How to use the calculator?

How to use the calculator?

Ron Ray

How to use the calculator?

It is used to calculate the prize corresponding to your bet. Enter the achievement value of each of your bets. You can calculate the prize of a bet ticket up to a maximum of 10 combinations.

When the team is favorite or "Male", click on the box indicated by the "-" symbol to place a negative sign on the amount of the achievement.

An example of how the calculator obtains the final amount of the bet payment is the following:

Assuming we are going to bet 100 bs. to two teams with the following achievements:

Giants -125

Parents +130

The Money Line must be converted to decimal, for each team in the parlay calculator, the money line is converted to decimal using the following formula:

a) For a negative money line (-125), divide the bet amount (100) by 125 -> 100/125 = 0.8

b) For a positive money line (+130), divide the achievement amount by the bet amount (130) by 100 -> 130/100 = 1.3

The formula for the previous bet would look like this:

(Amount bet x Price 1 X Price 2) - Amount bet = PAYMENT

Example: For the bet at 100 Bs with the following parlay:


1) 100 X (1 + 100/125) X (1 + 130/100) = PAY

2) 100 X 1.8 X 2.3 = 414

Use this same method for any number of teams

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