How to make date roulette

How to make date roulette

One of the most delicious desserts and snacks one can count on is the roulette dates. Given the energy-consuming dates, it is recommended to make this delicious pastry. This pastry is also used in mourning ceremonies. Now if you are not already familiar with how to make date roulette, we suggest you prepare the ingredients immediately in the table below and then go to today's culinary training.

Ingredients How to make date roulette

2k dates

2 tablespoons oil

Cinnamon in the required amount

Ginger in the required amount


Walnuts in the required amount

Coconut powder in the desired amount

Sesame in the desired amount

How to make date roulette

In the first step, you need to separate the dates. Then, using a wheel, rotate all the dates that have been removed from the core. Then select a suitable container and pour enough oil into it.

Then put the dish on the flame. Roll the dates that have been wheeled into the pan to warm it up with a little oil and heat it. Note that the flame is not too high because the soft texture of the dates will dry out immediately.

Now you need to start adding ginger. Do this as much as possible. Then add some cinnamon to the pan. Add these two to your taste.

Go for flour. Sift some flour well. Then roast the sifted flour on a flame and in a separate container. Make sure the flame is still low so that the flour does not burn.

Once the flour is toasted, add some oil and stir immediately. You should bake the flour as much as the halva is toasted. Once this is done you can start rolling the dates.

You need a tray to roll. Cover the bottom of the tray with a freezer bag. Pour some of the flour that you have roasted on the dates and pour the pistachio nuts on it. Now start rolling. Do this using the following freezer bag.

After the dates are rolled over, you have to keep the ingredients in the fridge for 4 hours. After this time, remove the roulade from the fridge and cut it.

Finally, you can decorate roulades with walnuts, sesame or coconut, and even pistachios.

Some properties of dates for the body

Eating dates can relieve constipation.

Dates can be one of your choices for tightening bones.

People with anemia should have dates in their diet.

Using dates can help people gain weight.

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