 1.13.1
Insecure Registries:
[root@dhcp-140-36 db-731491371] # oc adm catalog build --appregistry-org=jiazha --to=localhost:5000/jiazha/catalog:v1 --loglevel=8
INFO[0003] directory dir=/tmp/manifests-314255191 file=learn-operator load=package
I1125 16:15:48.553395 11938 builder.go:105] database written /tmp/db-251746264/bundles.db
I1125 16:15:48.566404 11938 builder.go:115] built db layer /tmp/archive-942757578/layer.tar.gz
I1125 16:15:48.566462 11938 config.go:137] looking for config.json at /root/.docker/config.json
I1125 16:15:48.566694 11938 config.go:145] found valid config.json at /root/.docker/config.json
I1125 16:15:48.566743 11938 round_trippers.go:420] GET https://localhost:5000/v2/
I1125 16:15:48.566753 11938 round_trippers.go:427] Request Headers:
I1125 16:15:48.567916 11938 round_trippers.go:446] Response Status: in 1 milliseconds
I1125 16:15:48.567929 11938 round_trippers.go:449] Response Headers:
I1125 16:15:48.567952 11938 helpers.go:217] Connection error: Get https://localhost:5000/v2/: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
F1125 16:15:48.567961 11938 helpers.go:114] Unable to connect to the server: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
[root@dhcp-140-36 ~] # docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 registry
WARN[0000] No HTTP secret provided - generated random secret. This may cause problems with uploads if multiple registries are behind a load-balancer. To provide a shared secret, fill in http.secret in the configuration file or set the REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET environment variable. go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1
INFO[0000] redis not configured go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1
INFO[0000] Starting upload purge in 1m0s go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1
INFO[0000] using inmemory blob descriptor cache go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1
INFO[0000] listening on [::]:5000 go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1
INFO[0060] PurgeUploads starting: olderThan=2019-11-18 08:16:34.579628009 +0000 UTC m=-604739.979538633, actuallyDelete=true
INFO[0060] Purge uploads finished. Num deleted=0, num errors=1
INFO[0060] Starting upload purge in 24h0m0s go.version=go1.11.2 service=registry version=v2.7.1


Make sure the case is the same:

This error will appear if you use a different case in:

- { "insecure-registries":[""] }
- docker push

Looks like your config is otherwise OK.


