How to make desserts one and a half nights

How to make desserts one and a half nights


Ingredients for the preparation of one and a half desserts:

 Grape juice 1 glass

Water 1 glass

Flour 3 tbsp

 Butter 50 g

Ingredients for essential oils:

 Tap 3 glasses

 Sugar half a glass

Flour 1 tbsp

 Corn Starch 1 Tbsp

Vanilla 1 teaspoonful

Butter 50 g

Thousand and One Nights Dessert:

First, we prepare a dermal layer. We put all the ingredients inside the container, except for the vanilla and butter. We mix each other together so that the flour and starch balls are opened and heated very slowly until concentrated. At the end of butter and vanilla We've added it from the heat.

For the next layer, mix all the materials except the butter and mix it on a slow, continuous heat so that the material is concentrated. In the end, we add the butter and leave it warm.

Soak the container and make a slurry of the raw material. Next, we slip a slab of grape juice material into the middle of the container. We will continue until the end of our material. The container is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Then place its sides out of the container. Separate inside the dish.

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