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Follow Erowid on Instagram! Cocaine is a common stimulant derived from the Erythroxylum coca plant. It is best known for its massive popularity in powdered and freebase crack forms. June NYC Health Department announced the presence of fentanyl in cocaine is contributing to an increase in drug overdose deaths. Starting in , cocaine cut with levamisole a veterinary and human dewormer began being increasingly reported and resulted in numerous hospitalizations and a few deaths across the United States. Researchers show that in invertebrates levamisole appears to synergize with cocaine, increasing effects. The percentage of samples tested by Erowid's DrugsData testing program that contain levamisole dropped significantly beginning in January Amphetamines, Cocaine, A New Link. How long after use can Cocaine be detected by a urine tes Will rats really keep taking cocaine til they die? What is the blue-color change test used to detect cocaine Could cocaine be used to stabilize a difficult LSD experie Cocaine Tainted Cash Faulted as Evidence , For Those About to Rock , by Rem. Woe to you my Princess, when I come, I will kiss you quite red and feed you till you are plump. And if you are froward, you shall see who is the stronger, a gentle little girl who doesn't eat enough or a big wild man who has cocaine in his body. Levamisole as a contaminant of illicit Cocaine , Cocaine on cash not proof of drug dealing, courts rule , Courts reject drug-tainted evidence , Cocaine pharmacokinetics in humans , Acupuncture effective treatment for cocaine addiction - AP, August Prenatal Cocaine: Effects on the Fetus. Peruvian Marching Powder , by dokmai. Cocaine , by L. Grinspoon and J. Cocaine Papers , by Sigmund Freud. The Pleasures of Cocaine , by Adam Gottlieb. Cocaine - Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Cocaine Info - Drug Library :. Cocaine Story in Colombia. Crack Cocaine - StreetDrugs. The Haight-Ashbury Cocaine Film. Federal Sentencing Guidelines. November Coalition: Crack vs. Drug Reporter Craving Cocaddiction or Craven Cocabhorrence Consumer Union Report on Cocaine. On Cocaine , by Sigmund Freud. Birth of a Cocaine Factoid Effects of Crack smoking on the lungs Abstracts. The Pharmacology of Cocaine Smoking in Humans. Urban Legends : Cocaine Tainted Money. Cocaine: Wholesale, Purity and Street Prices. Bolivia police seize 7. Can a drug cure an addict? Houston scientists see hope in cocaine vaccine - Houston Chronicle, Jan 1 Prenatal cocaine's lasting cellular effects - Press Zoom , Jan 15, Addiction injection: the mission to immunise drug users against dependency , Wired, Mar 29 Identifying Compounds to Treat Cocaine Addiction , Teen Challenge : Cocaine. Cocaine - DEA. Partnership for a Drug Free America : Cocaine. National Families in Action : Cocaine. Hyperreal on Synthesis. How to make your very own Levamisole test kits! Permission required before publicly reproducing Erowid info. Created by Erowid - Jul 26, Modified - Sep 7,

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This looks at the ways in which we take our coke, talks to the peeps involved and gives some useful harm reduction tips for users. And true, while we cannot get rid of them all, even via freebasing the old school way levisomole, the cattle de-wormer is believed to survive that process! Only use after you have eaten and slept and only on a Friday nite, etc. These kinds of rigid rules can help from the get go. Keep to them. There is nothing more desperate, frighteningly outa control and upsetting than someone you love, or yourself, who has lost it on the rocks. The scale of loss can be mindblowing. You have been warned! Okay, to the text…. Procedures for both substances crack and freebase cocaine are based on the fact that while cocaine hydrochloride regular cocaine requires a high temperature to ignite, base cocaine requires a much lower temperature to ignite. This makes it ideal for smoking. These methods are based on personal experience and information found in an out of print book called the cocaine handbook, by David Lee. A truly excellent book, and a must-have for any coke user. Refs at the end of this article. This is the most common method, but pretty rough to be honest and not the best way to get the best product. Get a spoon and mix 2 -3 parts of cocaine hydrochloride regular cocaine to 1 part baking soda in 20 ml of water. Some say , others say best to start smaller and add a bit more if needed. Heat solution gently with a lighter until white precipitates form, and stop heating when precipitation stops. After gentle heating, the freebase cocaine will float to the top, any excess soda will settle on the bottom. Just collect the compound that rises to the top, and you have the finished product, it is ready to use. Dig this dudes crack pipe! I reckon this would work well, creating a low heat burn and burning that crack nice and slow and low temperatures, which is