How to find cocaine online Udaipur

How to find cocaine online Udaipur

How to find cocaine online Udaipur

How to find cocaine online Udaipur

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How to find cocaine online Udaipur

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Индия. Империя неадекватных нищих. Удайпур (Udaipur): ru_travel — LiveJournal

Procedures Procedures for both substances crack and freebase cocaine are based on the fact that while cocaine hydrochloride regular cocaine requires a high temperature to ignite, base cocaine requires a much lower temperature to ignite. This makes it ideal for smoking. This is the most common method. Get a spoon and mix 2 parts of cocaine hydrochloride regular cocaine to 1 part baking soda in some water. Heat solution gently with a lighter or candle until white precipitates form, and stop heating when precipitation stops. After gentle heating, the freebase cocaine will float to the top, any excess soda will settle on the bottom. FYi…sudafed reformulated their product to avoid methamphetamine use…a reputable source tells me you are limited to one box or vial of pills and requires an ID and signature upon purchase, AND you are limited to the amount of times you can buy within a MONTH! Why on earth are you putting this crap on the net? Kids can read this stuff. There is NO reason on earth to do this! Uh-hmmm, Big D. I totally agree with this comment. And anyway I still prefer crushed Ritalin or Concerta over coke. No shame on u. You people kill me. If your children are looking this type of thing up on the internet then I think the cause is already lost. Are you really worried about your teenager making crack? Blame flawed parenting not the internet. If its really just that much of an issue then monitor your child, parental controls are also an option. Kids can find the link just as easily as I did. This blog is here for that express purpose. To show the average user just how much information is out there. Remember this if I have taught you nothing. The fumes can be a bit touchy when it comes to not exploding See: Richard Pryor. I mean are you guys serious? Cause, I have no clue about crack or cocaine. I can tell you what is the max daily dose of Zoloft though. Anything over that is a bit risky. Some brain cells can handle habitual smoking of it but apparently not yours! Neither myself nor any of my children were on the internet to look up how to smoke crack you jackass. Are you a newbie to the search engine world? Guess we better tell our little girls not to look up brittany spears on google. Ever tried it. It may not be what your searching for but the same goes to the kids who stumble across these sights. And you have absolutely no right to assume that the parents are sitting there knowingly letting their kids read this. And may I suggest you get off your ass and go back to english in Elementary school. You must have smoked enough of your brain cells away that you forgot how to spell correctly. Practice what you preach asshole. Totally Peter! I turned 51 yesterday! I shread everything with my name on it and any info! What kind of ecucation do u have? Also have u ever heard of parental control? If u have enough and if u break it down with vinager and inject it. Thank you for saying all the things that I would have. Not that the current commander and thief of the US is a good yard stick to measure general public intelligence, but alot of people did vote for him…TWICE!! Would u have a clue? Anyone looking for a fun high? This aint for you. It only gets worse. Nobody wakes up wanting to be a crackhead. No one a 16 years old declares his life long ambtion to a crack addicted nothing. The shooter and the can, along with the ash….. They say heroine is a stronger addiction, but at least they sleep their woes away, we are up and jonesing for our next hit. Cleaned up, went to university. None of my friends made it…none. But now the comedown, yesterday i dealt with the comedown by lowering the amounts i was snorting and spreading the time apart, worked perfectly i just crashed and woke up with a sore nose, though while i was sleeping i had the best dreams ive ever had, but now its i have to wake up at im going to see if i can do it, the comedown is here but its not as bad as usual. I think if i go through this hell every once in a while i can maintain balance in my life without doing too much damage to my body. With sore back and diminished happiness, Kyle. What a stupid post. Making money like that…it sickens me. Sometimes you just gotta hustle hustle, this is life. Drugs will never be exterminated, people WILL find ways to get high. So those of who sell realize this, and make a profit knowing that the economy is shit and people run to booze, drug, and cigarettes when they loose money. In drug dealers we trust. YOU are helping them to justify their problems by putting their problems on some one elses shoulders…. I spent a few years dabbling with crack, and found myself virtually thinking about it all the time. I was good a lying.. I then got arrested for asking a street girl where I could get some…. I got off pretending I was asking for directions.. Best thing that happened to me…scared me absolutely shitless, that my family might find out! Best night was smoking 3 gram all to myself.. I was still sweating and yearning for more 4 nights later. I know, with hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, after putting the free-base in aceton, but has anyone recipes? I have used cocaine 4 about 3 years and all of my friends have tried it also. The only thing that I can say is that it ruins the friendships. I cared about the people I lost, but it seems that all they care about is the stupid drug. All it does is make you parinoid and want more. Are your friends worth losing. No offense, but you are all loosers for actually smoking crack or snorting cocaine. There is a reason that all crack users are called crack heads, and most cocaine users die early. Do you even know the effects of the use of these drugs? You should really read about it before you try it. All I highly recommend NOT doing crack or coke or any variation thereof. Its just not worth it. If ur movin weight,.. If U like to smoke dont waste ur time buying grams of raw and cooking it on a spoon. Your best bet is to buy an Onion of cola 2 start off with if u can afford,.. Mix the yayo and the arm and hammer 2gether in the mayo jar. Turn off the heat and put in the ice cubes and watch that shit rock and rise to the fucking top! Now your cocaine powder is crack, watch ur back fool,.. We run you. Kids prolly put it there. Just want to thank you for keeping at this and say how much I appreciate your clear and comprehensive comments. I missed the Richmond connection in the original Nation article. I use occasionally 2oz a month-ha! With