How to prevent acne-prone skin with a cleansing routine

How to prevent acne-prone skin with a cleansing routine

Dr Niketa Sonavane, Celebrity Dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai
skin care

With so many skin care products to choose from, it can be tempting to want to try them all. However, if you have sensitive skin, you need to be careful what you use on your face and body. However, that doesn't mean you can't have fun with your skin care products. The first step is to find out if you have sensitive skin and, if so, what is causing it. The next step is to learn what to look for and what to avoid in your products. Once you are comfortable with your skin's needs, you can then build a routine that works for you. Here are some tips by dermatologist in Mumbai on how to care for sensitive skin.

What is sensitive skin?

According to the Dermatologist of Mumbai, sensitive skin is a "state of subjective overreaction to environmental factors". In general, substances that are not normally considered irritants are involved in this abnormal reaction. These irritants vary from person to person. It is also important to note that sensitive skin is not necessarily something you have had since you were young. At any age, you can suddenly start to experience sensitivity, regardless of any other skin tendencies you may have.

What to look for when selecting skin care products

If you think your skin is sensitive, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, try to use products that are fragrance-free and free from other potential irritants such as alcohol. Next, try to find gentle formulas that have been tested specifically for sensitive skin and keep your routine as simple as possible. This will reduce the risk of introducing potential irritants into your skin.

A 5-step skincare routine for sensitive skin

Step 1: Cleanse

Every skin care routine should start with a cleanser. You can get the best products for your money, but they won't do their job if you leave them on top of the build-up of dirt, pollution, makeup, sunscreen and other impurities that can linger on the surface of your skin. If you don't cleanse your skin, you run the risk of all the above impurities clogging your pores, which can lead to breakouts, irritation and dull skin. Look for a gentle formula that doesn't strip your skin of essential oils. We recommend Cleansing Water for all skin types.

Step 2: Alcohol-free toner

Toners have many benefits including balancing the skin's pH after cleansing, soothing the skin and removing any residue or impurities. Sensitive skin types can benefit from using a toner, but those with too much alcohol or astringent ingredients should be avoided. Choose a gentle toner with soothing ingredients.

Step 3: Serums

Serums are a great addition to any skincare routine as they can target specific issues such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots etc.

Step 4: Moisturizer

While your skin is still slightly damp, use a non-comedogenic, fragrance-free, water-based moisturizer, gel or cream. Keeping your skin well hydrated will reduce the risk of irritation.

Step 5: Sun protection

If there's one product that every skin type should use every day, it's sunscreen. Not only does it prevent skin cancer, but it also protects the skin from damage that leads to a weakened and sensitive skin barrier. Choose a sunscreen that is safe for sensitive skin.


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