the recommended way. And its all gone up in one lungful of smoke. It should be sipped, shall we say, like the cheap wine that she is. Is it a bomb? Memory has escaped me, funny that. You make crack as described above, then wash it with water and allow to dry for a day. Its for the connoisseur no doubt, but the patient sort…. Mix 2 parts of cocaine hydrochloride to 1 part baking soda in 20 ml of water -or enough water to make a thickish paste -pancake style. Heat solution very gently until white precipitates form; This is best done by putting a glass pyrex bowl with the crack paste inside it gently placed into a saucepan of simmering water; it will heat your crack gently without cooking it and degrading your product. Keep stirring adding drops of water if needed. Turn your knife copper penny, or steel knife tip over and over as it begins to collect a cracky blob. Stop heating when precipitation stops. Ideally, you should wash this crack freebase once with water this procedure usually omitted in the street product. Dry 24 hours under a heat lamp. Voila this procedure usually omitted in the street product by the impatient! These days, and after a lot of accidents ala Richard Pryor, ether is not really recommended as a method to encourage in cooks. It is believed that just using acetone is the overall safest method which has the best result. Ammonia is also used -however you must be patient and prepared for both of these things to thoroughly dry hours dry -before smoking -or you will be damaging your lungs. Crack cocaine is less pure than using ether to make freebase cocaine there is lots of baking soda left , but the procedure is safer. Ammonia appears to do real damage to the lungs, particularly because the coke is often not dried properly before it is smoked, thus one inhales ammonia fumes. Mix about 1 g of coke in 10 ml of water in a small vial. Slowly add drops of ammonia to the solution. A white milky precipitate will form. Stop adding ammonia when additional drops no longer result in precipitation. Add 5 ml of ethyl ether, close vial, and shake. The precipitate freebase will dissolve in the ether. As the ether evaporates, white crystals will form. This is the evil freebase. Crush the crystals and put under a heat lamp for at least 24 hrs to let the solvent evaporate. This is how Richard Pryor almost died. A lot of untrained people killed themselves doing that procedure, and this is why crack is now more popular. By doing something like one of the methods above, the resulting freebase cocaine is easy to smoke, it requires a lower temperature to ignite than nonfreebase cocaine. If one were to smoke cocaine as is, there would be too much waste. Some people do smoke cocaine as is, but it is much more efficient to freebase or make crack. You feel great when you inhale crack or freebase cocaine, but start to come down soon after exhaling. Never inject crack or freebase cocaine, it can cause a heart attack or stroke. Both of which will probably kill you. Crack is a less pure form of freebase cocaine than using ammonia and ether and gets its name from the crackling sound it makes when smoked. This form of freeing the base is more time consuming and dangerous than making crack, but the result is more pure, and can give a larger yield than converting the same amount of cocaine to crack would. While both forms of the drug can be called freebase cocaine, only using the baking soda method results in a product that can be called crack. See how cocaine is made for a better understanding of how cocaine itself is produced. Cocaine research — Nearly one in five whites could carry a genetic variant that substantially increases their odds of being susceptible to severe cocaine abuse, according to new research. Therefore, if any does remain undissolved, simply filter it into a separate glass container via a standard round coffee filter and plastic funnel. Once all of the liquid has drained thru, add 20 more ml. Our final objective is to have a total of 60 ml. In other words, if all of your original cocaine dissolved completely in the original 40 ml. In a separate beaker or shot glass, add 20 ml. Stir thoroughly. Your ammonia must be unscented and contain absolutely nothing but ammonia and water. Using a glass eye dropper, slowly add exactly 1 ml. A cloudy bright white precipitate will form with each and every drop. Between each 1 ml. With each 1 ml. Try extremely hard to not touch any part of the glass container with the stir rod while stirring. Once you accidentally free up any of the goo, it will not reattach itself to the glass, thus ultimately ending up in your real cocaine freebase. After about ml. This is not cocaine freebase, but instead one of the easier forming bases like amphetamine etc. There will be 2 different substances that form during this entire process. One will be the yellowish goo that forms first. The goo is NOT cocaine and should be ignored. The second substance that forms will be the actual