How to find Heroin online Siwa Oasis

How to find Heroin online Siwa Oasis

How to find Heroin online Siwa Oasis

How to find Heroin online Siwa Oasis

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How to find Heroin online Siwa Oasis

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Таинственный оазис Сива в Египте, куда мечтал попасть двадцать лет: puerrtto — LiveJournal

Two mighty forces of elite fighting men clash in the desert for the possession of a vital oasis! The Axis has converted this sleepy desert town into a fearsome defensive bastion that has frustrated every Allied attempted advance! Can the Allies force their way into the heart of the Axis garrison and destroy their anti-tank guns? Can the Axis repel the swarming Allied attackers? Only time Siwa Oasis is a desert town with the Allies spawning in an area littered by ruins. Axis players penetrating the lines often try to camp amidst these ruins. Directly in front of the Allies spawn is a flooded cave with a water pump. An engineer who repairs this water pump can drain the caves, allowing players to pass through them without drowning. The Allies have two other routes of attack - through some alleyways or by taking the stairs. The alleyway splits up and has two exits on opposite sides of each other, making it difficult for an Axis player to camp both entrances at the same time. The upper route leads past an Allied-only Command Post and directly above the alleyways. Both routes dump into a street littered with ruins, giving players some cover. Players can continue north and then follow the stairs and reach the Old City spawn point, or dive into a building on the right from the street and then appear opposite to the Old City. Across from this area is a ladder leading down to the caves, and a ladder up to the rooftops of some of the buildings. Axis players like to hide in these areas for good cover and good view of the Allied Command Post. The Old City machine gun is on these rooftops. The Old City consists of two buildings - one containing the capturable spawn point and another containing a health and ammo cabinet. Another Axis route exists above the Old City wall, and an Axis team door allows Axis players to reach an area above the water pumps, giving them a chance of surprising Allied players in this otherwise safe area e. Past the Old City Wall is a large building with an upper route and a lower route. Both routes lead to the entrance of the Axis garrison, containing a spawn point just behind the garrison walls. The garrison is in a large pit surrounded by cliffs, and is separated in two parts - the Axis Spawn point area, and the section with the anti-tank guns. The two guns are positioned on the upper floor of the latter section, accessible primarily by stairs. These stairs can be bypassed by taking another route up the garrison there are a few stairs leading up into it and then taking the long way. The section with the anti-tank guns is covered by a degree machine gun, and a command post near the north anti-tank gun. The vulnerability of this machine gun, however, is quite apparent since any Allied players inside the garrison itself can easily come from behind and kill the machine gunner. Additionally there is a ladder leading right up behind the Axis gunner, making it easy to man the machine gun, but also very easy to access for the enemy. Command Post: Located in a room just behind the North Anti-tank gun, this Axis-specific Command Post is often left unattended for most of the game. Since the Allies have their own command post, both sides can cancel each other's command posts out and result in a faster charge time for both sides. A single engineer should spawn here at the start of the match to build this and the Garrison MG, and then spawn at the Old City thenceforth to help with defence. Like the Axis command post, this can be left alone once built. Very few players will attempt to disable it. Especially useful to spawn kill any Axis players spawning out of the Old City, or for defending dynamite at the Old City Wall. Garrison MG: Often built, but rarely used. This degree machine gun is rather vulnerable. It is open from five areas - a ladder leading right behind the Axis gunner, the buildings from the back, and the three entrances into the base - one between the anti-tank guns, and two on the sides. This makes the Garrison MG pretty much a deathtrap to any players attempting to man it. Water Pumps: These water pumps, when repaired by the Allied team, will drain a pair of flooded caves, opening a second route. The Axis can disable these by planting dynamite at them, but considering the pumps are very easily guarded, it is very difficult to disable them once they're online. The only exception, perhaps, is the Old City Water Pump, which can be disabled so long as the Old City spawn point is under Axis control. A single engineer should spawn at the Axis fortress and construct the machine gun and, most importantly, the Axis Command Post. This somewhat negates the Allies' Command Post, which is often built as it is right in one of the Allies' avenues of attack. Everyone else should spawn in the Old City and defend it at all costs. Defences are best concentrated on the rooftops that can be reached by going across the Old City plaza, up the ladder, and then heading left. This provides a good view of the Allied Command Post and the upper route. The second place defences can be concentrated at on the steps that can be reached by taking the other route out of the Old City spawn and staying there. It is a little more vulnerable, but players here can cover both routes of attack - any Allied taking the upper or lower routes are vulnerable. Players who enjoy close quarters combat can enter either route and wreak havoc. It is best, however, that you stay away from the Allied Spawn - it is a wide and open area, and it is easy to get killed there. If the Allies capture the Old City, any and all Axis players should immediately seek to recover it. Ideally it should be captured as your spawn time winds down - this allows you to reinforce the position immediately rather than wait for troops to come from the fortress and take the long route. Close quarters combat is effective in the old city, and engineers should consider mining the plaza area, the alleyway entrance, and the old city wall. Once the Allies take the old city, you must defend the wall. Because the Allies can now spawn out of the Old City, don't expect this wall to stick around for very long. The only way you can truly defend the Old City Wall is by reclaiming the Old City itself - no easy feat. With the Old City Wall down, the Allies can flood into the fortress proper. There are five entrances to the fortress - two from the north one of which leads into the Axis spawn, two from the south again, one of which leads into the Axis spawn area and one from the east. The ones not leading into the Axis spawn are covered by the degree Garrison MG. Players must now focus the defence on the anti-tank guns. The best places to defend the guns from are opposite to the steps leading into the gun itself as most players walk up the stairs forwards, you can easily shoot them in the back this way , and on the other side of the anti-tank gun as most players will immediately try to set some dynamite, you can stand in the space behind them and shoot. This is the Axis final stand, so you must simply defend the anti-tank guns until the time runs out. Both guns must be destroyed for the Allies to win. The first step is to take the Old City. It is quite a long walk from the Oasis to the Old City, and you can count on a lot of Axis players to guard it. The Axis will guard the area with everything they have at first - mines, flamethrowers, and snipers on the rooftop area. Fight your way through the ruins or repair the water pump and take the other route. Do anything it takes to get the Old City and force the Axis to spawn from their main spawn, which is quite a ways away. Taking the Old city makes it much easier to set some dynamite at the Old City Wall. There are three spots to watch for Axis players - the Axis team door on the left of the wall, the walkway above the wall, and the walkway above the water pump. The walkway above the water pump is sealed up by another Axis team door. While the dynamite ticks down, repair the water pump and open up the secondary route to the Axis encampment. Breaching the Old City Wall opens the primary attack route. The two paths from here to the Axis encampment are the upper floor of the building now in front of you, or the lower route. Both routes lead to the same place - the northwestern corner of the fortress and near the Axis main spawn. The anti-tank guns are on the far side of the fortress. Do everything you can to get into the anti-tank guns, and once you're in, set some dynamite to blow them up. Due to the vicinity of the Axis spawn, the number of people likely to camp the area for any Allied Engineers, and the difficulty to even get inside the Axis encampment, it is often best for Engineers to work in groups of two or more. They should also be accompanied by medics, as getting the Engineers into the anti-tank guns is the key to victory. Ideally you should try to plant dynamite at both guns simultaneously, and try and get at least one of them to explode. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit View history. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki. Table of Contents Gameplay. Hidden category: Sub-pages. Navigation menu. Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in.

