How to make money from amazon affiliate marketing 

How to make money from amazon affiliate marketing 


There are various things that you need to do and know if you are serious about making money from Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

Below, we shall look at how to beat the odds in this program and how you can increase your sales after making money:

1. Learn some basic HTML if you have no knowledge about it

To reduce your costs, you need to learn some basic HTML. It doesn’t matter if the site is basically laid down for you, it is important to know how images are inserted, the creation of hyperlinks, and some text formatting.

2. Choose your topic

Since you are going to do a lot of product reviews and recommendations, you are going to have to pick a topic that you have the passion for or something you have a wide knowledge of. If your passion is not within that topic, then you are likely to lose interest eventually. Therefore, it is pertinent to choose something of your interest. You can also find content writers and reviewers from Upwork or Fiverr!

3. Pick a domain name

It doesn’t really have to be clever but keyword rich. Take time to think of how people will find your website. You should think of a suitable name that people would search for in the search engines. There are plenty of web hosting providers out there that offer domain registrations directly through their services. You can use or to pick a domain name.

4. Register the domain name you pick

If you aren’t technically inclined, you can register your domain name at the same site you set up your hosting to make it easier for you. However, if you want to save some money, you can choose a lower-cost provider. This shouldn’t be a big deal using one or two sites but might be a big deal for up to ten or twenty. Domain companies like have great domain management tools are very affordable charging less than $10 yearly.

5. Set up web hosting for your site

This is the part where people make mistakes the most. You don’t need to spend up to $10 per month for web hosting. There are companies that charge as low as $4 per month with unlimited domains which mean you can run more than one sites in this same package.

6. Install a blog software

This gives your site the structure it needs and makes it easy for posting new content. WordPress is the best option because it is easy to install and use, it is an open source and very powerful. All you need to do is download it and follow what is said in the instructions.

7. Make it look good

This is one thing that makes WordPress stand out from the rest. There are various templates available that could give your blog/site a unique look.

8. Set categories up

You are allowed to create sub-categories on most blog software so you can organize your entries. Visitors use this to narrow down their search on their interests.

9. Go to and sign up as an associate

There’s no difficulty in this. All you need to do is go to and click on the Join Associates button and the page’s bottom. By now, your site should have been set up at the basic stage, at least even if there is no content yet because they will manually review the site before it gets approved.

10. Create blog posting links/bookmarks

There are two important links you need to make it easy. The first is the blog posting link which is at the bottom of the posting page of the blog software written as “bookmarklet”. Click on the link while holding down the mouse and drag it up to your Links toolbar on the browser you are using. This makes it possible to use a mouse click to blog a product.

This makes it easy to build the link with affiliate ID built in. You need to log in to Associates Central and on the left navigation sidebar, go to Build-A-link, and below Static Links, look for Individual Items. Click on this link and drag it onto your Favorites menu or Links toolbar.

Log in to your Amazon Associates accounts and look for the product you intend to review then use Site Stripe (that is the gray stripe at the top of the screen you see when you log in) to get your personalised link to the item. There are also a wide variety of options for creating banners and links.

13. Blog your review

Once you are done writing your review, the next thing is to post it live by clicking on your blog posting the link (on WordPress you will see it as the Press It! Icon). You will see two pieces of link code on the posting form if it is WordPress you are using. The first one ends with “Associates Build-A-Link></a>”. Delete all through that point. The other part is a link to the product having your Amazon Associate built in. So, go ahead and write your product review, select the most appropriate categories for it then click on Publish.

14. Build out your site

Before promoting your site, you would want to make sure there is a good amount of content there. You need to write several product reviews with 2-3 in each category created. You might also need to make categories for news, articles, commentary and others about the topic. The more the content on your site, the better. The amazing thing about all this is that as you writing all this, the search engines automatically are getting notified, if you turned the notifications on, mentioned earlier.

15. Promote your site

The most efficient free way to go about this is to let other bloggers who write similar topics know about yours, and you can also participate in online communities and discussion forums where you can discuss your topic with other people.

That’s it! Get ready to have a passive income while you enjoy your life and lifestyle using Amazon Affiliate marketing.

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