cocaine base. The next thing to form on the copper will be the bleach white freebase. From that point on, anything that forms in the water will be freebase and that may or may not stick to the rod. Continue slowly adding the 1 ml. The goo will continue to grow on the stir rod as all of the other freebases other than cocaine continue to precipitate out first. So, to reiterate; now you have continued slowly adding the ammonia until the goo has completely stopped forming and the white base starts forming. You can discard any oily goo in the first beaker. Make sure you wipe off any goo that formed on the stir rod prior to freebase forming, though. Pour the contents of the beaker straight into a 2nd beaker; no coffee filter is needed for the 2nd pour, but you will need a 3rd beaker ready and waiting, with the coffee filter primed to catch anything from the top. You need to continue slowly adding the ammonia drip by drip to the new beaker, stirring without touching the sides or bottom, until no more precipitate forms from the addition of any new ammonia. If you add any additional ammonia past the point of new precipitate forming, it will decompose your actual base. One drained, open the filter and pour the freebase into a glass beaker with a small amount 20 ml. Stir completely to completely rinse off all of the ammonia soln. Once drained and while still in the filter, pour a little more fresh water over the now pure cocaine freebase to wash away any final traces of ammonia. Remove the filter paper containing the pure cocaine freebase and place the filter paper still containing the freebase inside between a few paper towels, press firmly on the clump portion to absorb any additional moisture and then while still in the filter paper, blow dry until dry to the touch. Carefully open over a ceramic plate and let all of the freebase fall out onto it. This could be as long as overnight. Make sure you weigh your adulterated coke beforehand, and then once again after the pure freebase dries. Enjoy a cleaner product! There should never be heat involved in the making of cocaine freebase. This book is amazing and although 20 years old is a great companion for any connoisseur. Also, Le Junks amazing threads from a few years ago are of great use to any reader wishing to learn more about this product. Ok so here is the simple steps to clean out your stash, swim did this with a mere 1g but recommends highly that you do this with at least 3g to make it worth it, you will be so pissed when you see how nice it comes out and so little you have if done with less. NOTE: This is another persons thread on the acetone way, which is useful to explain a bit about the Epsom salts, helping to shed a bit more light before you start. Click here for the good Danish site Psychedia. I am fairly sure that at the end of that procedure one will be left with the same cocaine HCL that one started with, but potentially in a purer state. If so, yeh alcohol is a way to recycle the recycle. Like acetone. The first is he called it freebase only when ether is used. Freebase is the result, not the process, and you get the same result either way: freebase cocaine. Whether you use ether or sodium bi carbonate, when you free cocaine from its base, the result is freebase, regardless of what you use. The definition of freebase cocaine is cocaine that has been converted from its HCL form to its free base form using ether or sodium bicarbonate. Look it up. I put it in a double boiler usually, but if you use a spoon you can especially see that the soda fizzes at first, the whole surface fizzes, then it breaks, stops fizzing and at this point everything has already happened, the coke is now an oily glob and the soda is still in the water, dissolved, not in the oily cocaine. How do I know? In fact even when you do heat it, you can see it at the bottom at the end when the water cools. If it left the soda in your freebase, you would taste it, as baking soda is very salty and nasty tasting. Also, if it had a whole lot of soda, your rocks would catch fire when lit. Anyway, this is the truth, you can shoot up crack using vinegar to break back down the rock by converting it back into its cocaine HCL form. White wine vinegar, that is. Freebase is the result, bit the process, and you get the same result either way :freebase cocaine. I put it in a double boiler usually, but if you use a spoon you can especially see that the soda fizzes at first, the whole surface fizzes, then it breaks, stops fizzing and at this poin everything has already happened, the coke is now an oily glob and the soda is in the water, dissolves, not in the oily cocaine. In fact even when you do heat it you can see it at the bottom at the end when it cools. If it left the soda in your freebase, you would taste it as baking soda is very salty and nasty tasting. Does anyone know has to get rid of the taste of wormer from free base? It tasted disgusting. Will a version of the ammonia methods discussed