out and addictive personality trait this drug as well as others can be used socially. THE OZ. I just wanted to say that this article and the comments are great and add two things. Your kidding? Cocaine is far better than sex! In fact sex enhances cocaine! Oh, and the above is from somebody who does play, just not with crack anymore. Take or leave, we all have to make our own decisions. Just to comment on the opinion that people are giving about people who do this drug are bad examples on the kids. Everybody has a mind of there own and make there own decissions. Does anyone know how to re-press the coke to make the real pesos? Could anyone help? Look, I normally just deal raw, but lately I found some basers to move cook-up on. I normally drop about half an ounce and use a microwave to do my cook. I used a coffee mug, dump in 7 grams on coke, and about 2 grams of baking soda. I bring my cup to the sink and turn on some warm water and begin running my fingers under the water and flicking some of the water into my cup, which makes the oil drop to the bottom. I do this a few times and then pour out most of the water from the cup leaving enough to work with the coke. I sit the brick out to let most of the acetone evaporate away and there you go…. Go smoke that stupid shit and kill yourself. All I need is my friends and some green. XD Get that medical cali kush bitch. I am going to turn my 8 ball of cocaine into crack, but I am scared shitless I am going to fuck it all up. I am cooking it up tomorrow. What is the best way to do this…which way is fool proof? Is it best to do it on the stove or over a flame? Will it be visually obvious? Thanks for your help. Does anyone know how rock 3. How long will i need to let it dry? I think the off white was the good stuff…the dark yellow may have been the baking soda…I may have burned it, Im not sure! Loving London! Thanks for letting me know about the acetone! You need to use a press. You can make one or buy one. It is a car jack with a steel, square frame around the jack. You can buy them on the net. Someone in the know tried to cook some of it and they said it was not good cooking coke…it made some shit that we smoked, but it just made you feel all jacked up and not horny like crack. Do you need the kind that looks like fish scales? Get a small jar, like a double serving baby food jar. Make sure you have at least a gram of coke, better to have an eighth of an ounce 3. Put in an equal amount of baking soda. Stir it up. Zap it for one minute or so, until it boils for a sec. Now is when you need to be patient. Swirl the water gently as it cools. Be careful, the glass will be hot. You willl see an oily yellowish substance on top. Eventually it will clump together and sink to the bottom. When this happens let it sit for minutes. Test the water with your finger, when it is lukewarm give it another swirl. If it still seems soft, wait a little longer. Eventually it should be hard enough to pick out. If you have done this before, you might be tempted to rush the above step by using ice or some other method. Be patient, and you will be rewarded with a nice solid rock instead of a bunch of pebbles. When you are done, add a little more water and baking soda and repeat to make sure that you did not leave substance dissolved. This step can be eliminated after you get more experienced. Get a glass tube, like a pipe stem. Cool it down under the tap, and roll it into a small ball that fits in the end of your glass tube. Break off a small half of a split pea piece of the stuff you just made. Smoke it. Hold it and blow it out through your nose. Try not to do it if you have to go outside or deal with anyone. It will fuck up your usually good judgement until you come down. Do not offer any to people on the street. That girl over there does NOT want to have sex with you. The urge to do more is VERY strong for a couple of hours, and this is why people do shit that gets them busted when they are on crack. I love the interet!! I am up early a. I woke up thinking about my son,,,so worried about him. I lay in bed crying,,,thinking about what might become of him. He moved out,,,could not handle the rules of having to let me know when he would be home and such. My son is 17 years old. I have been a single mother for he and my two other kids for 12 years now. I found a spoon in his room,,,black carbon on the bottom,,,I think he or his friends were cooking something,,,well, I know it. The question is,,,,was it him? I lay in bed at night thinking about this boy,,,he is just a boy,,,I think about how much I love him. I love his artistic way of looking at things. I love his beautiful silver eyes. I love his funniness,,,his beautiful hands. He is breaking my heart with worry. I cry all the time with worry. Birthing him literally tore my body up,,it was a painful hellacious experience,,,,,,,,this is much worse. To know my son is involved to some degree with the things that all of you who are writing these things are involved in makes me want to kill myself. You can legitimize or justify it anyway you like but you are kidding yourselves. I keep myself in life and reality because the thought of my kids being without a mother or a mother who is too self absorbed or fucked up on something,,,that thought is worse than any other poison running through my head. All you,,,,you are not just fucking up your own lives,,,,all the last of the people who love you,,,,,despite that you have stolen from them,,,,lied to them,,,,your are ruining their chance for peace of mind and happiness,,,,just like my son is doing to his mother and his brother and sister that are continuously worried sick about them. And we all know,,,,just like the last of the people who love you know the things you are doing. I have a question. How do I re-cut coke and put it back in rock form? Just normal sniffable coke, not crack. I have lost a son in law to this crap. But he is the biggest loser cause he lost a beautiful wife and three wonderful children. We cant understand how this just takes over your life and the people that loved you become nothing to you. And a like piece of shit to smoke or snort becomes all you want. We are the ones that are left behind to slowly watch you kill yourselfs. That is the sad part if it all. So if anyone out there is thinking of doing this stop and if you dont then say good bye to your family first and leave. Am I burning it too much? Is there anything non-metal that I can use, the metal really, really kills my lungs. Ellen,,,how out of your friggin mind do you have to be to be little miss polite, smiley face inserter when you are talking about drugs? Are you that dumb that you are clinging to some kind of act like you are a normal person? I have been using a long piece of tubing on my pipe so I can smoke in the car relatively undetected. But