How will having the coronavirus impact my gym workout?

How will having the coronavirus impact my gym workout?

Covid 19 seems to affect everyone differently so it’s hard to predict exactly how it will affect you. You should read Christian Pederson's answer for a thorough example of how it affected one person.

This answer will be my experience. I have no idea if your experiences will match mine or be completely different.

In January 2020 I was fitter than I’ve been in my entire life. I was 43 years old and had discovered a deep love for Muay Thai. My workouts consisted of two hour training sessions. The first hour was an extended HIIT (high intensity interval training) session. After that we did an hour of fight combinations, bag training, and sparring. On my off days I would cycle 10–20 kilometers and do home HIIT sessions. I was feeling great physically and psychologically. I meditate every day, and I was eating an all vegan diet. My blood pressure was 120/80 which is pretty good for a 43 year old man.

In March 2020 I got Corona virus. I’m not sure what date I caught it but it peaked on the evening of March 16 when I started having mild difficulty breathing. It felt like I had a weight on my chest and couldn’t catch a full breath. Fortunately I started to recover after that and for the following two weeks I just had a very annoying dry cough and extreme fatigue.

It took a couple of months for the fatigue to subside to the point where I could do mild exercise. My wife and I started going on daily walks and I was occasionally cycling 5 km. All I wanted to do was lie down but I had to force myself to get better.

On October 14 2020 I was standing in my kitchen making lunch when I suddenly started having an extremely elevated heart rate. I started sweating and overheating and had severe nausea. I booked an appointment with a cardiologist who ran all the standard tests and found nothing wrong with my heart. Random tachycardia is one of the longterm symptoms of covid. Yay for me. My blood pressure had jumped up 20 points and I was now measuring 141/85 which is classified as mild hypertension. My cardiologist tried to reassure me that this was a totally normal number for a man my age. Internally I was thinking “motherfucker, I was the same age in January when it was 20 points lower.” But I bit my tongue.

I’m not letting this thing beat me though. I found an open air gym that feels pretty covid-safe. I started working out regularly in November. I’ve been going 5 days per week for the last three months. It was very difficult at first. I was dizzy and nearly fainting after some of my sets. I would leave a pool of sweat at every station. I would need long breaks. I’m happy to say that I’ve improved a lot and I’m now lifting much heavier weights with a fraction of the struggle and much quicker recovery times.

My youngest daughter is 5 years old. I need to be around for her. I plan on getting my heart and body back into peak shape again and telling long-covid symptoms to fuck off. I know it’s going to be a long road but I’m committed.

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