work on removing the impurities? Sometimes cocaine powder is unavailable. What will happen if whatever freebase is left bakes with sod bicarbonate to become solid hard possibly? You fucked it up. You may have something wrong or you may be misunderstanding what you are trying to do. Put a tiny amount of your coke in a spoon and add a little tiny bit of water, enough to cover it. Did it dissolve or did a good bit sink to the bottom? If there is anything but liquid, clear liquid at that, in your spoon, your dope is not gonna be good enough. If it makes anything at all it will be a couple hits like out of a gram or two. So that could be another mistake your making. Crack then hardens take it out dry it and boom. Are u letting it dry for long enough??? U need patience my friend and u gotta wait good 24 hrs to dry it out or use some of the drying methods,…but not as good as letting it dry au natural…. Any ideas please thanks in advance matt. Hi washing using bi carb recently oil taking longer to go off and when smoked on bottle pipe thick black residue left on the foil any ideas to why this is happening or what it possible has been cut with that will wash it up this. Thanks in advance any help you can give. Yes i do know how to cook but just had bad luck and got the bad quality. When dried its like got this sparkeling touch and when you smoke it you can hardly keep it down or breath after. My question can i do anything to make it a little better or lets say smokeable? Have only baking soda. When you have a child that has ruined his life so far due to the crap your talking about, and also almost lost his life, than it is crazy hard to understand why there are sites like this. People do not need to know how to do it, they need to know how to stay away from it and the people that use it. What destruction. Anyway back to my point.. Is it possible to cook used chore to get the resin out and rerock and smoke it? If it is how is it done? Am in thailand…. I have tried doing it with small amounts. No more than 0. Even the dust is all silk. Id appreciate some information to help me cook a good quality personal use product. All the best. I would like to know how can a person clean their system from crack cocaine after use it every day for a less a year. I have until October 2 to clean my system. This is not to encourage anyone into doing this. But you can inject crack. However you have to use plain white vinegar to dilute it. It takes several minutes of crushing best to crush the rock as best you can prior to adding vinegar and mixing. You have to use a cotton. Voila, you have a shot of coke. It never seemed as good as if you started w just plain coke. But hey, when you cant find soft, you adapt. You can also break down crack with cherry Kool Aid mix and water. The acid in the Kool Aid will break it down and become shootable. And the Kool aid tastes way better than the vinager. Vinegar is actually safer though. Injecting too much sugar will kill you be careful. I prefer not to have the vengar taste nor inject sugar, you know… Ideally. A sprinkle of Citric Acid is the best thing to use for breaking down pretty much anything in order to inject! Keep cooking it until it turns to an oily looking film on the top of the water. Use a cold pin or a nail or something to collect it up, it should stick right to the pin. Bicarb method sucks but if you can get it right you can get your head ringing a couple times. Leave to dry over night then rinse again the next morning… then obviously remove all of the base from the stocking and place on paper towel preferably under heat lamp to facilitate drying. Gonna do 7G for first attempt. If I wash 28G with bicarb I expect to lose a G or two, it will be interesting to weigh up my base and see if I get a greater yield. The rush from the base made by ammonia, is scary intense. It may take a little while longer and you more than likely will lose weight, but if done correctly, you will never do it any other way unless you have no self respect or patience. I recommend this method as with the other you may die. I have read in the comments that people are using just straight ammonia, no water added. That is my method also. I use enough ammonia to completely wet the coke and have enough liquid left to stir it in but not so that is swimming. All the goey freebase sticks to the spoon. I have noticed if you leave the ammonia on for too long, it does start to go a bit cloudy. I then usually tilt the spoon facing up to allow it to dry a bit, same with the pin, and then break them off and put them in a coffee filter, wash with water a few times and then open the filter and let them dry. If you can give anymore info, appreciate it. Yes I also do not use water. Only the clear ammonia in a shot glass. I dump the powdered cocaine in the ammonia and stir gently but somewhat quickly with a precision screwdriver. But then I see a yellowish goo that is attaching to the screwdriver. That goo when dry turns white