How to play Vayne in TFT Set 8

How to play Vayne in TFT Set 8


The Teamfight Tactics Set Eight Monsters Attack! brought Vayne to players as part of the Anima Squad to face the threats against Spatopolis. A unit that can be used as the main carry, especially if you can make it reach three stars with the best items and comps.

Trait synergies for Vayne in TFT Set Eight

The TFT Set Eight champion has three traits: Anima Squad, Recon, and Duelist. Anima Squad has the effect of buffing all Anima Squad champions whenever they kill another champion. Anima Squad champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, plus six additional maximum Health on each kill.

Activating the Recon trait grants the innate effect that grants more attack range to Recon units. Also, before casting, if there is an enemy nearby, Recon units will dash away. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance.

Finally, Duelists’ basic attacks grant them bonus attack speed, up to 10 stacks.

Each of Vayne’s synergies contributes to forming a 토토사이트 powerful backline unit with the capabilities to be the carry of the composition with the right items. In most comps, it will be important to activate the Recon and Duelists traits to get the best out of Vayne in TFT Set Eight.

Best items for Vayne in TFT Set Eight

Vayne’s ability is Silver Bolt, which fires a heavy bolt at her target, dealing true damage whenever she reaches 40 mana. Due to the low 안전놀이터추천 mana cost and synergies related to increased attack speed, Vayne’s best items are Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Giant Slayer, and Runaan’s Hurricane.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade is the essential item to quickly build up a large amount of attack speed, allowing Vayne’s ability to be cast more often and increasing true damage to enemies.

Giant Slayer is the perfect item to take on enemy frontlines with high amounts of health. Along with the champion’s great attack speed and frequency of use of her ability메이저놀이터

Runaan’s Hurricane, in addition to increasing 메이저놀이터추천 attack speed, will allow you to hit multiple targets at once with each attack, along with the effect of Giant Slayer you will have a champion capable of melting enemies.

Comps for Vayne in TFT Set Eight

The ability to deal true damage can be really 안전놀이터 devastating for most enemies. Building up attack speed on Vayne is a great way to get to the top four in a lobby.

Early game can be with Underground units to balance the economy and allow a slow roll at level seven to hit Vayne three stars. Ezreal has the Underground and Recon traits, Kayle has the Underground and Duelist traits, both of which make great companions for Vayne, who can activate two of her traits. The last Underground will be Vi to frontline with another Brawler.

Mid-game can add Riven and Jinx to activate the Anima Squad along with Vayne and her items. Her final comp can include other Aegis and Defender units to form the frontline that will protect Vayne until she gains enough attack speed.

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