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Version: 1. Hepzefa has warned Bayek that he'll need to improve his gear if he wants to defeat Medunamun. This side quest is one that is highly recommended before continuing on with the main story. Not only will you strengthen your armor to give you more health, but it also serves as a tutorial both for crafting and for hunting. The first thing you will need to do is craft a breastplate. Your objective will update to reflect this, and inform you that in order to craft a breastplate you will need to find five pieces of soft leather. Soft leather can be found on 'certain animals' which is vague and not very helpful. Fortunately, Senu will be able to help you out. Follow the prompts to switch over to Senu, and once you're in control of your bird companion, head to the west outside of town. There will be a lot of wildlife here, and Senu will help you track them. You'll want to kill gazelle for their soft leather, and you can either loot dead ones if you find them or kill them yourself and check their corpses afterwards. Senu will mark any you see when flying around, making it easy for you to get to their location. Alternate between marking with Senu and killing with Bayek, although there are so many in this area you can probably just hunt without any assistance and you should get the five you need soon enough. Once you have all five, go to the menu. Go to gear, and head down to the crafting section. You'll want to craft the breastplate here, so select it and you will get some brand new armor. Thanks for your help, dead gazelles. Bayek's friend Benipe could be useful in helping Bayek improve his weaponry. However, a garrison commander ordered all his tools confiscated, effectively closing his shop. While this is technically a side quest, it is highly suggested you complete this one before venturing off to kill Medunamun in The False Oracle. That is because completing this quest opens up the blacksmith in Siwa, allowing you to purchase new weapons and upgrade the ones you already have. This quest won't actually start until you go and talk to Benipe, so you'll have to track him down. To find Benipe, you will need to travel to the center of town. He will be sitting next to his forge, and he will be bemoaning the fact that someone took all of his tools. Agree to help him, then take off to go track down his missing stuff. Unfortunately, his tools are currently being held in Camp Shetjeh, which has a handful of guards patrolling it. If you haven't located Camp Shetjeh yet, it is just south of your home and right next to the leftmost fast travel synchronization viewpoint in Siwa. While there are more guards here than you may have fought at once before, they are all fairly weak and you should be able to take them down without much of an issue. Don't just run into camp, though, and try to sneak in from above. There is a little area above the main camp towards where the synchronization viewpoint is. There are only a couple of guards up here, and if you take them out quickly you can gain a good vantage point on the rest of camp. After you kill the captain and loot the treasure in the camp, return to Benipe. Hand over his stuff and he'll let you pick from one of four weapons for free. What a nice guy! Take whichever one you want, and enjoy the rest of your reward. A letter from a Siwan woman explains that her husband Teremun and a group of local farmers have been arrested for protesting onerous tax increases. She asks for her husband to be freed along with all the other farmers. After you complete The Oasis main quest, go to the desk at Hepzefa's residence and you will get two new quests, one of them being Family Reunion. Head towards the Temple of Amun. When you get close, it will tell you that your objective is nearby and suggest calling Senu. Fly with Senu until you locate the farmers, and they will be in a cage behind the Temple of Amun. So now all you need to do is go and get them. Fortunately, we will be looking behind the Temple of Amun and we'll never need to actually enter the temple itself. This makes things a lot easier, because even though back here is still a restricted area, there are far fewer guards wandering around back here to actually do anything about it. Approach this area using the road to the south, and not by traveling through the temple, as this path is significantly easier. When you're back here, stick to the tall grass and quietly take out any guards you can. There is not need to get into an all out brawl here, so use stealth and your arrows you make your way to the cage. Make sure no one is around, then open the cage to let the farmers out. Except for Teremun, sadly, who died of his wounds. We'll need to give him a proper burial, so pick him up and begin heading back the way you came. If you cleared out the guards on your way in, the way out will be even easier because no one will be alive to try and stop you. You can put the body down if you need to to fight off