and hard. Now you have pure, smokable cocaine. This is so difficult. Can somebody email me and show me how to do this. Its not necessary especially with the spoon and pan on stove methods if u are experienced and trained enough to know exactly when to stop heating it with lighter or removing the glass container out from the pan of boiling water and then know how to cool it down by draining off excess water from spoon without pouring any base oil out with it then either set it down to harden scrape off spoon onto non stick cardboard to dry or just gently scraping it up and collect it all with a copper or other metal stick-like tool with s thin flat like tip getting it to harden into a hard chunk on the tip, or gently stirring the Gooey hot sticky base in the glass container , and then gently scrape too like base while still hot and sticky with a cake batter spatula or other flat utensil that scrape it all out onto a plate or mirror or other nonstick cardboard and let harden into a solid hard chunk or cookie like piece…. And then those other ethyl ether , ammonia methods are actually crack!!! Baking soda does not free it and soda is still in it. Crack is not free base. Thanks for the advice. I only read about 3 lines of this article but it was enough. Been saying I will try washing up for years and finally had a go. One question… Does it or is it supposed to add weight? And do u really need to leave it 24 hours to dry? I smoked it after about 5 minutes and it was rocket fuel. Safe as fuck. Waiting after cooking is highly recommend! You will get more of a hit even if you just put it in fridge for a few hours. Easier said than done I know. Kind of funny. Im curious is shooting crack or freebase more dangerous than shooting cocaine? I ask because I recently started shooting cocaine, Ive done it probably times. Ill buy a gram of some good Fishscale and get about good shots out of the gram and its a way better rush than crack which I use to smoke on a regular basis for 6 years but that was years ago. The reason I started shooting was because the crack i was getting was pure shit so i decided to get some good powder and inject it and WOW is it a rush. I have very little income so im afraid to try and turn the gram into crack even though you have a great step by step instructions Im just too worried that I would fuck it up and be left with nothing. Please let me know and thanks for your time. Try to get your hands on a small glass test tube, and you will be making your own crack in no time. Add your coke to the test tube 2. Add baking soda sodium bi-carbonate or sodium carbonate. There is no need to add anywhere close to 1 part of 3 in volume half of the coke. All you need is just enough for the mixture to start dissolving. You will see the content start to foam. Shake swirl the test tube gently to make sure all the powder has dissolved. Holding the test tube with your fingers, you dip the test tube into water close to boiling temperature it does not need to be boiling, just near boiling or just boiled. You will see the foam in the test tube start melting down. Keep swirling the test tube in the water in nearly boiling temperature and see the rocks begin to form. With a test tube, you will be able to form the crack into a little spherical rock. Extract the rock from the test tube, wash it in cold water if you are really fussy. Hey bud just wanted to throw a quick reply your way. It is very likely you will screw up your own cook over and over and over. They are also likely messing up the cook themselves and giving you the same week product. Then one batch I made… It was 10 times more potent than ever other cook I did. It was the same coke to begin with, same soda, same spoon. My suggestion would be educate the shit out of yourself of the science behind it and start doing it right. Anybody know? The epson salt step is to remove water from the acetone. I get mine at the source. I live on the border. And I get 3. It disappears on my fingers cause my body temp is warm. I would really like to do a whole ounce. After a while my throats and nose burn why??? OK this shit cracks me up pun intended!!!!!!!. And I will add to it with extreme emphasis. And if you go any further as far as personal internal knowledge it may be too late to reverse any damage you may already be in for. If you have enough time and money and if being like 25years and half a million U. By I surpassed any and all knowledge that book has to offer. What he told me and what I have long since researched further was enough to blow my mind so to speak. I know why which includes the history and future of cocaine. Pretty cocky sounding I admit. I admit this knowledge humbly and so far embarrassingly so far. The truth would be best but who is to tell me? What is up with the whole de-wormer cut thing? Much love to all!!!! Well hello there guys and gals! Great great blog! I noticed this blog and the comments are from What happened? Well anyways, I started