How to plant and fertilize plants

How to plant and fertilize plants

How to take care of bonsai in pots for plants to grow well. After being planted in pots and growing stably, roots develop, green leaves, so that plants can maintain well need careful care. The following guidelines will help you take care of your plants best.

Today, in modern life, almost every family has a bonsai in the house. But the way to take care, especially in the proper technical fertilization stage, very few people know.

After planting plants are stable in pots, during development

Plants need to be watered and fertilized regularly. Watering is an important step in growing ornamental plants to provide water for plants that are lacking due to the limited scope of planting or survival. Watering plants need to pay attention to the source of water, how much water to water once, the number of watering times and appropriate irrigation methods.

Depending on the varieties of ornamental plants, the requirements during the growing period of the year and how to adjust the habitat of the bonsai can be determined accordingly. Since watering is also an effective way to regulate plant growth in ornamental plants, it is important to consider watering in accordance with the requirements set forth.

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Notes when watering plants are as follows:

• The size of the pot or tub: The smaller the pot or tub, the more times you need to water.

• Requirements of plants: Succulent plants like desert, dragon mist ... do not require watering for plants like other plants. Aquatic plants require extensive watering and moist soil.

• Requirements to achieve grower growth restriction: If you want to limit growth of plants, leaves only water enough to maintain the life of plants.

• Irrigation water must be free from toxins and germs. Dirty, salty water is not used for irrigation. Water taken from deep underground, such as water from deep wells, must be left outside for 1-2 days to irrigate plants.

* In general, watering techniques for ornamental plants usually proceed as follows:

After choosing an appropriate water source and calculating the requirements, determine the appropriate amount of irrigation water. The amount of water for 1 time irrigation must be at least enough to make the pot moist to reach the humidity of 60% of the soil moisture to avoid shrinkage, stretching of the soil when watering, causing root damage or damage.

• Should water 2 times a day in the morning 7-8h or from 16-17h daily.

• Spraying with a small watering tool and watering, the whole set of plants then watered into the soil to be irrigated. land.

If you are not at home often, growers can use permeation methods by taking advantage of the water absorption of the soil in the pot to give the plant water by increasing the use of a water tank and placing the pot in that pot. . At that time, the soil in the potted plant will gradually absorb the water in the pot. Note that the water level in the water tank is only equal to or slightly higher than the inner bottom of the pot, if it is higher than the soil in the pot, it will absorb a lot and make the soil waterlogged and cause suffocation.

Apply fertilizer to ornamental plants

The fertilization of ornamental plants is usually only applied to ornamental plants planted for too long with a long period of time in pots or four scenes or applied according to the growers' growth adjustment requirements on the garden beds.

There are 2 methods of fertilizing for ornamental plants; Apply to the soil and fertilize through watering the leaves of the plant. The method of fertilizing with irrigation water is widely used for plants grown in pots or in narrow range.

With the purpose of providing mineral nutrients for plants to grow and develop during planting in pots, pots or beds, the commonly used fertilizers are easy-to-digest, fast-breaking fertilizers and plants quickly use. usable. Such fertilization is known as top dressing, and differs from basic application of fertilizers that are slow to decompose, difficult to fertilize before planting or when replacing soil and pots.

In addition to the macronutrients factors, growers must also pay attention to fertilizing micronutrients for plants. Normally, macronutrients are applied directly to the soil while micronutrients are applied to plants through water dissolving or watering.

The dosage of a single application for plants depends primarily on the needs of the plant, the stage of growth, the color of the crop, the type of fertilizer, the ability of the soil to absorb fertilizer as well as the amount of soil or the size of the pot or tank. grow. Depending on the above factors, determine the appropriate amount of fertilizer for 1 application, but the amount of fertilizer should not exceed the following fertilizer threshold for each additional 1kg of soil in the pot as follows:

For nitrogen, 1 kg of soil should not exceed 10g of nitrogen. For phosphate fertilizer, it is 2.5g pure phosphorus and 0.5g pure potassium for one application. Depending on the type of commercial fertilizer used, the pure content and the amount of soil in the pot, we can calculate the fertilizer limit for our pot or tank.

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