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My private registry worked well based on docker 1.10.3, but it can't pull/push images after docker updated to 1.12.0.
I had modified the /etc/sysconfig/docker as:
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled=true --insecure-registry=myip:5000'
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled=true --insecure-registry myip:5000'
but when I exec pull/push,I got this error:
$ docker pull myip:5000/cadvisor
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: Get https://myip:5000/v1/_ping: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
when I change back docker to 1.10.3, it still work well as below:
$ docker pull myip:5000/cadvisor
Using default tag: latest
Trying to pull repository myip:5000/cadvisor ...
latest: Pulling from myip:5000/cadvisor
09d0220f4043: Pull complete
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
151807d34af9: Pull complete
14cd28dce332: Pull complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for myip:5000/cadvisor:latest
As suggested by RichardScothern, some relative informations are listed below:
docker version
Version: 1.12.0
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 8eab29e
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.12.0
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 8eab29e
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
docker info
Containers: 4
Running: 1
Paused: 0
Stopped: 3
Images: 241
Server Version: 1.12.0
Storage Driver: devicemapper
Pool Name: docker-253:0-6809-pool
Pool Blocksize: 65.54 kB
Base Device Size: 107.4 GB
Backing Filesystem: xfs
Data file: /dev/loop0
Metadata file: /dev/loop1
Data Space Used: 5.459 GB
Data Space Total: 107.4 GB
Data Space Available: 34.74 GB
Metadata Space Used: 9.912 MB
Metadata Space Total: 2.147 GB
Metadata Space Available: 2.138 GB
Thin Pool Minimum Free Space: 10.74 GB
Udev Sync Supported: true
Deferred Removal Enabled: false
Deferred Deletion Enabled: false
Deferred Deleted Device Count: 0
Data loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data
WARNING: Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Use '--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev' to specify a custom block storage device.
Metadata loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata
Library Version: 1.02.107-RHEL7 (2016-06-09)
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Volume: local
Network: host overlay null bridge
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Security Options: seccomp
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 24
Total Memory: 62.39 GiB
Name: server_3
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): true
File Descriptors: 21
Goroutines: 32
System Time: 2016-08-02T10:33:06.414048675+08:00
EventsListeners: 0
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled
Insecure Registries:
docker exec registry -version
registry v2.2.1
After I restart the docker daemon in debug mode, the daemon logs when reproducing my problem are listed below:
DEBU[0794] Calling POST /v1.24/images/create?fromImage=
DEBU[0794] hostDir: /etc/docker/certs.d/
DEBU[0794] hostDir: /etc/docker/certs.d/
DEBU[0794] Trying to pull from v2
WARN[0794] Error getting v2 registry: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
ERRO[0794] Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
DEBU[0794] Trying to pull from v1
DEBU[0794] hostDir: /etc/docker/certs.d/
DEBU[0794] attempting v1 ping for registry endpoint
DEBU[0794] Fallback from error: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
ERRO[0794] Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
ERRO[0794] Handler for POST /v1.24/images/create returned error: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
DEBU[1201] clean 2 unused exec commands
What's more, I just run a simple command to launch the private registry for test, anything else is by default:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v 'pwd'/data:/var/lib/registry registry:2
Neither nginx nor proxy is configured. In summary, it is only a quiet sample environment for test.
Hope you guys giving me some suggestions ,thank you!
Please follow these instructions to help us diagnose your issue
@RichardScothern ,thank you for your comment and I will modify the issue with your suggestions.
Can we see your config @wudiapo135 ? Do you have tls configured?
Looks like a docker configuration issue. The --insecure-registry=myip:5000 flag is not getting set on the daemon, causing this error. Try running the daemon manually with your desired options and see if you get the same issue.
I get helped from [], two steps in total to solve this issue:
The--insecure-registry=myip:5000 flag is not getting set on the daemon
but I have no idea about why it only occurred under docker version 1.12. I will keep this issue open in next three days, any comments are welcome.
Can we see your config @wudiapo135 ? Do you have tls configured?
I had never change the config for tls, so tls config is setting by default.
Same problem here but with Docker for Mac Version 1.12.1-beta26.1 (build: 12100).
Solved adding the insecure registry in Docker Mac App preferences.
Why this issue is closed?
@daniloascione the OP closed this issue because he fixed the cause of the error by correctly setting the --insecure-registry flag. If you are having a similar issue and this is not helping you then open another issue describing your problem.
@RichardScothern I see... so the correct way to set the insecure-registry flag is modifying /etc/docker/daemon.json, and the --insecure-registry=myip:5000 flag is not getting set on the daemon, as reported before. Thank you.
@wudiapo135, I did the same per your comments, but still got the same error: Private registry push fail: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
My docker version: Docker version 1.12.2, build bb80604
I also have the same problem with this docker version for Mac.
Docker version 1.12.2, build bb80604
registry added to insecure registries in preferences but no luck. Worked in 1.12.1.
With Docker For Mac, the registries setting doesn't seems to be very sticky. I originally added my registry as https:// and got this error. I changed the address to http and restarted Docker, but the error persisted.
After removing the setting altogether, restarting Docker, then adding the setting back and restarting again it stuck and started working. YMMV.
I have the same issue with docker 1.12.4.
Same issue with 1.13.1, solved using solution of @wudiapo135
I had a Beta version when I've installed the stable version the issue did not appear anymore.
I am still getting the issue in version 1.12.6 and running the registry using the command : docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
i have same issue with docker 1.12.6.
Same issue since upgrading, adding --insecure-registry localhost:5000 fixed it(using the docker registry image in my case).
Would be nice to have localhost automagically added ...
Try adding --insecure-registry option to daemon in /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf file.
Then sudo systemctl daemon-reload
And sudo service docker restart
The same problem here, solved modifying the "/etc/docker/daemon.json" file just like @wudiapo135 suggested.
docker -v -> Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
uname -r -> 4.8.0-36-generic (Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Xenial Xerus)
For Centos 7 and Docker version _17.03.1-ce , build c6d412e_
, just modify ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service', as @saavkaar indicated:
vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --insecure-registry
systemctl daemon-reload
service docker restart
Where if the 'IP:port' of the master node where the registry image is running.
Apply this modification and the restart in the master node and also in the slaves.
Now start the registry image in the master node:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v LOCAL_PATH:/var/lib/registry registry:2
Where LOCAL_PATH is a existent directory in your master node.
Push an image intto your registry before you can pull.
In the master node:
docker push :/YOUR_IMAGE
Where YOUR_IMAGE is the name of the image that you want distribute.
In the slaves nodes:
docker pull :YOUR_IMAGE
I have an aws ubuntu instance 14.04. I can login via the instance or host but cannot log in from outside.
http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
Is this to do with docker?
Do i need to configure firewall and open ports in aws instance group policy? I have allowed 5000 http 80 and https 443.
bash [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/docker ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// --insecure-registry
Ubuntu 16.04 aws instance
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
Dear @pranay-91 ,
Check usual things: port 5000 is not in use, firewall configuration and Docker log entries.
User @saavkaar ran it in Ubuntu 16.04 and Docker: 1.26
I had the insecure-registry url already, and while it worked once, it didn't work after a VM restart.
I just had to restart docker and it worked this time without the https gave http error.
I had the same problem as here, but with Docker on Windows. Turns out that the file at C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json isn't the only source of config here; if I right-click the docker icon in the taskbar and choose Settings...->Daemon and enable advanced config editing, I get a different set of settings.
Adding the insecure registry there, not in the daemon.json file on disk, seems to have solved my problem.
Also you can install haproxy and add into config:
then you don't need --insecure-registry flag..
Is /etc/docker/daemon.json the correct file path to add {"insecure-registries": [""]} on macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6?
docker --version --> Docker version 17.06.0-ce, build 02c1d87
I have private registry running on a Ubuntu VM on my Mac which is accessible via SSH on my Mac
On Ubuntu 14.04 VM:
docker --version --> Docker version 17.06.1-ce, build 874a737
I am able to push to private registry from within the Ubuntu VM, but when I try to push it from Mac using the VM's IP Address (that I use to SSH into my VM), I get the output
Note : is my VM's IP Address
@ProProgrammer on mac OS X is daemon.json in path: ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/database/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/etc/docker
@applemann etc/docker does not exist in /Users/ds/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux for me. Should I just create the full path /Users/ds/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/etc/docker/daemon.json ?
This is a mess, we have the same problem, it worked fine until now.
I have added the /etc/docker/daemon.json before and it worked just fine....
Btw: I'm using Gitlab as my registy...
If you are using Docker for Windows with linux containers, the 'insecure-registries' setting is here:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\linux-daemon-options.json
I'm using Docker for Windows, but I'm not actually using the 'for Windows' part. Instead I followed the 'hyperv' instructions.
Install docker for windows but uncheck the 'start at login' box. Instead, follow the instructions for creating a docker machine using hyperv - . I called mine 'dockervm'. I also created a virtual switch that is bridged so it has a real (external) IP.
Create a scheduled task to run at startup 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\docker-machine start dockervm'. Make sure to not use double quotes as there is a bug in the windows 10 task scheduler.
After step 1 your docker machine is running, use 'docker-machine env dockervm' to get the environment, and set it in your global environment settings.
After a reboot, your dockervm should be running, and docker ps -a should return results.
Run the registry locally: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2
Open 'Hyper-V Manager' and select 'dockervm' (it should be running). Click 'Connect...' under dockervm on the right to open a shell. You should now be at a root shell prompt in your dockervm
From the root shell prompt, cd to /var/lib/boot2docker
Add a new line to this part with your registry (my vm's IP is
--label provider=hyperv
8. Restart the dockervm machine in hyperv manager
You should now be able to push to the registry
I'd like to clarify that you should add the { "insecure-registries":[""] } to /etc/docker/daemon.json in the client machine.
I added the docker registry network CIDR in '/etc/sysconfig/docker ' of clients eg: 'OPTIONS= - --insecure-registry=' and is working fine.
For Mac users, it seems like they added the ability to configure insecure registries in the GUI, via Preferences > Daemon > Insecure registries.
tl;dr make sure you are using a correct user/password :-)
According to the - message http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client does not mean it is a reason of the failure:
With insecure registries enabled, Docker goes through the following steps:
You can observe this message in both, working (correct password) & non-working (incorrect password) examples below:
Either A. or B., both cannot work together.
When you change docker.service files, do not forget to run systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker as root .
Edit configuration file /etc/systemd/system/
add ExecStart=/usr/************* --insecure-registry yourip:5000
i added ExecStart=/usr/************* --insecure-registry yourip:5000 ,but still can't work, the same as {
"insecure-registries" : [""]
For future people who had my problem:
If you installed docker using snap (run snap services to check if docker.dockerd is listed), you will need to add the insecure-registries entry to /var/snap/docker/current/config/daemon.json , not the default config location.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --insecure-registry registry:5000
For Docker version 19.03.1 on a Windows 10 machine, this is how I resolved it:
I opened up docker's settings in the gui:

Clicked on the Daemon section, click on the toggle button Basic to enable Advance mode:

I already config the "--insecure-registry localhost:5000" in /etc/sysconfig/docker and "systemctl restart docker". See below:
But, still got errors: Unable to connect to the server: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client . Anyone know how to solve it? Thanks!
I ran into this issue by following the instructions for Docker Registry , where I changed localhost . I think it should be documented on that page that one must enable insecure-registries .
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --insecure-registry registry:5000
@santhoshkumarhirekerur Thank you. That link finally fixed mine. That was 5 hours of pulling my hair out. I wish I could buy you a beer!
Solution :
If you want to pull/push image on particular host let say from private registry that you hosted on another node
1.go to /etc/hosts of your host and gave same domain name to this ip like -
2.go to /etc/docker/daemon.json of you hosts
note: if daemon.json not present, create it inside /etc/docker/ daemon.json and write following lines -
"insecure-registries": [""]
4.Restart docker
service docker stop
service docker start
5.try to pull image using for eg : docker pull ""
that's it!
If someone with GitLab CI docker:dind as a service comes here (as I did), here's the answer you're looking for: .
Only this worked for me in /etc/docker/daemon.json file :
"insecure-registries" : ["", ""]
Execute these commands afterwards :
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker info
In the output of "docker info" look for :
Insecure Registries:
I had similar issues and nothing seemed to work but I eventually resolved the problem because I found that either the insecure-registries or both the docker push command (in my situation) are case sensitive.
I had the following in /etc/docker/daemon.json:
{ "insecure-registries":[" MYREGISTRY"] }
And was running
docker push myregistry
And still getting:
http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
Changing the command to:
docker push MYREGISTRY
Solved the push issue but the error is not remotely representitive of the issue at all as it was a URL case sensitivity problem...
If the daemon.json file does not exist, create it. Assuming there are no other settings in the file, it should have the following contents:
Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

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Private registry push fail: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client ...
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