I heard I could rinse the tubing with rubbing alcohol, dump it on a plate, light it on fire and then have a good amount of resin left to smoke. Has anyone done this? Any tips? Yes this works very well what you do is instead of doing a push you leave all the resin in the middle of the pipe and cover one end up with your finger. Stop all the i love you it will not make any difference to them. Only stealing to get what they want is all they want. Good lookin. Thank you for the tips. Hope it works well. Much love From L. Somebody please help me screwing this up costs too much money. Understand me please help. And I read to do it on a spoon or in a baby food jar which is the right and better way please let me know………. This is some crazy shit you guys write about. Only a matter of time before you get caught! Have fun while you can and enjoy your activities before you lose your freedom. I have been smoking for awhile now and i was cooking on the stove and just couldnt seem to get it right and then I said well im going to try to microwave. OK this is where I found out i have been wasting alot of stuff! I cooked it for 30 sec and then it was cloudy and a little bit of steam. I took a cube of ice and started swirling it and by the time i went to sit down i had a nice size of crack. Now take it from someone that smokes it and sells it that was like the best i have had in a long time. Or which state? Is htere a way to save it? I have learned from experience ONLY!!! If you have a question about something dont ask just pay attention. Its better to be seen and not heard in the places YOU put yourself into. If you smoke crack, then buy crack. If you snort then get powder, and then you are on your own there. People make this way to difficult we are doing this drug to enjoy ourselves, and we are doing more work than any one. In the end we regret the choices we made. Well lets see…. There have been many correct ways to make Crack put on here……Yes 2 parts Coke, 1 part baking soda and heat, the amount of water does not matter, the more water you use the longer it takes to heat…. If you have a paste and it is not drying, it will, you just got the water to hot and cooked to long…. Leave for a day you should be in no hurry if your a dealer , you now have repressed your coke….. One more thing, you can re-cook your crack as many times as you want, but you are not going to get the cut out of it, this is only possible if you make it into freebase… There should be no more questions…… Good Luck To All. It will burn your stuff. Yellow oil will float to the top. Set it on the counter. The base will thicken and sink as it cools. Pull it out, let it dry more, take a razor and make small half pea sized rocks. You want your teeth to fall out? Yo, whud it dew?!?! Get a test tube from your local headshop. I cooked a ball at a time this way. You grind up your yola, and mix it with half as much soda. Put the yoda, and the soda in the test tube and add water, just enough to make the yay mix with the soder. Light the bottom of the test tube and have a cup of ice nearby. You hold the flame to the test tube and with your wrist just twist the tube. Heat it once more and then place the tube in the cub of ice and from the tob of the test tube, just twist it quick enough to spin it. This will allow that ball to form and harden and be in a perfect ball or slab. Repeat steps in cup of ice for about 30 seconds to one minute. Dump out product and u have some damn good!!!!! Peace and enjoy. Your child can read this just as easily as my son at school could tell him. Its no secret! Crack makes money. Crack is out there. Crack gets you so high. Your friends probally get high, the fucking teacher at school with whom we trust with our childrens lifes probally get high or look at kiddie porn and if not, shit they might be looking for sex from them. Anywyas though, this site is informative and I cant help to point out that almost all the informative posts due yield a warning to the consumer NOT to use the product. But dont get it twisted, didnt you see the latest study on fast food and over weight america?? Did you know were constatly getting closer to war and something natural happening that could end our world. There are subjects that could be more alarming then getting high off crack. The chances of your kids getting high off the crack depends on how much time you spent with those babys when they were very young. Like most people they are over protected and scared to death there precious children will grow up a screw up. Well were all screw ups and make mistakes. Look at the guy who called himslef god. Shit he should of never done that, now we got a quarter of this world thinking there going to some cool place when they die.. LOL only if they knew when they die there gone. Ok and alcohol… See I can go on all night. The main thing is dont be a smurf. Go get your kids, teach them about this shit, show them this website, talk about it and teach them mutha fuckers. Maybe they do want to get money. Let them try. FYI a well-off drug dealer is equal to a top goverment official. Dont believe me try one. Try to kill him, try to rob him, try to trial him, im telling you he got power wether you like it or not. In some neighborhoods they control who lives there and who does what. Shit are they gonna drive through a book to get to work? NO they cant they have to be in these streets and if they arent educated they are so vulnerable to steet mans hustle!! I wont think twice, I think get money and get paid!! Aint nothing wrong with some old dirty business, just ask president bush and some business owner for that matter. Get it yet people!! E T how the fuk do you know where we go when we die,you sum fukin expert on the subject are you,your piece you wrote further up is full of contradictions fool,you know shit!! Aye street pharmacist, Read my last entry about making it in a test tube fool!!!! Peace and good luck. I had many a pebbles come back right away, so do the damn thang and if no results…. Holla back. Oh shit, Im someone who smokes rocks daily. Im a crack head who loves, Redballs and penut butter and crack sandwiches. Im gonna make the shit myself next time. Just remember kids sucking dick for crack aint wrong unless the cops catche ya. Love Tyrome Ps. Nobody ever made crack or freebase up in this bitch,as a matter a fact nobody in Europe did it. I really wanna make it happen. I gotta now all that shit. Well i had a bash in a spoon for a laugh not all would disolve white bits floating on top though they disolved on heating, i got a little oil on top that was very clear though nothing went to the bottom i stirred the mixture after heating with a ice cube and sure enough the oil went white and hard though not in a nice ball or cookie i collected these and placed on kitchen towel to get rid of most