How to incorporate references into your video resume

How to incorporate references into your video resume

How to incorporate references into your video resume

You’ve ironed your business suit, you’ve found a nice background, and youíve prepared what you want to say. You seem to be well on your way to avoiding all the common video resume mistakes. Just one problem: how do you incorporate references into your visual hiring pitch?

If you donít think references are important, think again. According to a survey by Office Team, 20 percent of all job candidates. You might not think hiring managers are really checking, but after several high profile cases of resume fraud, they’re probably more vigilant than ever. Certainly hiring managers at Yahoo, Broadcom and Microsemi wish they had dotted a few is and crossed a few ts after learning their CEOs.

So how do you assure hiring managers on film your credentials are real? The following are some tips you can use to incorporate your adoring references into your video resume.

Show Off For the Camera

Weíve all done work which has made us really proud. Maybe itís the manual, you spent many sleepless nights putting together. Perhaps you have a website you finished on an intense caffeine bender. Whatever it is, now is the time to show it off! Before you send a resume to your future company, let professional resume writing service check it on usual mistakes.

Use your video resume as a way of displaying your finest work. Parade a project you’re truly proud of for the camera and let prospective employers know the amount of effort you put in. This shows off your dedication and your technical skills. It also shows prospective employers that you take pride in your work. After showing your career masterpiece, refer recruiters to a reference on your traditional paper resume that can attest to your hard work on the project. You can practice writing with cover letters or essays. When you need a custom essay, just order it at the

Good video resumes back up and supports excellent paper resumes after all. Now the reference on your paper resume has meaning and background for employers looking to hire you. Plus, it gives employers who will speak to your reference a positive talking point right out of the gate!

Get Lettered

Youíve showed off your best work but maybe you want a bit more of a personalized touch. Having a co-worker or reference cameo in your video resume is hokey and in the end, might be self-defeating. After all, your prospective employer wants to know more about YOU as a candidate, not how many friends you have. Instead, why not take a note from the communication of bygone eras and get your references to put pen to paper.

No, I donít mean that your references literally have to write out a recommendation by hand. (It certainly might not hurt but realistically, hand-writing things is a dying art.) Your boss will be really happy when he sees an excellent essay from the Mba essay writing service. Have a boss, co-worker, or volunteer coordinator write you a shining recommendation. Make sure itís someone who can attest to your work ethic and leadership skills. Then use your video resume as a platform to share that example of your good work with recruiters.

The references on your resume are just a bunch of names that donít tell much about their relationship to you or appraisal of your skills. Video resumes can help you to flesh out your character for hiring managers. Read a snippet of a recommendation from a boss or a co-worker who was impressed by your drive and determination, and suddenly these references are real people. Better yet, theyíre real people that think highly of you and will attest to your skills.

Just donít go overboard, your video resume should be short and sweet and so too should be your recommendations. Just pull out a sentence or some buzzwords and offer to send the full written recommendation if employers are interested.

Share Your Social World (Online At Least)

Finally, in todayís digitally driven world, thereís a good chance, you have some form of social media profile. I donít have to tell you that itís important to keep these profiles professional. A well done social media presence, however, can actually add to your employee brand instead of detracting from it.

Your networks on any of these social sites can work as references to your benefit. So make sure to use these networks to engage with thought leaders in your field. Then you might be able to get them to put in a good word for you as well. As you close out your video resume, help employers look you up online by giving links to your social media sites of interest.

References can sometimes be the difference between a good candidate and a great one. They show youíre not only qualified for the job, but you've performed well in the past. We all know our past can help us to see in our future. If you can use your references to show your hard work, drive, and ambition in the past, odds are your future will be looking a lot brighter.

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