How to make viral videos to build your YouTube channel empire

How to make viral videos to build your YouTube channel empire

Hello, this video will be extremely educational. Be prepared, my children, I will drop many technical details on you, it is very essential to know when you're in the world of Youtube and viral videos. Yes, I will reveal the secret formula for viral videos. Once you've mastered the process and learned the formula, you will be able build your own video channels that are viral through Youtube, Facebook, and maybe even Xvideos.

The first step is to determine the things you're interested in. One thing is common to popular video channels that are successful: they follow the leader. Your top channels are popular and have millions of followers. What is the reason you shouldn't copy their approach? If they've managed to retain such a large base of subscribers, then it must be something they're doing correctly. What are you putting off to do? Don't waste your years watching others' mistakes and do your own thing! What do you love to do? Let's suppose you enjoy celebrities, music videos, video games and beauty. Each of these have their individual profiles. However, even beauty tutorials do not have to follow viral video formula. محول يوتيوب mp3 It's true. You'll see exactly why below.

Let's take a look at the formula. What can we do to get there... ytmp3 youtube You don't even have to do beauty tutorials or celebrity spying. Even just a little bit about technology. All you need is to be able to talk about other people and discuss technology. It's really simple, isn't it? It's a simple and straightforward formula. Reactions are what you need to focus on in this case. This is the moving power behind Tik Tok and Instagram, this is why Pewdiepie, Sssniperfox and others like them became so freaking famous, even though they were gaming they talk and talk... It is simply impossible to stop.. The desire to communicate.

The third part is how to make use of all this information. Then you're ready. Now it's time to go. So , there's always a method to accomplish it, and since it's cost-effective and free I've always opted for free options. However, putting video into the video, although easy to do using ffmpeg, it's quite hard to figure out how to accomplish it and so a free video software program can help at first.. Something similar to Audacity is for audio, cost-free and powerful with features... Similar tools exist for video. For instance, VLC can cut and paste parts of video into a stream.

Make sure the video is. Do not discuss other people discussing another person. This can be confusing and people like to see all of it in one place. Keep it short. Facebook recommends making them shorter. They're too distracted working on their own posts to pay attention to a video of 3 minutes that isn't very interesting to people. Do this for 2 to 3 days, or better yet each day if are dedicated to your channel. Within 2 to 3 months, you will be able to make 1-2 videos per day.

After that, it's straight up the skies without limits. You have faith in yourself. Don't stop. There is no limit to your potential when you put in the effort and set your sights on the big picture. I've achieved this through different YouTube channels, and I've earned more money than I know what to do with, so I would like anyone who spends me a few minutes to read this to know that you can achieve it. if I could I can, you certainly are able and likely to succeed. Good luck!

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