How to set up Last.FM module for Paperplane userbot

How to set up Last.FM module for Paperplane userbot


(original Author Avinash Reddy)

  • Sign up for a free Last.FM account if you haven't done so.
  • Now click HERE to open the API registration page.
  • Now fill up the form with required information.
  • You will receive your API key and Secret like the one in the screenshot. (keep it safe, you might need it for future use.)
  • Now open up your HEROKU app page and go to the Settings section.
  • Click on the Reveal Config Vars to be able to add and remove environment variables.
  • These are the variables to be set up for the module

LASTFM_API = The API Key (from the registration)

LASTFM_SECRET = The Secret (from the registration)

LASTFM_USERNAME = Your LASTFM username (eg. mine is Avinash3108)

LASTFM_PASSWORD = Your LASTFM Password (don't worry, no one's stealing it from you.)

BIO_PREFIX = Prefix for your module (optional)

DEFAULT_BIO = your static bio when the module is not running.

  • This is how you add an environment variable in HEROKU. Scroll to the bottom of your Config Vars list to find these blank text boxes.
  • KEYS are variable names (like DEFAULT_BIO for example) and Value is the data which you set for it.
  • After your environment variables are set up, restart your userbot using the Resources section (or the Restart All Dynos option.) and enjoy !!
  • For the Spotify peeps, you can connect your Spotify account to HERE and have Spotify Now Playing Tracks as your bio !!

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