of water and when fairly dry smoked it on a glass with tinfoil on top pricking tin foil and placing ash on top didnt get much of a hit at all and the main thing is IT TASTED AWFUL like burning dodgy tablets the taste made me sick not the nice taste of good rock so i snorted the last of my charlie which was good stuff ish did i do something wrong? I am glad you are all getting some use out of this blog post. Please continue to discuss the process of making crack and or whatever else you feel like. George Bush a commenter from above is an example of what I do not want here on themostboringblogintheworld. I dont sell the drug, but i will not put the blame on them. They never stuck a gun to anyones head and made them take a hit. Crack was here before anyone on this site. The sellers are making there dollar off of someones needs. Supply and demand, isnt that the basis of american. And talk about hard earned money. When was the last time you went to work and got stabbed, or robbed, or even shot at? Im willing to bet never. Grant that i am not saying it is cool to do, or that selling is cool or tough. The way I see it, crack and meth, and weed and all these cheep drugs are for lowlifes. But that too is america. We come from broken homes and look for a way to live in this disease infested shit hole that the media makes look so wonderful. People have to sometimes do things they wouldnt ever consider doing to put food on the table for their family. If they are willing to do that im willing to give them respect. The ones going out and robbing old women, children, and the rest of americas defenseless to get their next high, I despise them. OK so I had a wrong fact my bad. N u will sell me to a pimp? And everybody who feels like scouse does go smoke a rock n die. Let go of your anger. I will not argue with you. This is a place to follow the light of knowledge, nothing more nothing less. I was on drugs crack, coke , heroin , extacy , you name it for over 12 years.. I know there is a lot of made up stuff people read in books and the whole prophet thing too, its nothing. Much Luv and lil Hate. Im a fresh town kid with no morales and values and been where you dont want to be. Biggumz or what ever the fuck ur name is.. Ameet if you have such a good life why da fuck ar u here? I make my bread of heroin for over 8 years. So next time u wanna run ur mouth see if anybody gives a shit u just look stupid. If u wanna people to be impressed with ur life story wright a book fool. Ameet, u are an idiot!!!!!! The only way to say if something is right or not would be to see if it comes back rock, right? Just go to the fucking ghetto and buy the shit, they already have it cooked up for you. And it is good!!!!! Someone just assure me that if i use an 8 ball, which is my entire stash. Give me procedures for this much. I use ammonia to cook my shit and have never had any probs with it. I actually prefer to cook only a gram at a time. It keeps me from smoking it too quicky and makes it last longer. The way I cook is usually a gram at a time. I take a big spoon, put about 2 pinches of soda, gram of powder, and enough water to disolve it all and then some. The key is to heat SLOWLY with a lighter under the spoon, You need to hold the lighter about 6 inches from the spoon and wait for it to turn into a thick looking milky white and then stop. When it turns clear with an ioly substance on top, then stop immediately. Use a penny, nickle, or another coin and start running it across the top of the water to catch the oil and at the same time blow lightly on the spoon. If ti didnt turn hard quickly, then dont worry, it will. I usually use a stem roller to smoke it. Jeez, some real voice here. I was stuck on experimenting for a while, off and on for about 4 years from the time I was 13 to I got a lot of help turning my life around through support groups on the internet, addicted. U can spot the newbies a mile off, my advice is keep away from crack, messes your head up big time, will turn u paranoid in no time. I used to be into it big time, if i had the money i spent on it now i would be a millionaire! You just want more and more, no matter how much u buy. Crack kills your soul, bad shit i tell ya. U sure your not the junkie. I have my life together bitch, why not check yourself before you come at someone from behind your laptop. This is real shit on this site, so take your fake ass elsewhere. Instant Crack If youre in a hurry to rock up a gram try this out. While yur waiting for the water to boil put 1 g of blow in a shotglass. It will fizz up. Wait about a minute for it to settle down. Itll be fun pissing on ur grave!! Carmen, once again applying words for which u know nothing about. How are u gonna aim words at me saying I aint shit compared to u. And what are u still doing visiting this site if u are sooooo againgst it. NO i dont smoke dope!!!! I smoke weed…on a daily too bitch. Did u also know that it cures certain pains and diseases? Something u know nothing about. Go hide back in your nice 4 bedroom house with ur fake ass friends, or relapse yourself. Honestly why the fuck u keep coming back here? Keep it real u fuckin poser. Oh, sdo u changed ur named pretending to be me…how clever. I happen to live in a 3 bedroom house in a nice, quiet neighborhood. Theres hardly crime or drugs around me. I have a good paying job, a nice ride, and a biog screen, plus I own my home, so quit talking about it and be about it. Im on here at am, getting ready for work, everytime u seem to come on here its hella early in the A. Like u just got your rocks off on the corner or just smoked hella dope and then come on here to comment. You have a wonderful day u lil pussy behind your computer. Any one here from cali that can help me out with measurements and costs please? Disturbed Princess…. There is a big difference in price. I used to live in San Diego and am very knowledgable on the market there…let me know and I got yo back. I hate the stuff but look for IT constantly. IT has taken away everything pleasurable in life and replaced it with…. Everything small and white on the floor looks like IT. Even if it is bird shit. IT is the only thing that I want. Any one else like me? I hope not my children. I hope not ones I love. I was like many I see on here, made fun of crackheads, looked down on them as the scum of life. Now I know better. Everyone hooked on IT wants off. I hate the people who sell IT….. Anyone here want to start with me and to get away form IT? We could start blogging on a recovery site of some kind or if you are like me and hate those things? Now I am chasing the dragon again. My thoughts are tormented. Any advice…. Look young cuz stop trying to be hard going at ppl over the internet, thats faggy!! U get No respect from me like that. Keep doing whatever it is you do. Come see about