How to mint through BSCScan (from mobile, from any wallet, from the fcking microwave)

How to mint through BSCScan (from mobile, from any wallet, from the fcking microwave)


Struggling with MetaMask or mobile? Ok, we have a way to mint it with no issues. Same you can do from your desktop as well.

  1. Open our verified contract link on BSCScan

2. Scroll down and tap on the Contract tab

3. Now tap on the button Write

4. Then you need to tap on Connect to Web3

5. Choose Wallet Connect

6. Choose your wallet or Scan QR code with any compatible wallet

7. Now your phone will open the app you choose, (MetaMask on screenshot). Confirm connect to the website.

7. After this go back to your browser, read this FYI and tap OK

8. Now scroll down to 2. Mint function and input the mint price (0.§ at the moment) and amount of items you intend to mint and tap on the Write button

9. Your browser will open your wallet app again (if not, just open it manually, you'll see confirmation there). Confirm the minting from your wallet.

9. Now you're done, you've just minted some boyz using your mobile, microwave or whatever you usually use to confirm the transaction.

From this moment you can go to NFTKey or TofuNFT to check your minted boyz.

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