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Exposing what takes place in every stage of cocaine production in Colombia. From its beginnings, the coca-cola powder that is made into coke is refined and then processed into the end product that we know as cocaine. From its origins in South America, this incredibly powerful stimulant flows through the world, reaching countries like Italy, Spain, Britain, Holland and Brazil. But what does it do that is so unique? This is a remote area that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It has some of the most exotic and expensive cocaine found on the planet. Recently however, with the increasing attention that Colombia has gained for being a cocaine route to Europe, the authorities have taken action. In order to stop the cocaine smuggling and criminal activity going on, the authorities have been searching diligently for key points in the country. Recently they were able to seize a significant amount of cocaine hidden in bags within a refrigerated building. This discovery has sent shock waves throughout the world and raised many questions. So how did Colombia seize this large amount of cocaine? The authorities found that much of the cocaine that was seized was being transported on air flights. Large amounts of cocaine were often hidden in suitcases and in bags that could be thrown away after they had been thoroughly searched. The investigation into the cocaine route into Europe also discovered that large numbers of vehicles were used to transport the drugs. These included but were not limited to pickups, cars and buses. All of these methods make it very difficult for law enforcement to catch criminals and put them behind bars for long periods of time. It has been suggested that the large amounts of cocaine being moved from south America into Europe is organized crime money. Organized crime groups rely on their contacts in various countries to help them move their drugs. It is not uncommon for criminals to use the services of a private airline as a way to ship their cocaine into Europe. If cocaine was being shipped from Latin America to Europe, it would be highly unlikely that law enforcement agencies in either country would be looking for and seizing large shipments of drugs. Instead, it is likely that the cocaine would simply pass through the various ports of call and be distributed on the streets of various European cities. Recently, sniffer dogs have been used by police in conjunction with sniffer planes to track down large shipments of cocaine being moved from north to southern Latin America. Although it is impossible to stop the cocaine trade at its point of origin, the increasing use of airplanes and other sophisticated means of air travel has made it much easier to bust organized crime rings and the drug trafficking that go along with it. This means that more people are being brought to the attention of law enforcement officials who are looking to put these notorious criminals behind bars. In the long run, it is very important that we continue to bust these organizations and combat the root causes of crime in our nation. It is one of the most recognized and longest-lasting programs in Spain. In the summer, participants take part in various activities including white water rafting and kayaking, jet skiing, mountain biking, parasailing, clay pigeon and console. In total, participants can expect to experience a 5-day experience, which includes warm-ups and cool-downs, personal training, nutritional advice and a visit from the nutritionist. He then began to market it locally and abroad, before it was offered online. The school offers its services online and through the mail, to individuals interested in losing weight. It works off a system that makes participants eat a restricted amount of food at set intervals over the course of the day. Participants are also encouraged to use supplements such as the Yacon syrup and guarana to give their bodies extra energy and nutrients. Many people report that they feel much fitter after having undergone this program than before. The health benefits of participating in this type of exercise include improved circulation, reduced stress, increased muscle strength and tone, as well as increased cardiovascular efficiency. For instance, if a participant is interested in joining a cross-dressing competition, he or she may sign up for classes in which he or she can use male makeup. Caffeine supplements are not allowed in the program, nor are products that contain ephedra. Many reported increased energy levels, better sleep and moods, and weight loss. Before taking any medication, whether it is prescription or non-prescription, it is important to check with your doctor to make sure that it will not have harmful side effects. For over twenty five years the Cocaine Route has been an internationally recognized training program for individuals involved in any aspect of logistics, warehousing, or distribution. This unique program empowers participants with the essential knowledge and skills required for logistics improvement projects. The objective of this program is to build sustainable logistical systems through real-world experience, applying both theory and practice. We believe that COCAINE is a very good way for logistics professionals to get their foot into the door of management and to learn from the best in the industry. It is also a good way for people involved in different logistics processes to network and share ideas and experiences. The group was established with the intention of coordinating efforts to disrupt the laundering of illegal proceeds across international borders. Inevitably the law enforcement agencies were able to interdict large shipments of cocaine that originated from South America into the United States. When the cocaine was found on the territory of the US, it resulted in huge fines and jail terms for those involved in cocaine trafficking. These penalties increased the pressure on the criminal organizations that facilitated the trade but also meant that the police had better opportunities to bust the syndicates which facilitated the drug trade. The first effort was to establish communication links between the police from various countries through the use of intercepts. This enabled more intelligence gathering and more efficient tracking and information sharing by law enforcement agencies. The result was the development of a worldwide system of interactions and seizures which have been coordinated by the customs officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The most obvious is the increase in interdiction and seizure numbers. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of seizures over the past decade, particularly in the area of cocaine. There has been an increase in the interdiction of cocaine and other form of drugs such as marijuana. This has been assisted by the development of new technology and the use of sophisticated tracking systems. The program also contributes to the prevention and elimination of drug trafficking through the eradication of illicit cocaine trafficking through the use of airplanes. The increased interdiction levels of counternarcotics like amphetamines have meant that it is now easier than ever for dangerous criminals to find their way into the country illegally, thereby leading to trafficking and other criminal activities that are far too difficult for law enforcement agencies to fight on their own. And why are there no shoe heels in south Africa? Skip to content. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 LinkedIn.