me!! Dogg I dont evevn bring that shit round my lil ones. I have one child biologically and like 6 more that I look after an make sure they have what they need in this world. I do everything in my power to show the children of the future that there is a better way to go get money an how important it is to stay in school an get that education an keep progressin. I take emence pride in raisin my child an whoever elses comes into my life. I tell these kids all the time dont be like me be better than me. We all cant go the same route as Biggy, Jay-Z, T. Nothing is promised!! Hell tomorrow aint promised. You tellin me how to live talkin bout gettin a education an stop complainin bout payin childsupport. Dude aint no one over here complaining. I was statin that the system is fucked up and its a damn shame we gotta do what we gotta to get where we going. Come see bout me dogg. I took care of my child for the first 5 years of her life just about by my damn self so dont tell me how to live. The support system an programs arent built for single fathers and any1 readin this can chime in on this feel free. Jobs an careers arent geared towards single fathers. I live in the Metro Area, thats Virginia, D. Look Im gonna stop right here cuz im gettin pissed off. I know I aint shit for doing what I do and openly acknowledge it. Dont come at me with that dumb shit. Dont b like me, b better than me! Cookie Kutter Come see bout me. Poco loco go to the diarrc website and call the no.. So when i cooked a gram I got around. Am I doing something wrong? What is everyone elses return rate? Or is cooking in the microwave not a really good method in terms of yield. You might lose because your heating up the water so fast? Hey, just cooked up a Quater z and a lot of it turned to black tar. It smokes great, like fire, but not really saleable around here. Anyway i can make this less powerful and whiter? Also, if you are cutting with lactose or sucrose, do you cut b4 you begin the rocking up process? Where do you find powdered lactose? Is there a brand name? A million miles away. It somehow seems to wipe out natural dopamine in the brain, and that person can never ever get it back again. So they either live the rest of their life in the deepest darkest state of depression because of no dopamine, or they try to get a few minutes of relief by taking crack. To show someone how to turn cocaine into crack …. Your life is over. I know from personal experience. Please take this down. I am serious, is there ANYone out there that actually knows what they are doinG!!??? I know about 1 part this 2 parts that , but I really want to make some fucking KICK ass crack, I have people that will buy it for a good price if it is worth itgood. If It;s crap nobody comes back. Not counting tobacco, just look straight to your diet. All things in life are about responsibility and choices. Get over yourselves and start examining your own lives instead of mine. Ready to Rock ……. Ey yo… Whats up people??? I got a big favor to ask yall hustlaz… Where i live mother fuckers around here a broke bitchs and play with nicks and dimes… And also rarly do they play with coke… So crack is an issue unless your playin with the ICE… You know what im talkin about yo… The people that sit there and mix non coherant shit like muratic acid, and acetone together just so they can stick a jar in the ground for a month and come back with 20g. So the reason i bring this up is cause i wanna know how to do start makin the ice… and the reason i speak about the shit that you grow instead of cook is A. And B. Its whack. But if your just selling to the methheads, go for it, they are goners anyways. If someone could help me out then i could prolly slide some money that direction ya kno? LoL Great site, very informative!! I wish someone would put up some step by step instructions with no spelling mistakes or too much slang cuz im confused. I used to watch my dad re-rock coke when I was a kid… He would take a can of starting spray, the kind you spray in your carburator, and hold it upside down and let all the air out of it. Pure Diethyl Ether. You can just let it evaporate if you want. As for crack… Patience. A jonesing crackhead is gonna eff up the recipe. Start with good stuff. How do you know its good? Put a little about. There should be nothing left in the bottom of the spoon. The water should look oily. If you have a syringe, draw it up. It should be yellowish. If you dare, shoot it up. It should drop you to your knees. Of course, they could be using water soluble cut, but this is a good start. I recommend the test tube method for small loads, an eight ball or less. Standard rules apply — 8 ball coke, 16th soda, enough water or carbonated water like Topo Chico that it all dissolves. Use one of those little pocket torches butane that can stand up on the coffee table. Be swirling it the whole time, drawing off the flame whenever you notice it starting to boil — boiling will evaporate the coke. Let it cool, while still swirling. Once your chunk is ready, dump the whole thing into a glass of ice cold water and scoop out your crack. To those of you that consistently return small loads — its the coke. The cut is falling to the bottom of the tube, while the good stuff is floating to the top. Get a better source. BTW, to all you powder dealers, if your users are shooters, rinse with ether, not acetone. I was reading around some of the posts here and I found interesting things that you guys talk about, I just made a blog about quitting smoking resources and ideas that you might want to check out. Thanks in advance. Over here we used water bottels,stick a pen in it ,tin foil with little holes in it on the top,then cover with ciggaret ash ,sprinke with rock ,enough to fill the bottle with smoke,the beauty off this way is you get to see the bottle fill up ,just like a bong ,an you know how much ya smoking,no looking for residue,an no wierd looks when yr trying to buy a stem,if u cant get tinfoil late at night kitkat wrappers work just as well,this no shit everyone over smokes like this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. I recently bought a half. It was kind of moist the first day but it was snortable. After a couple of days it turned wet and mushy. Now the only thing I can do is smoke it. When I heated a little on a spoon in water with baking sode it started to break up but I was just testing a little. Will I be wasting my shit trying to make rock out of really wet coke? Any advice on what to do with wet coke? Im just letting you know that your boy isnt doing blow or ne thing in that nature. Anything that changes your paradigm is not natural anything that alters your thoughts take you away from your sanity, hence you become insane. You should not add things to your temple that were not meant to be. We did not come