How to join Telegram Quiz Contest

How to join Telegram Quiz Contest


So you want to join the latest contest organized by Telegram? Awesome! Here's all you need to know to participate.

What should I know before I join?

Great question! It is actually very simple and to make it even simpler - this guide was created :) Grab something to drink and here we go!

What is this all about?

It's a contest in which Telegram wants you to create an educational quiz with minimum of 30 questions and explanations for them. If you're not sure what are explanations, keep reading this guide.

How to submit?

Once you create your quiz using @QuizBot, you will be offered submitting it to the contest, no need to rush though! You can do it any time until the deadline. If you want to submit pre-existing quiz you made before, use /quizzes command, select your quiz and pick "Apply for Quiz Contest" button.

What language can I use?

You can use any language you want!

How much time do I have?

First stage of contest ends on 15th of May.

Is there any prize?

Yes, yes there is! Telegram will distribute 400 000 Euros between the winners.

What are other requirements?

All your questions need to have explanations. What are explanations? Here's quote from Creating a Quiz, Step-By-Step guide.

Explanations. [...] Explanations will appear after users choose an answer. They can be used to give more information, clarify common errors, and support full text formatting, including hyperlinks.

Is there anything else I should know about?

One thing left - make sure all content you use for your quiz is... yours. Don't use questions and media from the internet – be creative and create everything on your own (draw it yourself, use photos you took etc). Alternatively – find ones that are royalty-free. At the bottom of this guide I included few links where you can find free photos to use.


Contest: Create quiz inside Telegram Messenger with @QuizBot
Subject: Any educational
Language: Any language
Number of questions: Minimum of 30 questions in a single quiz
Deadline: May, 15
Prize pool: 400 000 Euros split among all winners
Other: Explanations for each question are required and all content must be your own (using copyrighted materials is forbidden). You can also make more than one quiz.

Where do I start?

Start by messaging @QuizBot. You will be welcomed with a message and a short guide how to make your Quiz. If you want to know more about creating quizzes with QuizBot, read this handy guide: Creating a Quiz, Step-By-Step

How will be winners determined?

It's not entirely clear yet, but here's a quote from the official blog post:

We will publish the quizzes you submit in a searchable directory. Based on their quality and popularity we will then announce the winners in several stages.

What media can I use?

In perfect world you will use your own media – hand-drawn or photos you took. If you're unable to create them – ask a friend!

If that's not possible, you could use media that are free to use in both - commercial and non-commercial way. Make sure that license allow for it – if there's none, it most likely means that you can't use it.

To not leave you with this not-especially-heartwarming message, I collected few links where you can find images you can use in your quiz that are free:

"Oh no, I'm lost and I don't know what to do!"

No worries! Just drop us a message on Telegram Contests group.

Also, make sure you follow Telegram Contests channel as well.

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