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By Gabriel Stargardter. A shipment of second-hand backhoes, bound for Europe late last year, seemed fishy. So on the morning of Nov. He hopped up for a look and saw cracks in the metal and a dodgy paint job. Dias called for a blowtorch. Inside, he found kilograms of cocaine - almost pounds of white powder - destined for the Belgian port of Antwerp. In less than a decade, he had watched them rise from domestic street sellers to major international players, using Santos and other ports to ship narcotics offshore. Long regarded as a cocaine-consuming nation, a market for product manufactured in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, Brazil has turned into a critical launch pad to get it across the ocean. The single-largest share of that - Five years ago, Brazil did not rank among the major embarkation points for cargo ships caught bringing cocaine into Spain. The top five slots belonged to Colombia, Venezuela, Portugal, Ecuador and Chile, according to data provided to Reuters last year by Spanish customs. Brazil vaulted to the No. Brazil was also the top point of origin for cocaine apprehended entering Germany in , with a historic capture of nearly 2. For a graphic on cocaine imports apprehended in Europe, see:. The country sits between coke-producing powerhouses to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. But other recent trends have helped Brazilian traffickers expand. South America has been awash with high-purity powder in need of buyers. With distribution into the lucrative U. Prices there are higher than in the United States, due to the longer distances it must travel, authorities said. Europe is also a convenient pit stop for cocaine bound for growing markets in the Middle East and Asia, they added. Like Europe, Brazil is also flooded with coke. Secco, the Brazilian federal police drug czar, was more circumspect. In January, 75 PCC members escaped from a Paraguayan prison in a brazen jailbreak that top security officials knew was coming, but were powerless to stop, because the gang had so many prison guards under its sway. Police say the gang bribes or threatens port workers to place cocaine in outbound shipping containers. Some drugs come aboard cargo ships at sea, with smugglers pulling alongside in smaller craft, said Cunningham of the EU drugs agency. After reaching Europe, the merchandise is distributed across the continent by Eastern European, Moroccan and Italian mobsters partnered with the PCC, officials said. With Santos swamped with cocaine, port officials have tightened security. Since , every Europe-bound container has been X-ray scanned, according to Dias, the retired customs inspector. Ciro Moraes, the federal police commander in charge of Santos, reckons authorities only catch a fraction. The only good news, he said, is that cargo theft at the port has declined precipitously. They say much of the product enters Brazil by boat along the Amazon River, bound for Manaus, a city of roughly 2 million people. From there, it moves downriver until it reaches northeastern seaports like Suape and Natal in preparation for the Atlantic crossing. Brazilian authorities blamed warring cartels for two prison riots that killed more than people last year. Shootouts are common in Manaus and along the Amazon River. Police say they are increasingly outgunned. Brazil is also cooperating with other affected countries. Belgian and Brazilian authorities in pledged to deepen information sharing, tighten port security and tackle money laundering. Late last year, Reuters joined a joint mission between Brazil and Peru, spending a week with four Brazilian federal police officers and a few dozen Peruvian anti-narcotics cops in Caballococha, a Peruvian town of about 24, people. Accessible only by air or boat, Caballococha sits on the banks of the Amazon, just south of Colombia and about kilometers upriver from the Brazilian border. Peruvian cops told Reuters they suspected some colleagues were in league with traffickers, although they presented no evidence. Shifting gang alliances have added to the complexity. But out in the jungle, the police always appeared to be one step behind the traffickers. The mission relied on two aging Russian Mi helicopters provided by the Peruvians. One broke down immediately, causing a delay of a few days while a new part was flown in. Once the chopper was repaired, the mission netted just three arrests. Suspects vanished into the jungle at the sound of approaching aircraft. The team also torched five so-called paste labs, which perform the first stage of processing on coca plantations. These facilities are typically crude shacks where workers fill plastic barrels with coca leaves, gasoline and other chemicals to form coca paste. This green-hued sludge is then transported to more sophisticated labs to be processed into white, powdery cocaine. Then came a potential break. An informant said a small plane carrying kilograms There were another kilograms 1, Around noon the following day, a few dozen Peruvian police set off in the choppers. As the runway came into view, helicopter gunmen strafed it with machine-gun fire. But upon landing they found no armed guards, no drugs and no plane. They located the charred wreckage of a Beechcraft Baron 58, a Brazilian-owned aircraft, hacked up and left in the river. It, too, was empty. Editor's Picks Updated. By Gabriel Stargardter 14 Min Read.

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