smoking crack this year. No judgments, please. It was first a few dimes, and now my use has increased quite a bit. He gets beautiful fish scale cocaine and makes it from that! The result is euphoric, fabulous crack that does not make me feel jittery, paranoid, or racy at all. I felt just as I described before. Nasty stuff. It was obviously cut with who knows what! I am enjoying myself now, but I know this cannot go on forever. No good. Have fun and be careful. Easy does it! Take care, Me. What do you mean exactly? What country are you in Matt? We do need an article on Fentanyl actually, along with the OXY family type drugs…. Thanks TechnoMatt! Please can anyone advice can I use any of these methods to clean up some crappy crack? Thanks v much xx. After u wash crack up with bicarbonate soda get the crack on knife but their is still powder on the spoon! Can I add another gram of cocaine to it to wash it up? For argument sake, Can the newly created base be pushed to the next step of disolving into ether or acetone, and eventually hcl addedd for the creation of Cocaine HCL without waiting the normal day or two air dry wait as is recommended for those that want to smoke their base? U hafta slow down the cook. Good LUCK. Can I just start by saying it is very good to know that there are informative websites like this one and to hear people giving good sensible advice to the curious or uninitiated when it comes to recreational drug usage. My principal is simply this. We only. There will always be experimenters, drugs and new ways of doing things. Forget the amonia. Not good. Forget washing in water. Anyone tried washing it in Vodka yet or Rum? It helps with that modish feeling plus your money might last a bit longer…. Thanks for your reflective and thoughtful message. We have some contacts in Brighton who are starting up something pretty special re music and a whole DIY ethical approach. Ill email you shortly and see what you think. Thanks for the feedback btw. Alcohol -vodka or rum? No kidding? Anyone else tired this way? Always interesting to hear! Purer the more affective obviously.. Gently forming it into a decent looking slab!!! Your on the right tracks,,,,, now whisk aflame until a cloudy ring is seeping out.. Judder the spoon and also nudge it.. X licky X. This information was highly useful. Thank you. I now know what was making me sick when smoking this certain persons crack. Me too! The stuff is extremely oily and messes with my stomach. I cooked for years but recooking makes me lose too much. Have you figured out a solution to this? I been dropping mine down in plain ole alcohol for a sec, then drying on a filter, which helps a little but at the end, i end up having to change my chore multiple times as i cannot tolerate it. The ether gets rid of the ammonia and then evaporates, leaving the good stuff behind. Thanks, yes your right, of course its really important to let your rocks dry properly -this is where the difference shows with the coke smokers; i. Any smoking where there is ammonia left, is really, honestly detrimental to the lungs, really we have known people to have severe lung problems that seem to be due to the ammonia…. Is this a scumbag druggy site or a normal party and experimental site.. Do users here miss days of work, buy drugs instead of food, rent,or mortgage, etc.? Or is this a cool upper class party info site? Who are you? Came through it all, got asked to share my experiences with others that were struggling and play at very classy parties. What about you Mike maybe I. Will see you at one if ever you come to Brighton U. I always ruined the coke I bought, when wasted at the bar, trying to make crack or free base and always ruining an 8-ball. My college roommates always get pissed. This info will hopefully help my chemistry at frat parties. Mucker … If you want to not waste it it knowing you want that banging result … Look up the page and literally follow my resepy.. Look up and give it a go.. I recently caught my girlfriend smoking what smelled like base from a small metal weed pipe. I have been finding ultra small ziplock bags and plastic twist-x hidden in her kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately, having smoked freebase myself 29yrs ago, I know what it smells like versus smoking cocaine powder in a cigarette. Recently I found a cigarette that was torn almost down to the filter. The filter and remaining paper were not burned or used. What method is this with the cigarette paper? When I smoked decades ago, I added the powder to a cigarette after partially removing the tobacco then adding the powder and tobacco again. That produced a sickly sweet aroma, which I smelled once at her place. I have since smelled what I believe is freebase burning. What is she doing with that and what should I look out for since this her preferred method? Im afraid you are a bit of an idiot friend, putting your number in here…You are either missing a few marbles or your a rip off in