out the womb requiring a crack pipe or a joint. We came out requiring shelter and sustenance. Crack makes you neglect both. You are obviously not of God or meant to be on the Earth. You still have time to change. If not, you too will be hating the game as much as the players your are involving yourself with. I am a complete hater, because I started drinking, smoking cigarettes, then weed, went to exstacy, to meth amphetime, to K, snorting ritalin, to cocaine, to crack, and then to ice needles. Crack and drugs change and screw you up. Is that not scary? All of us are human beings and deserve to be treated that way. I just want to say, when I made the choice to leave the lifestyle.. It was difficult. I had to remove bad associations, create good habits and hobbies which I enjoyed. It took at 3 months until I was comfortable to not look back. The temptation can always be there, but when you clean up, you can be wise and avoid the calamity of being a caught up in shi t situations again. And when you follow through, maybe you can be like me, clean, ambitious, with a gorgeous fiance with a future that looks so bright, that I never could have possibly imagined 2 years ago. God Bless and I hope after reading this, you close this site straight away and start thinking about what you want out of life and go get it. What are you talking about? All drugs are good or people would not do them…. Beautiful life altering substances. Leave the the crack for Whitney Houston and all other monkeys. I have been drinking Scotch since about 6pm. I have have found some informative things on this site. Although I am quit repaulled by some comments left on here. I do drugs…some times. I do not indulge in this craving often. But I do feel it is my God given right too. Any religious person will tell you…. God made all…. Good or bad. This is called free will. Some people have more addictive personalities than others. People are curious creatures. We will do what we want when we want. The last thing some one needs is to have the obvious stated to them. We know drugs are bad. We know thay can take over our lives. The secret is……. It is much easier to smoke somthing to make us feel better, rather then to work hard and reap the feel good feelings of our doings. I do not believe in teaching my kids an easy way to make money. Cause the easier somthing is the less rewarding it turns out to be. Only for the simple gratisfaction of a hard earned pay check. I plan on educating my kids about drugs. Only so that they know instint gratifacation, does not beat hard work and determination. There was a 15 year old on here that wanted to make a bunch of money. Good for you little Bro or Sis. But think of the cost when it comes to getting a laywer, Bailing your self out Trust Me… I know, no one else will or buying your self some cominsary. It does not pay off in the long run. Take the interest you have in drugs and become a Phamisist. You Can become one even with a criminal back ground. All I am trying to say is…. Turn a negitive into a positive and you will succeed. Try People!!!! But make sure you are aware of what can become. I have lost alot of people that I care about to drugs, but there consiquence has become my lesson. I do drugs to have fun with my friends, not turn them into clients. Peace out and God bless. God only knows … The people who have posted blogs on this site need it. Including myself. Because the reason in life is……. Coke makes me horny as hell. But the impurities screw me up. Anyone out there from the Bay Area? Q: how much cocaine is thee min to make a good block or say a moon? I could see if they used their own money and not stealing and lying about everything. The druggies that think the dealers r their friends r wrong, ur true friends would not let u destroy urself!!!! Dam yall, i been in dat game 4 a bit now. It all good ya gots ta just keep it movin, neva stoppin. That is of course because all our daddies are farmers which equals an abundance in anhydrous tanks…we fill up on those puppies as if they were gas tanks. This is an amazing blog….. Thanks for all the great options. Hopefully I can turn out a little something…. Anyone know the perfect recipe for a small little trial???? Problem solved. A fucking 7 year old could do this and not fuck it up. Thanks for all the help. FYI: I have known several white middle class people with good jobs that have used cocaigne regularly in moderation-if you know what i mean , for decades and have never pawned all their possessions or sold their daughters into prostitution. The media and the government put so much bullshit out there to demonize drug use. It should be a personal decision…like abortion. What a fucked up world we live in when one can kill an unborn child but I will go to jail for snorting a line of coke…or even smoking a joint…. Think about it. When you are down to nothing except the clothes on your back Will you blame it on others? Or admit you lost it all because of the Crack? Soon there are no helping hands and you can find no hope. The only friend you have left is the dope. Is the short time of pleasure gained worth all you will lose? The difference between a man and a boy is in the path you choose. I got to this place because I was looking for answers…Not how to cook the stuff…just what its all about…Because I have a son who has become a user. I have seen the changes in his behaviour and attitude…it scares me…I just wanted to know more so that maybe I can understand… I already know that he has to have the will power to help himself…. He was not brought up to be this way, it was a choce he made on his on.. Who is really your friend? Ya never know…But WE know… We know who broke into that store. Stole the guns from the neighbors house. Stole the 4-wheeler and tvs. Once upon a time you may have even been my Child.. But my job is to arrest your sorry ass and believe you me…I will… Maybe some other Mother will not have to suffer the pain and agony I have gone thru just because I helped get a few Dealers off the streets…Or busted a few more labs.. Love is tough…Or is it Tough Love? Where do u buy the da rock, from old hustlers? Can you substitute the rock with any other ingridients to make a good crack.. I didnt read every post because there is a trillion of them. I too have done the ratio and have had ni luck. There has to be more involved. The amount of water has to come into play. I have seen others cook and sometimes be successful and sometimes not. There must be another factor. This is how to cook freebase which is much purer than crack. NOT the same thing. Crack is white, brown or yellow and who knows what the hell they put in that. Crack is the poor persons freebase. I think this is all fucking funny. Kids will cook crack so will adults. It is apart of life. My dad taught me better than to smoke crack