How to play?

How to play?

Game is rock-paper-scissors.
  1. Go to web:
  2. Connect your wallet (Metamask, Rabby, ... e.t.)
Connect Metamask

3. Set your bet (1): 0.1 < bet < maxBet

MaxBet (2) = Full bank / 4, in this case = 3.086 /4 = 0.77 MATIC

Set your bet

4. Choose the picture you want.


5. Press the button "Run bot" to start the game process.

Run bot

6. Confirm the transaction inside your wallet.


7. Wait a few seconds for your transaction to be confirmed. You can follow the link to the Polygonscan to follow the transaction online.

Wait a few seconds

8. Wait 20 seconds

Each game makes a request to the Chainlink, the response comes within 15-20 seconds. Therefore, at the moment we cannot serve several people at the same time. Only in turn.
Wait a response from Chainlink

9. After 20 seconds you will be able to see the second transaction that needs to be confirmed in order for you to receive your reward: $MATIC or $GAMELP.

Comfirm another tx

10. Wait a few seconds for your transaction to be confirmed. You can follow the link to the Polygonscan to follow the transaction online.

Wait a few seconds

11. Check the result. In this case the player didn't win, but got LP tokens ($GAMELP).

NOTICE: $GAMELP - is a real asset that is fully ensured by the liquidity of providers and the profitability of the gambling project.
Your reward

Thank you for your attention to the project. We will be glad of any feedback from you. Feel free to write us suggestions and suggestions.
We're just at the beginning.


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