waiting -stay clear readers…But surely I dont have to say that do I? She told me last night that she believes her newest boyfriend is using cocaine. She has special needs children and this is definitely an issue she does not need in her life. Thank you for the information. Im hoping this article will save her from a lot of un-nessasary heartache and pain. I applaud you. Hi, theres a 16 year old female who smoked crack for their first time…did alot of blow the day before not their first time … but the day she smoked hard, she felt very dope sick. Is she safe? Did waaaay too much in the past couple days…drinking while she was smoking rock too…. Ok So where is the most modern lab work on making cocaine from scratch? With the apparatus and quantitative measure of the reagents used. I am a formal chemist more interested in proving to myself the regioselectivity of the chiral moitie. Adding too much ammonia will over-alkalify the end product. This results in a metallic taste as well as increasing the alkaline levels in body fluids, potentially leading to alkalosis. Highly suggest checking out the whole book. It is by far the best single source of information regarding freebase. Everything you need to know about Freebase Cocaine by J. Thank you for your interest and attention to my query, I will be VERY glad to hear more from you on this subject as soon as you feel you have enough information to give a valid response! Thanks love Sairra x X x. For your reference, this is my exact method, detailed step-by-step, below:. I apologize for asking,if it has already been answered. I could not find your answer if you had. Could you possibly provide a link toit? Been dealing with white for a bit. Hi Saira — Sheesh -really sorry for the delay -check the article and I have added a couple of really good bits about the cold ammonia method -the patient way which gets better results — and the acetone way -which people are now saying -based on all the issues together -quality, danger, speed -that acetone works best. Ether etc is a bit old school these days -and as long as you are patient enough to let your stuff dry properly -your results will be brilliant -and much cleaner than otherwise. Thanks for your input -the article continues to get comments -and your comments was one of the best -thanks! You get opened up my own sight to varying thoughts about this matter using intriguing and sound content. Many folks might be benefited from your writing. My pal showed me how to do it with bicarb off sone primi gear. So 1st time i pulled it off crystals bigger than his floating on the spoon i was chuffed. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Email Address:. Sign me up! Crack and Freebase Cocaine Image via Wikipedia. Thanks to Le Junk for this excellent info! Like this: Like Loading Can you just use water to clean the crack from baking soda? What to do when base turns out still pastey and not hard. It it product or me. Wow potentially love that — anyone else tried that? Mite give it a go! Why i cant get it to get hard no matter what i do stays gooy. Can i use anything other than baking powder, emoniea or acetone. Please help?? Drink the corn liquor let the cocaine be… cocaine about to kill my honey dead. Drink the corn let the cocaine be… cocaine about to kill my honey dead. When dry, this stuff gives me a bell ringer most of the time! Klean off? Jeffrey A. Do any of these methods apply to hcl topical solution. Green as grass! Peterborough resident loves to get high article knowledgeable. Hi folks, Can I just start by saying it is very good to know that there are informative websites like this one and to hear people giving good sensible advice to the curious or uninitiated when it comes to recreational drug usage. Hey Erin, you never did answer SairraCakes85 question. I would like to know the answer as well. The spoon on the stove method always works for me cause it provides a slower more uniform heat. Can I use baking soda and tiny bit of rubbing alcohol and what the best way in microwave? Michael C. Slap her on the but? Be realistic. You call if someone feels bad. Free internet, Free knowledge. For your reference, this is my exact method, detailed step-by-step, below: 1 I get my cocaine powder, cocaine-HCL, right? Thanks Sairra x X x. Your own write-up offers proven useful to myself. Mention picture wise detail of brown sugar,how to smoke and tools materials used for that. We try and reply as soon as we can but please understand it might take anywhere from 1 day to 1 month, but we will always try our best. Thanks for your understanding! Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Search our site Search for:. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address: Sign me up! Follow Following. Black Poppy's Junk Mail Join other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. Becky Gomez on Injecting in the Hands. Sliver on Heroin purification.

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