but that was a scare tactic. Thought I might toss my devised process in for speculation? Only enough to absorb all the powder. Be patient, one drop will go much further given a minute or two. The less excess water, the better. With experience… you can simply use a lighter. Water boiling… dip the bulb into the hot water. Hold it in there until the mixture boils avoiding excess water to get into your bulb. When your boiling mixture stops emitting steam and larger bubbles, remove from water. DO NOT hold in one spot, and remember when your mixture is boiling, watch the bubbles. The slower they come up, the thicker your mixture is getting. The less evap. Your very close to being ready. When the mixture is ready, it should be very hard. Again, dont go overboard. Too much water makes for more time, too little? It will melt or soften. You would purchase for the cost of about three dollars a solution in a plastic botle and a little glass bottle. Perfectly good smokable crack. You didnt have to worry about how much baking soda, how much heat, how much coke to use,or the cooling or collection process. Does any one know what that magical solution was??????????????????? What can I do??? Besides lemon juice and shooting it. Question… my drug of choice is meth, but lately havent been able to get it so been experimenting with powder. My grandfather tried to help me get some money with a legal lawn service but instead he extorted me taking most of the money I worked for it was slave wages and his is not on crack. So, from an a citizens stand point I am going to start my hustle from a ball and a half soon. OK I have read all the posts and boy do you guys need some help. Second the best way to make crack is to simply place 1g of coke in a small spice jar with about 2 inches of warm water. Next add the bicarbonate of soda not baking powder as this has cornflower, phosphorous and other shit in it as well as bicarbonate of soda. Add about a quarter to half a gram max. Then holdthis spice jar in a burko or pot of water that is put on the boil. As the pot approaches boiling point the reaction inside the jar starts swirl the solution jently to mix and when the inside almost boils, at 98 o C, the reaction completes and the solution turns clear and a precipitate forms which is freebase or crack cocaine. Add some cold water to the spice jar and pour out the crack which should have formed into an insoluble rock. Now for the fun part. The hotter the temperature of your crack pipe the better. So things like butane lighters are not hot enough if you really want to get high. The trick is is to get the crack to sublime eg to go from solid to gas vapour by bypassing the liquid state. To do this you will need propane or preferably LP gas which burns at over oC. Never mind the ones that say you need low heat. Again the higher the tempoerature the higher you will get. End of story. You people should get some help. These are very dangerous substances with very bad effects, and can be long term. Bah ha ha ……Its funny that people get upset over internet post. Maybe its the internet that is whats wrong with the world today. Just like this is….. Oh I just went ass to mouth on your mothers. You can actually use sprite to mix your coke in. I left a comment describing how to use a cup in the microwave to cook it. You can also make it by heating up water in a microwave then putting the soft white in the water and stir it with somethin metal until it turns into a clear oily lookin substance on top of the water. Then mix with some baking soda and if you are unsure about how much to put in just start with very little and in no time you got yourself some crack. Quick and easy way to cook it. Hopefully this is usefull crackheads and hustlas. Magnificent site. Plenty of helpful information here. I am sending it to some pals ans additionally sharing in delicious. And certainly, thanks on your effort! I used to look at poisonous plants and think yeah why not. Im not sure wether Olleander actually made me trip balls or if it was the dink and the Acid but what ever doesnt kill you will just make you stronger. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further post thanks once again. For most recent information you have to pay a quick visit web and on the web I found this site as a best website for newest updates. I really like your blog.. Did you design this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? My brother recommended I might like this blog. He was totally right. This post actually made my day. You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info! Post writing is also a excitement, if you be acquainted with afterward you can write if not it is complex to write. Many appreciate your creating this kind of great publish that is truly perfectly written. Keep running a blog. Every weekend i used to pay a quick visit this web site, as i want enjoyment, as this this web page conations really nice funny stuff too. Appreciation to my father who shared with me concerning this web site, this web site is truly amazing. I visited several web pages except the audio feature for audio songs current at this web site is actually marvelous. Look, you are asking people why they are on this site finding out how to cook cocaine. I have seen a few that are wrapped in stickers that are meant to look and feel like paper. The cartridge is equal to around 15 cigarettes and is offered in various strengths. No tobacco is used in the plastic machine cartridges, just pure nicotine in an artificially flavored liquid. Life is so beautiful, I am so happy! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. How To Make Crack common method This is the most common method. Collect the compound that rises to the top, and you have the finished product, ready to use. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Nice find. The Big D : Why on earth are you putting this crap on the net? Former crack smoker : there is a reason to do this…. Berok : well maybe if u learned to cook and sell crack u coulda got ur family outta debt u failure… lol jk good on whoever did that for u family good for them. Philly : then why are you on here? HeavyHanna : Are you in the US? Bill Thomson : No shame on u. Mark-O-Polo from T. O : yo boddy, its all about making money. Alec Dempsey : Better question….. Alec Dempsey : if any kid hunts down this info it is likely they have already been exposed to the related substance due to folks like you who have placed themselves so high no pun intended on their horse not a heroin reference as your parenting methods have been a pivotal reason for their escape! Perhaps you should stick to reading people magazine or some other such bening activity. Take care. And be safe. Former crack smoker : hells yeah pour the little bottles onto a plate heat it the mic and then scrape it up