How to protect your infant from bed bugs

How to protect your infant from bed bugs

Bed bugs are ectoparasites that feed on the blood of any terrestrial vertebrate, although they have a special predilection for that of human beings especially in case of child.

When a bed bug bites someone, in addition to sucking the blood, also injects its own saliva in the organism of the host. Saliva contains a mixture of anesthetic substances and anticoagulants that generate an immune response in the individual who has been stung. Although this response depends on the sensitivity of each one to the substances injected by the bug, most people develop more or less intense pruritus in the area of the bite that can become quite annoying.

In addition, the same bug can repeatedly bite a person and never attacks alone. Since bedbugs are gregarious insects, they normally feed on the host as a group, and each night they come to bite someone a few times. As a result, individuals attacked by bed bugs end up suffering from a mosaic of bites in the most exposed areas during the night, such as the arms or legs, since it is the period of activity that these parasitic insects present.

 Indications to identify bed bugs

Adult bugs are oval, wingless and rusty red. His body is flat; they have antennae and small eyes. They are insects that can be seen with the naked eye but often hide in cracks and crevices. Therefore, when cleaning, change the bedding or travel, see if you find other signs that may help in bed bug detection Oakville, such as:

•   Dark spots of about this size: on furniture, including mattresses and mattress bases or bed bases.

•   Rust-colored or reddish spots on bed sheets or mattresses caused by crushed bugs.

•   Eggs and eggshells of bedbugs, which are tiny (about 1 mm) and white.

•   Live bugs, although there are also several insects that can look a lot like bed bugs. It is important for an expert to identify the type of insect.

Way to protect your infant from bed bugs?

There are insect repellent lotions (sold in pharmacies) that can help fight the fearsome bites of bed bugs. You can also apply lotions with citronella essential oils on the skin since it seems that they can have some power of repellence in bedbugs. In this way, it could be possible to prevent the bedbugs from approaching at night to make their usual nocturnal blood intake.

Also always dress up your child in full selves clothes, as it cover the body and protect the kids from bugs.

On the other hand, these remedies do not eliminate the problem, since bed bugs can survive without eating long periods of time, and while the bugs are still alive, the probability of suffering bites is still present. The best method to avoid bites of bed bugs is undoubted to get rid of them, and for this, the most effective method is to leave the problem in the hands of professionals experts in the control of bed bugs.

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