How to take care of your TPE love doll

How to take care of your TPE love doll

Minya Female Realistic TPE Sex Doll

The guidelines underneath just work for love dolls produced using TPE material (not silicone). The following advice is only applicable to the care of the TPE body of a TPE sex doll with a silicone head.

The Main Day is vital

Wash her utilizing Cleanser and Water combination to eliminate the creation buildup totally. The creation buildup, in the event that not washed away, can, extra time, make the skin of the sex doll steadily become dark.

Rub her gently with microfiber cloths to remove soap and water residue (don't be rough!). Rehash the methodology 5-6 times to ensure creation buildup is totally cleared off.

She doesn't need to be carried to the bathroom. Place one thick or hardly any more slender covers on the floor to assimilate the water, and lay her on top of the covers while cleaning.

Apply baby oil to her entire body and let it absorb overnight after she has been washed. If she still feels sticky the following day, all of her will have been preemptively cleaned with baby powder.

Your sex doll is washed before being painted with hyper-realism. She will lose her hyper-realism painting if you wash her with soap and water.

TPE Skin Care: On your doll's delicate areas (elbows, knees, armpits, pubic area), apply Nivea Body Lotion once a week. Permit the cream to retain for 6 hours.

To reestablish the love doll's skin to a spic and span condition, we suggest month to month child oil or Vaseline treatment. Treatment: Cover the entire body with child oil and permit it to ingest for 30-an hour (assuming utilizing Vaseline, let it assimilate over night). Her skin and the natural oils that are contained in TPE will both benefit from this.

Your love doll's skin may become sticky to the touch over time. To stay away from this, utilization a huge "powder make-up brush" to powder her skin a smidgen with Child Powder/corn starch or corn flour.

Stain removal The production residue may be the source of the love doll's gradual black staining, which is not caused by clothing. If it's not too much trouble, try to wash her completely utilizing cleanser and water once she shows up to her new home. ( wash her multiple times as a sanity check!)

Watch out for various materials containing colors, inks since they can move tone to the skin of your sex doll. Keep away from things like: papers, dull hued or cowhide materials containing oil-solvent shades.

To prevent stains, wash new clothes first before putting them on your sex doll. Unwashed dark apparel can stain the doll regardless of whether left on for under 5 minutes!

Even if you put black clothing in the washing machine, it may still stain. Please regularly check to see if the girl's black clothes are staining her after they have been washed and put on.

Please remove the source of the staining as soon as possible if the girl was stained. Over time, TPE naturally fades away the stains until they are completely gone.

Please use an acne cream containing Benzoyl Peroxide if the staining is extremely severe. Just apply the cream and leave it on for something like an hour. Check to see if the stains have been removed by wiping down the troubled areas after the time has passed. Softly stained regions ought to be fixed right away, be that as it may, vigorously stained regions could expect to carry out the technique once more.



Continuously utilize a water based grease prior to engaging in sexual relations. This makes the demonstration more tomfoolery as well as keeps the love doll's skin from staying and tearing.



TPE truly prefers Vaseline (100 percent Unadulterated Petrol Jam). Vaseline renews the normal oils that are tracked down within the TPE and safeguards it from tearing by causing the TPE to recover flexibility.

Regular Vaseline application would also be very beneficial for delicate areas like joints, especially in the armpits or where the thumbs and hands meet.


 TPE Vaginal, Oral, and Anal Care: Vaseline should be applied to the vagina, mouth, and anus every week.

Vaseline battles form by repulsing dampness. It additionally makes the holes more straightforward to spotless and quicker to totally dry out. Apply Vaseline inside every one of the openings and allow it to retain for the time being.

Your sex dolls openings ought to be cleaned completely after each utilization in the room, shower or shower utilizing a gentle antimicrobial cleanser.


TPE Posing and Storage Don't leave your doll posing while you're away because the TPE may tear over time due to the stress. Return her to her neutral position with her arms at her sides and her legs closed if you are not using her.

Keep her out of the sun's rays.

TPE is delicate and might be liable to leveling and wrinkling whenever left sitting or laying in one situation on a hard surface for quite a while. Ensure the sex doll is laying on a delicate surface (the gentler the better) to abstain from leveling and wrinkling. Another arrangement is to hang her up utilizing a wardrobe bar snare or suspension unit.

Do not drag a doll by her feet or hands. Continuously utilize a "huge squeeze" or "arms convey" procedure to securely move your doll around.


Washing your Sex Doll

Washing your sex doll is significant. Here are a few speedy tips on the most proficient method to make it happen and when:

 For the principal cleaning activity, an effective method for cleaning her is with microfiber fabric along with cleanser and water.

Baby oil can take the place of soap and water cleaning for subsequent washes. In addition to its rejuvenating properties, baby oil is an excellent TPE cleaner. Use microfiber material to apply child oil and rub her tenderly to eliminate buildup and soil. ( once more, don't be harsh!)

Try not to lower your sex dolls submerged!

Just sex dolls with non-standing feet can wash up, be that as it may, try not to permit any water to go on her head or her neck crease.

Try not to construct water tension in any of her holes as this would harm them.


TPE Drying tips:

 Try not to rub your sex doll with a towel when drying her. Patting her with the towel until she's dry is a good strategy.

To avoid melting the TPE material, do not dry your sex doll using a hair dryer or any other powerful heat source.

To avoid humidity, completely dry the love doll's orifices. Laying the sex doll on her back, spreading her legs so that the vagina spreads as well (missionary position), and positioning a small ventilator fan that blows into her wet orifices to dry them out is a great way to accomplish this.

 If you want to store a sex doll, the following steps can be taken:

 Clean the doll completely: Prior to putting away the sex doll, it is critical to clean it completely to forestall any shape or microbes development. You can utilize a gentle cleanser and warm water to clean the sex doll. Try to dry it totally prior to putting away it.

Eliminate any removable parts: Remove and store any parts of your sex doll that can be removed, like a wig or clothing, separately.

Apply baby powder: To keep the love doll's skin delicate and keep it from adhering to itself, you can apply baby powder to the love doll's body. Make certain to utilize a non-scented powder.

Keep in a dry, cool place: The sex doll should be kept somewhere dry, cool, and out of direct sunlight. A storeroom or a stockpiling box under your bed are great choices.

Think about utilizing a stand or backing: On the off chance that you have a bigger sex doll, consider utilizing a stand or backing to assist it with keeping up with its shape while away.

Utilize a cover: Before storing the sex doll, you might want to cover it with a clean cloth or use a cover to keep dust and other debris out.

It's important to remember that sex dolls need proper care in order to last. To keep your doll in good condition, make sure to follow the cleaning and maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Last tips:


Safeguard her eyelashes. They can come off because they are so delicate. Assuming they fall off, it's protected to utilize ordinary super paste to painstakingly stick them back on.

Please refrain from using too much force on her fingers and hands. In particular, please ensure that she does not receive an excessive amount of force where her thumbs meet her hands.

Please flex the stiff joint as much as necessary to bring it up to the level of the other joints if it is stiffer than the others.

Try not to utilize liquor or items that have liquor as a fixing (scent typically has it). All things being equal, go for liquor free other options.

To avoid harming your sex doll, only use products that have been recommended for that purpose.

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