with a blade and sniff sniff baby. Former crack smoker : put some coke in a spoon heat it up and splash a pinch of soda on top! Former crack smoker : but you have to let it dry and then smoke through a glass tube with a filter made from tearing apart a chore boy copper scrubber rolling it around to make a little ball, put it on one end of the the tube insert crack on top heat the crack so it melts onto the filter raise up so it doesnt fall out and light and smoke yourself to rehab. Berok : pfft sprry tp say but i dont think ur brain cells could handle it, jussayin. Woody : Totally Peter! Doesn't Matter : What a stupid post. Jo : I spent a few years dabbling with crack, and found myself virtually thinking about it all the time. Former crack smoker : your right its a horrible addiction i smoked dollars worth one night the rock was the size of a golf ball maybe bigger…. Do u use amonia then after tha wash it agen with water then isit. NoRegrets : mr clean congrats on being clean but if they were true friends they wouldnt judge you they would have helped you through it and still be there. Frank Pessin : lick me. Ballslinger : If ur movin weight,.. Ballslinger : oh ya….. Hugh G. The Oz : I use occasionally 2oz a month-ha! Gavino : I just wanted to say that this article and the comments are great and add two things. Oh, and it steals all your money. Love, peace and freedom to you all. Gavino : Oh, and the above is from somebody who does play, just not with crack anymore. NoRegrets : we no you dont if you really hustle you wouldnt put it out there like that. Crack : Does it have to be a gram of cocaine to make crack? Crack : Just to comment on the opinion that people are giving about people who do this drug are bad examples on the kids. WeightMover : Look, I normally just deal raw, but lately I found some basers to move cook-up on. How much crack will an 8 ball yield? Here is what you do. If you burn the pipe replace the chore boy. Be careful. This stuff is habit forming, though not like Tina. Stay away from Tina! When you run out of stuff, take a vicodin, or drink a few gulps of Nyquil and go to sleep. Keep it under control. Let me know if I can help more. Bunny : Hey. Heide : Ellen,,,how out of your friggin mind do you have to be to be little miss polite, smiley face inserter when you are talking about drugs? Former crack smoker : Yes this works very well what you do is instead of doing a push you leave all the resin in the middle of the pipe and cover one end up with your finger. Tizzy : just use sprite instead of water in my pyrex? Crack Rock Steady : Thank you for the tips. PO PO : This is some crazy shit you guys write about. Cookiekutter : fuck all that I need it for the low, who got doughnuts for less than a G? Cookiekutter : I heard WV got it for the low im in VA come on its allmost spring time to get to trappin! Biz-O : Best way to re-cook crack? Azox : You have so much spam in here.. Caiek : So much spam. Abi : Awesome, man. Dajah : Thanks for the tip, you gave my new job a nice start. LivinInVegas : Well lets see…. Jay Smith : oh and for the people who worry about the children monitor there internet activities and if there already smoking tell them to buy it from me dimes out camden nj. Jay Smith : i wanna make some shit that makes the crack heads do a dope fein lean how do i get that effect please help i need money i will break u off with profit help me help me jaycamden37 yahoo. Jay Smith : livin in vegas please help me a oz of hard is dollars for 28 grams i can fly and drive chances i take please link coast to coast. Vanilla Rilla : ive read all this shit and its all cool but straight up i need the perfect recipe and directions for stove top rock. Hullist : This thread delivers! Tyrome Biggums : Oh shit, Im someone who smokes rocks daily. Ameet : part to all the users in here …. Ameet : masterkush ur a dickhead you dont have a clue. Im a fresh town kid with no morales and values and been where you dont want to be take that work and cut it up into sliverz peeps, crack is 20 for. Ameet : Biggumz or what ever the fuck ur name is.. Thee Natalie : Jeez, some real voice here. Carmen : widow maker and all in the wrist you are both no good junkies get a grip go to rehab and make something of ur lives!! CokeHo : Instant Crack If youre in a hurry to rock up a gram try this out. Carmen : all in the wrist.. Carmen : cookie cutter.. Carmen : all in the wrist go suck some dick.. Carmen : ha ha fucking cock sucker! Dan : I hate the stuff but look for IT constantly. CARL : hey Dan what up man … keep ya head up.. EX addict : Poco loco go to the diarrc website and call the no.. Tillsr : Looks nice. EX addict : it is. The cook man!! Would be very interested to see the jar one? Have abit of good charlie coming wanna make some. Simone : therealdonquixote : ur a dick head …blogging is for fucking timewasters.. Jill : If you have ever seen the ruination of life that crack causes you would not put this up here. Thank you. Simone : Ready to Rock ……. Chris : Anyone in the ChicafgoLand area, gimme a holla! Ballerstatus : Ey yo… Whats up people??? Vick : take the pyrex and then you rock wit it roll wit it. Ballerstatus : thats all im doin man, but im just tring to figure out this whole grown ics method thing lol. Ballerstatus : i ment grownin ice, my bad. Diamond : LoL Great site, very informative!! Recreation : I recently bought a half. BrickBoy : Nah, no re-cooking son, just buy new shit and start over. And to all you haters dont hate the players hate the game. I've Lived it : No drug is good. Hoffmans Potion : What are you talking about? DontKnow : OK….. Jim : Coke makes me horny as hell. Jim : Want to know about current prices in the Bay Area. Going to San Diego next week. Brick Boi : Dam yall, i been in dat game 4 a bit now. LuckyLittleFarmGirl : Problem solved. The Question Is : When you are down to nothing except the clothes on your back Will you blame it on others? I am a Mother : I got to this place because I was looking for answers…Not how to cook the stuff…just what its all about…Because I have a son who has become a user. Dewby : I didnt read every post because there is a trillion of them. The less excess water, the better 6 Cook the mixture, there are a few ways to do this. Swirl Swirl Swirl. Tony : OK I have read all the posts and boy do you guys need some help. David Wilson : You people should get some help. NoRegrets : best drug ever smoke crake ontop no crash. SoDope : You can actually use sprite to mix your coke in. SoDope : You can also make it by heating up water in a microwave then putting the soft white in the water and stir it with somethin metal until it turns into a clear oily lookin substance on top of the water. Write backid like to talk with u. Ronaldinho : Magnificent site. 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