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Thailand WeedMaps - Cannabis Dispensaries - Thai Weed Map of Thailand

It is hard to believe that as this article in being published, Thailand has had legal weed for exactly eight days and yet there are already a few legal dispensaries open and selling out of stock , there has already been a major 2-day weed-themed festival , and cafes, restaurants, and bars are already cashing in on the trend by selling THC-laden products along with more innocuous CBD and hemp offerings for various health benefits. Yes, you can get high legally in Thailand now but it is important to know the laws so you do not cross a line that could get you in trouble. Although this may influence how they appear in the text, we only recommend solutions that we would use in your situation. Read more in our Advertising Disclosure. Get access to over a hundred pieces of exclusive content that save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time and help you avoid the pitfalls that plague Thailand expats. Mary Jane was first approved for medical use with a certificate back in and rumors quickly spread that full decriminalization would soon follow. People across the country signed up and received their baby plants to help them begin to grow and cultivate ganja at home for personal use. Finally, on June 9th of , marijuana leaves and flowers of any potency were completely removed from the narcotics list. Another step in the right direction happened almost immediately when Thailand announced they would release prisoners serving time for cannabis related offenses. Prisons were surveyed and viable candidates were elected. At the time of writing, 3, men and women were freed from behind bars. On the 17th of June, , Thailand woke up to the news that a new law was to be passed which requires all companies selling cannabis must have a medical licence. The actual wording of the bill sets the year age minimum for buying cannabis and states it is not for use by or sale to pregnant women. The bit about prescriptions went under under debate , but after a few days of panic, dispensaries went back to business as usual. This does not affect anyone smoking weed, just sellers. Since there is no law or regulation dictating how one might obtain permission, and no licence for selling weed exists, the hundreds of stores that have opened to the public over the past months have been left confused about what to do. At the time of writing, the Cannabis and Hemp Act of Thailand is still in draft form. As Thailand leans into this cash crop and tourism magnet, things can still change and new laws and restrictions might still come into play. Keep up to date on the current situation, that is your responsibility as a visitor in Thailand. We are sure. In the beginning, it was thought that there would be a tonne of loopholes for the police to bust you with your doobie. People predicted that the laws would lack transparency, that you would need permission, that it would only include low THC level cannabis-adjacent products. But, when the big day finally came, Thailand was shockingly relaxed about it all and more favorable to stoners than people expected. But there are still limits. Be informed. You are subject to the exact same laws surrounding marijuana in Thailand as Thai citizens, with the exception of various restrictions about applying for import export licenses see below. The regular laws that apply to your job in relation to the type of visa you hold still apply. If you work in Thailand, you must hold a legal Thai visa and work permit for the job you are doing. Basically, the international media has gotten a lot wrong about the Thai laws. Many reputable sites have consistently said that the weed we are allowed to buy now is not potent, that it is low in THC and not the primo kush we were hoping for. The reality is that NO new law has yet been written. The only thing that happened is that cannabis was taken off the narcotics list. This means that things are still up in the air as the government eventually pases new bills to regulate its use. People under the age of 20 are not allowed to buy or use it same as alcohol in Thailand. But weed itself; flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds have no restrictions at all on them. No one is yet regulating weed potency and you can easily buy very strong sticky icky all over the country right now. Here are the exact words according to Thai law at the time of writing. It is in Thai and the Thai wording is the only legal authority. But the gist of it is that extracts from all parts of cannabis or hemp plants are category 5 narcotic if they contain THC levels over 0. Non-potent CBD products are acceptable. Products which promote sound sleep and tout pain-relieving qualities are okay, but the law specifies domestic products only, meaning nothing imported is legal at all. Thailand wants the profits that come with legalized ganja to stay in Thailand. Sadly, the less-than The process of extracting the THC tetrahydrocannabinol