How to update contact details!

How to update contact details!


1 . Admin Commands:

  1. Add a user to the database : [ Command: /add ]

Open the bot and run the following command:

/add name dept mobile extension mail emp


/add john mechanical 985548775 04845544254 255


/add John-Samuel electrical 554487548 231

Note: If the user is already a member, the present values are updated in the existing database excluding emp number and thumbnail URL. If not, they will be added to DB.

Mandatory: <space> in between the full name should be replaced with ' - ' (hyphen symbol).

2. Load data from a CSV File : [ Command: /load ]

Create a CSV file with the following formatting.

The format header should be like this:


Upload the CSV file to the bot chat. As a replay to the above-uploaded file, send the command /load

The data in the file will be copied to the bot database.

Note: Bot won't accept the incorrect formatting. Results an error message.

3. Update Contact Photo : [ Command: /photo ]

Open the bot chat, upload an image with face cropped to the bot chat. As a replay to the above photo, send the following command.

/photo emp_number


/photo 255

The Photo will be uploaded to and the link will be stored in the bot database.

4. Mass delete contacts:

Open the bot chat and enter the following command.

/delete emp_1 emp_2 emp_3 .... emp_x


/delete 255 352 44 256 544 41 424

2. User Commands:

  1. Update E-Mail Id : [ Command: /email ]

Open the bot chat and enter the following command.

/email emp_num


/email 266

Note: Only one email id can be added to a contact

2. Update the mobile number : [ Command: /mobile ]

Open the bot chat and enter the following command.

/mobile emp_num mobile_num_1 mobile_num_2


/mobile 255 9875485488    or   /mobile 255 9875485408 9485658774

Note: Two mobile numbers can be added to a contact!

3. Update extension number : [ Command: /extension ]

Open the bot chat and enter the following command.

/extension emp_num extension_num


/extension 255 04842545888

Note: Only one extension number can be added to a contact

4. View admins : [ Command: /admins]

By running the /admins command, users of this bot can get an admin list with mentioned names that they can directly contact the nearest admin for their potential data updates.


Note: Admins who have never opened a chat with the bot won't show his/her name in the result message.

3. Sudo Commands:


Send the command as a reply to any telegram media or message to broadcast it to the bot subscribers who are in the DEFAULT_CHAT_ROOM. Ids in the SUDO_USERS list can only run this command.


List and display the users of the bot.

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