How would I exchange my bitcoin from Binance to PayPal?

How would I exchange my bitcoin from Binance to PayPal?


You can exchange your BTC to Paypal

 by using Exchanger24 . For this you can follow bellow step:

  1. Visit and Log in to the Binance account.
  2. After the login, click on [Wallet] - [Spot Wallet ]on the upper right-hand side of the page. Then, click on [Withdraw] button on the right banner.
  3. Input the abbreviation or full name of a coin/token to withdraw, or select from the list.
  4. Take Bitcoin (BTC) as an example, after confirming the address, copy it into the [Recipient's BTC Address] field, and enter the withdrawal amount. The system will automatically calculate the handling fee and give the actual arrival amount: actual arrival amount = withdrawal amount-withdrawal fee.

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