cannabinoids from the plant and infusing them into food and beverages qualifies as creating an extract. With Cigna Global, you get a health insurance plan specially customised for expats in Thailand. All of their plans come with:. This seems to be a contradiction to what people in Thailand are seeing in the market right now. Everywhere you look, shops are popping up specializing in weed snacks, ads on our social media are trying to sell us cannabis candies, even chain restaurants are cashing in, serving ganja on their pizzas! So what is that about? Two options; most commonly they are selling hemp leaf products which contain little or no THC. Sticking a single leaf of a dope plant on a glazed donut is not going to do anything but ruin the taste of the donut. A second group of entrepreneurs are operating illegally in an area of Thai law that people are still trying to navigate and they are taking a risk in doing so. As Thailand figures out how this whole decriminalized culture is going to play out in the long term, people are risking their livelihoods to meet the demand of their customers. If you purchase these extract products, you are also breaking the law. Another factor standing in the way of the industry is the FDA in Thailand. The Food and Drug Administration must give approval of any product being consumed and they are not about to start handing out approval for potent weed products. This might change when the laws are more clear in the future, but for now any consumables with THC over 0. Also important to note that vaping is illegal in Thailand. And not just for the wacky tobacky. As vaping is a relatively new practice, the law which pertains to e-cigarettes is section 20 of the Customs Act of Thailand. It prohibits the importation of e-cigarettes and vapes, meaning if you are using one, you must have illegally imported it. If you are caught with one, the fine is up to 30, Baht and a possible jail sentence of up to 10 years. Vaping weed will give the police the opportunity to double down on your punishment. Illegal possession of mariguana extracts over 0. Please obey the Thai laws. Section 26 of Chapter 2 of the Thailand Narcotics act of is still relevant to the importation of marijuana extracts. This law states that no person shall produce, dispose of, import, export or possess narcotics of category IV or category V. Please do not try to bring edibles, oils, or any other cannabis product into Thailand from abroad. There are certain conditions under which a Thai citizen can request a license to produce, import, export, dispose of, or possess narcotic substances under the category 5 narcotics list. But the licenses are tightly controlled and not a viable option for a foreigner in Thailand. Thai authorities are encouraging people to grow their own plants at home, they are even giving them away to Thai citizens. Their official reason for doing this is to encourage people to use their homegrown marijuana for personal use to treat various health conditions. This is the official line, and this is why some people have been suspicious. Some of the things the government representatives have said publicly seem to condemn smoking for fun. You can smoke weed in private places anywhere in Thailand. BUT you may not smoke in public places. While there is no official law about this right now, police are ready to implement the law of public nuisance to clamp down on public blazers. Even the famously diligent Thonglor police made a public statement that they would not bother people possessing, buying, or selling weed. Just be cool, man. Smoke inconspicuously. On top of this, at least 25 specialist cannabis clinics were set up in to treat people in Thailand. So, if you have one of the approved conditions such as chronic pain, migraines, or insomnia and you talk to your doctor, you could score all kinds of oils and products that are technically not available to the public. Just keep your medical marijuana card on you at all times. Common sense should tell us not to go around operating heavy machinery, cars, motorcycles, or anything else while high. But people still do these things, so let us reiterate that just because you are allowed to be high DOES NOT mean that you are allowed to partake in reckless endangerment. Just because the Thai law specifically relating to weed and driving has not been written, does not mean it is legal. Other laws exist to cover your behavior if you are being irresponsible. There are new shops popping up every minute in Thailand. As the need for weed grows in popularity, our friends over at the Thai Weed Guide have created an awesome website with an evolving list of shops and suppliers for your convenience. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon as fast as they can. As it is impossible for us to keep up with the list of dispensaries in Thailand, we suggest checking out the cool interactive weed map on the High Thailand website. Cannabaceae is the family of plants, then cannabis indica and cannabis sativa are the two main subspecies of plants, hybrid is named as such because it is a new strain created by combining both indica and sativa. These are the three main cannabis strains available in Thailand. In general indica is said to give a more relaxed and mellow effect, and sativa is said to be more energizing for daytime use with hybrid types being anywhere in the middle. The thing is, these plants have been subject to so much crossbreeding, cultivation techniques and hybridization that the lines are becoming less clear. Cannabis experts are starting to see no difference between some strains and naming new varieties is becoming a bit of a branding exercise more than anything else. There are at least of them around the world. Each one has been created to give the user slightly different experiences. There is no real way to know how weed will affect you, your mood and surroundings as well as what else you have consumed, and even the people near you will affect your experience, someone might feel sleepy on sleepy on sativa , another might feel energized on indica, the best way to figure out what you like is to try a bit for yourself. In Thailand, quality buds are going for THB to THB per gram on average, and you certainly get what you pay for when it comes to the ganja. This is just the beginning for cannabis in Thailand. The news is changing daily, people are very excited and some are getting a bit carried away. When you suddenly remove all restrictions in a country that has had very strict drug laws for an eternity, there is going to be a settling-in phase. As the first couple of days of decriminalization passed, Thailand saw kids who ate too many edibles freaking out and checking themselves into hospitals, scaremongering began, rumors of immediate restrictions being enforced popped up in the news and were refuted hours later by someone higher up. This is normal, and we will still have to wait and see where Thailand will land when all the new laws are in place. Thailand is having so much fun, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to fit as many ridiculous euphemisms in there as possible. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I agree to receive the ExpatDen newsletter. Why The Mixed Messages? Want to Live in Thailand Hassle-Free? Two pre-rolled joints, bought in Bangkok, Thailand after decriminalization. Weed brownie on a Thai beach. But only if the THC is low or you could get into trouble. Looking for Recommended Expat Health Insurance? Low THC products are legal in Thailand now. Eat responsibly. Smoke a perfectly rolled legal doobie in Thailand, but only in private spaces, like your own garden. Weed sellers at a pop-up in a Hua Hin mall Thailand six days after decriminalization. Line Shopping is a platform many weed suppliers are using in Thailand right now. A single gram bud of hybrid called Cherry Bomb bought in Bangkok after decriminalization. You might also like. How to Get a Residence Certificate in Thailand. Want a Work Permit in Thailand? Go get you some of that sticky icky, friend!

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When it comes to drugs in South East Asia, the first and best tip I can give you is to avoid them while traveling through the region! They can be very dangerous, are extremely illegal in some countries heard of the death penalty? All of the information in this article is for educational purposes , and solely to give people an understanding of what to expect. I assumed a lot of alcohol was consumed, but I had no idea the amount of drug use that happened in Thailand! One of the most common drug related questions I get about traveling around South-East Asia is about weed and where to buy it. They have happy hour everyday from p. Then the whole bar becomes a giant movie theater, and everyone just smokes, drinks, and watches the movie before it turns into a rowdy bar again at night. I tried one once in Phnomh Penh, and I think I ended up sleeping for 15 hours straight, lol. For more information about weed in Cambodia, read these articles below:. Because everything little thing…is gonna be alright! So yes, you do still need to maintain some street smarts and avoid police while partaking in drug use in LAOS. A long article discussing the part mecca that Vang Vieng is, but how dangerous it is. Really great article about the party scene in Vang Vieng. How it used to have a really bad reputation, the chaos, etc. Indonesia is one of the last places in the world you want to get caught with marijuana or any drugs for that matter. The police are infamous for being corrupt, and there are extremely strict drug-laws! People think that just because Bali is one of the most visited islands in the world, they can get away with smoking just a little bit of weed. I actually used to live on Gili Trawangan, A. Fun fact : I even thought about opening up my own hostel on Gili Air, but that all changed when I decided to move to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa. Well, I at least have never heard of any of my friends