πŸ“ƒ How to use DeexterBot?

πŸ“ƒ How to use DeexterBot?


πŸ”° Introduction

Currently you are facing bot main menu where you can see several buttons each one of them is related to their section such as: Balance, Exchange, About, Settings.

Let's see what exactly each one of them do so that you could use it with more understanding and comfort.

πŸ’³ Section "Balance"

When you press on Balance button you get into section with your current available assets such as: BTC, ETH, etc.

Near to each one of them you can see your current balance inside of parentheses.

If you press on any of them this asset wallet will be shown to you, where you can control your wallet - make deposits/withdraws, create gifts.

πŸ“₯ Section "Balance" - Deposit

If you want to make a deposit on your wallet in our service, you need to press Deposit button inside of an asset wallet. When you press on it you will get your transit address which you will need to use later to make a deposit on your wallet.

That address you can use on any services where you can send a transaction on your transit wallet, it could be achieved on services like: blockchain.info, MEW, MetMask and others.

After you made a transaction with given transit address, your funds will be received and deposited in 10-60 minutes.

Bot will notify you about received funds with a special message and now you can use your assets inside of our service.

πŸ“€ Section "Balance" - Withdraw

To withdraw your funds from any of your wallet you need to press Withdraw button inside of asset wallet.

You will receive a message with request to enter your external wallet address.

Send you external wallet address to bot and if it's wrong bot will report you about it.

In case if everything is fine you will receive a message with a request of how much you want to withdraw from your wallet and your current assets balance.

Choose the exact amount which you want to withdraw and your funds will be frozen until transaction is pushed to the network.

Your funds will be withdrawn from 10-60 minutes depends on current network status.

Whenever you'd like you can change your mind and cancel your withdraws in bot.

🎁 Section "Balance" - Gifts

Gifts are just a link with specific code which will be used to identify it. With that link your friends will be able to receive assets from you.

When you'll be inside of gifts menu you can press Create new gift button to create new gift or you can press Active gifts button to see which ones are not yet activated.

Gift creation process is very simple, you will just need to enter exact amount of assets you want to gift. Check gift creation info and accept gift creation, until your gift activation your entered amount of funds will be frozen in your wallet.

That's pretty much it! Now you can send a link to your friend and wait for activation. When activation is successful you will be notified by bot. Link will be expired after gift activation.

You can always activate your gifts yourself or delete them and receive your frozen assets back to your wallet. To activate it yourself you can use your own link or activate it from active gifts menu.

πŸ’Έ Section "Exchange"

Our main bot functionality is a peer-to-peer assets exchange which will open if you press Exchange button.

Inside of exchange menu you can see all available assets which you can trade with others and an amount of orders in parentheses on each one of them.

Pick one of them and you can see a message with exchange rates change for that asset for the last 24 hours relative to other assets and buttons with other assets which you can exchange it on.

Just pick a second one and you will be inside of Buy/Sell menu. Here you can see Buy and Sell buttons with active orders in parentheses.

πŸ“ Section "Exchange" - Order creation

All of a sudden you want to buy some BTC for ETH, but there is no orders which suits your needs and you are deciding to create your own order with your own terms.

You pressed Buy button inside of buy/sell menu of BTC/ETH and you press Create new order button, bot offers you to enter a desired rate.

As soon as you entered a desired rate, bot will immediately ask you to enter a desired amount to buy and show your current balance.

When you entered a desired amount to buy, you will receive a message with amount of BTC you will receive with our fees. Check all received data and accept it with a press on Yes button.

Congratulations your order is created now you'll need to wait until someone will make a deal with you! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“ˆ Section "Exchange" - Buy

For example you want to buy BTC for ETH as before, you checked all active orders, picked one which suits you and decided that right now is a time to make a deal.

You pick an order and get a message with an information about this order and the Begin trade button.

When you press on Begin trade button bot will offer you to enter a desired amount of assets you want to buy. After entering your desired amount you will need to accept a deal.

If your deal was successful you will receive your assets on you wallet instantly and bot will notify you about it.

πŸ“‰ Section "Exchange" - Sell

The process of selling is exactly the same as buying process, the only difference that you sell to those who created it.

πŸ“ Section "Exchange" - Orders control

Orders can be controlled by pressing on "My orders" button.

You can control all of your created orders inside of "My orders"

Controlling activation status of your orders proceed by order activation button inside of order menu.

With activation/deactivation of your order it will appear or disappear from global list respectively.

If all of assets in your order was bought it will automaticcally completed. You can activate it again by depositing assets to your balance if you don't have enough funds and press "Activate lot" button.

After activation your funds will be frozen on amount presented in order and it will be added in global list.

βš™ Section "Settings"

When you press "Settings" button you go to the "Settings" menu where you can change your language, external wallets addresses, security settings, etc.

πŸš€ Section "About"

Inside of "About" section you can learn more about our service, contact our support, join our communities, check our partners, etc.

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