How to recover after workout

How to recover after workout


Have you ever gone to the gym and worked out hard, but then felt sore afterward? Or maybe you've exercised intensely without any soreness, but find yourself drained of energy by the end of the day. If these scenarios sound familiar to you, read on! There are several things we can do after a workout that will help our bodies recover and feel better overall.


Stay hydrated

Be sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women consume about 91 ounces (2.7 liters) of total beverages each day, while men should consume about 125 ounces (3.8 liters). This includes water from drinking fountains or other sources, as well as any liquids you may drink with meals — including milk, juice and coffee/tea without cream or sugar.

If you're thirsty before working out: Drink at least a pint (480 milliliters) of water 30 minutes before exercising so that it's absorbed into your bloodstream by the time you start working out. If you're thirsty during your workout: Drink another pint within 30 minutes after finishing your session; this will help replace electrolytes lost through sweat during exercise which helps prevent muscle cramps and fatigue later on in the day too!


Don't drink alcohol after a workout

Avoid alcohol after a workout. Alcohol can dehydrate you and cause muscle cramps, which interferes with the recovery process for your muscles. Because it’s a depressant, alcohol also affects your sleep cycle, delaying REM cycles and disrupting the pattern of deep sleep (which means you won't wake up feeling refreshed!).

Think about drinking water instead of beer—not only is it better for long-term health overall, but it will help keep your body in top shape to build muscle faster!


Gentle stretching may help ease muscle soreness

When you exercise, your muscles experience micro tears. When you don't stretch afterward, these tears can cause muscle soreness and reduce mobility.

To prevent that from happening, do gentle stretching after your workout. This can help ease muscle soreness and improve flexibility by lengthening the muscle fibers. It also improves blood flow to your muscles, which allows them to repair themselves faster so you feel less sore the next day.


Go easy on your muscles immediately after your workout

When you're sore from your workout, do not do anything that hurts. Move slowly, and avoid any strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours.

If you've lifted weights, give your muscles a rest for at least 48 hours before doing it again. If you're particularly sore, take a massage—it's great for relaxing your body and helping to restore its strength and flexibility. You can also use an electronic massager like this mini massage gun.


Eat right to replenish energy and nutrients your body needs

Eating right is the most important element of your recovery process. The right foods can speed up muscle repair and replenish lost energy so you can get back in action sooner.


It's important to eat a balanced diet with carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber every day to help fuel your workouts and keep you feeling full longer. Carbohydrates are usually the first nutrient we think of when we're thinking about fueling our bodies post-workout (and rightly so). They provide glucose that can be used as fuel for our muscles during exercise—the more intense or longer your workout was, the more carbs you'll need afterwards. Carbohydrates also play an important role in muscle growth because they provide energy for both exercise sessions and daily activities like walking around campus all day! However, there are other nutrients that aid in recovery too: protein helps build new muscle tissue after strenuous activity; fats provide energy during exercise; fiber keeps us feeling full longer between meals by slowing down digestion; while vitamins like B6 (found naturally in lean meats) support healthy nerve function during exercise.


The best way to recover from a workout is to do it right. Listen to your body, keep hydrated and don't overdo it!

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