getting high in Singapore. When it comes to marijuana in Malaysia — I have smoked a few times in Kuala Lumpur. I do remember a few of my friends in a hostel on the Perhentian Islands had some herb. Proceed with caution of course! The thing about cocaine is how well do you know the person giving it to you? During my first time on the island, there was actually a drug dealer walking around the hostel, asking all the travelers if they needed any MDMA! And no. It was pretty crazy to witness, because I know the drugs laws in Thailand are super strict! Crazy, huh!? I have no idea if this still happens, but when I was there in — it definitely happened a lot. My advice would be to skip drug use while traveling, because this can be a very dangerous area of the word. If you do decide to partake in recreational drugs, please do so cautiously. Obviously, drugs affect everyone differently, so please be careful…mushrooms can get pretty intense. When I first got to Thailand, and strolled through the night markets in Bangkok — I was shocked to see that the vendors sell all different types of prescription drugs. Xanax, Valium, and Ritalin are the most commonly purchased from backpackers and budget travelers. Prices vary, but I remember paying Baht for one packet. They also will have Ambien , Viagra , Cialis , etc. It is widely used in human and veterinary medicine, primarily for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia for surgical procedures. You can purchase the liquid form of the drug at pharmacies, and cook it yourself. But I felt like I should at least bring them up. Feel free to browse through the Destinations page, or check out a few of these posts below:. If you have any questions about this post, feel free to shoot me an email or message me on Facebook! Laos has excellent dissolving codeine tabs, cheap and legal. Prescription drugs are also available in Vietnam. Thanks for the info Kurt. Visiting Phnom Pheng soon. Is it white or brown shit? I loved your article. If you are in search of quality weed and other stuffs from a local dealer then I recommend Greenie localdelivery \\\\\\\[add\\\\\\\] yahoo com. He is a very convenient and reliable local plug. Have ordered from him 5 times and believe me or not, everything was perfect. Personally I recommend Hassan weedontime add gmail dot com a local here in Malaysia. He is such a reliable and convenient local plug. He sorted us in style during our visit. He is popularly known and highly recommended. He is a lifesaver and always have in stock what you are looking for at moderate prices. Well Thailand now allows weed and you can even get Kratom which was highly illegal since the s. Looks like Thailand is opening up on the drugs probably because they see great revenue streams. Hey stoners! So I will admit I was extremely skeptical about emailing some Girl named Isabella \\\\\\\[email protected\\\\\\\] and arranging a drug deal for some weed and Hash. But after reading all the positive reviews I figured it was worth a shot. I was not disappointed at all! SHe is all about the customer. SHe has someone meet you in a quiet but really convenient place. I messed up and was waiting at the wrong area. Her guy waited for 20 minutes until he finally found me. And the weed is fucking awesome. If you are coming to Town and need the hook up, look no further. Isabella is your Girl. Personally I recommend Isabella \\\\\\\[email protected\\\\\\\] a solid local connect. SHe is such a reliable and convenient local plug. SHe sorted us in style during our visit. SHe is popularly known and highly recommended and have alot of tasty buds. You can also find her on telegram as: rollitupkush. I drive across town to come here. Isabella is amazing, the customer service is really top notch and very personalized. I feel like family when I buy, and she really knows her products and I really get a sense that they care about my well-being. I had a surgery this year and they went out of the way to be accomodating and sympathetic to the painful process before and after. I refer everyone I know here. Buy from Isabella \\\\\\\[email protected\\\\\\\]. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Travel Gifts. Weed in Indonesia Indonesia is one of the last places in the world you want to get caught with marijuana or any drugs for that matter. I always did enjoy getting a little high while marveling at the sunsets on Gili Trawangan Traveling to the Gili Islands? Question for Kurt. He is a lifesaver and always have in stock what you are looking for at moderate prices You can also find him on telegram as: budkonnection Reply. I highly recommend Hassan too but his telegram username has been changed to: vitalweed Reply. I strongly recommend her services to all stoners looking for quality weed and other stuffs in TThailand. You can also find her on telegram as: rollitupkush Reply. Buy from Isabella \\\\\\\[email protected\\\\\\\] Reply. Leave a Reply Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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