How to withdrawal?

How to withdrawal?

It's easy to withdraw your LP. Just a couple of clicks.
  1. Go to web:
  2. Connect your wallet (Metamask, Rabby, ... e.t.)
Connect Metamask

3. Hover over the button "Clain LP rewards" (1).

  • You can see three options (2): 25%, 50% or 100% of your LP rewards.
  • Choose the option you want.
Choose the options

4. Confirm the transaction inside your wallet

For example, you can see on the screen (Rabby wallet)

that 1006.075 $GAMELP is burned, and 1.0288 MATIC you'll get to your wallet.


5. Wait a few seconds for your transaction to be confirmed. You can follow the link to the Polygonscan to follow the transaction online.

Wait a few seconds

6. That's all. You have got your crypto back.


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