any guards that wandered into your way, and try to use the tall grass to your advantage while sneaking out. Once outside of the restricted area, you can call your mount and put the body on there as well. Now you can make it to the destination point even quicker. You may regret doing so though, because not only is Teremun dead, you find out his whole family was slaughtered while he was away. Pick Teremun off of your mount and carry him to the marker to find his final resting place. Collect your reward, and try to find a quest slightly less depressing next time. Fenuku, a young boy, is worried. His older brother Chenzira has disappeared after hyenas chased him toward the Mountain of the Dead. Too afraid to go back home without his brother, Fenuku asks Bayek to help. To start this quest, you will first need to go to the hill just outside town near Bayek's home. You cannot start this quest until after you complete The Oasis main quest. After, a question mark icon will appear on the hill on your map, and if you go to it you can start this side quest. Fenuku's dumb older brother has disappeared into an opening in this hill after being chased by hyena's. Rough day for the kid. When you enter the tomb, go straight until you come to a dead end. Turn left and you will see a wall crawling with bugs. You can break through this wall, and you should so so as going right doesn't really get you anywhere. Turn right down the first hallway you can get to, and then left again as soon as you can to get to a room. If you're holding on to your torch, you will burn through the spiderwebs as soon as you touch them. In this room, there are two shelves blocking two different hallways. The one opposite where you came in from can be simply pushed pack, eventually revealing a room with a chest in it. The other shelf will take a bit more work. If you look down, you'll see the path it should be able to take, but some vases in the corner are blocking its way. Break the vases and then move the shelf to the right, out of the way of the doorway. Drop down to the room below to find the missing kid. Before you start escorting him out, check out the large tablet in the back of the room. Not only will it complete the Mountain of the Dead location quest, but it will get you a bonus Ability Point for doing so. Follow the tunnel outside, and you will find three hyenas. Use melee attacks to make short work of them, and after you kill the third and final hyena you will get credit for completing this quest. Rabiah works as a healer to the villagers, treating them for the abuses suffered by Ptolemy's oppressive agents. Some of her medicines have been prevented from entering Siwan. Bayek must recover them. It is just south of the big lake in the area, so go to the question mark on the map to find it. You will need to help Rabiah find her missing medicine, which is unfortunately at the bottom of the lake. Rather than just going swimming and hoping for the best, you can call Senu over and she will be able to help you search the lake. Swim over the lake, and look for the yellow cursor to start shrinking when you get close to where the medicine is at. It will lock on for Bayek to find once you get close to it, so go ahead and find all three before switching control back to Bayek. With the location of the three medicinal jars pinpointed, swap to Bayek and swim out to grab them. Follow the indicators to find where they're at, and after you grab all three head back to the surface. A new marker will show you where you need to take the jars, so follow it to make your delivery. Unfortunately, when you get there you find Rabiah taking care of the wounded outside of the temple. She tells you some soldiers kicked them all out so they could loot all the money and medicine Rabiah had been storing up. Bayek will not let this stand, so go inside the temple and kill all the guards inside. It is possible to take almost all of them out by stealth, so make your way through the courtyard, shooting an enemy or two before moving on to the next group of guys. The enemies here are all fairly weak as well, so if you want to you could also take a direct approach. Try to use one of your faster weapons if you do this, because there are a decent number of enemies in here and it can be a bit had to do crowd control with one of your big, slow weapons unless you've had a lot of practice. Regardless of which way you went about purging all the bad guys from the temple, go back and talk to Rabiah once you've cleared them all out. She'll give you your reward and you'll hand over her medicine. Seems like a good trade to me! Bayek discovers one of Egypt's enigmatic Stone Circles, and relives memories of a promise he made to his son. He sets out to visit all 12 of the circles dedicated to ancient gods and their constellations. His personal pilgrimage unexpectedly opens the way to a long hidden secret in the heart of Egypt. Venture out south from the House of Life, and you will find this quest marker in the middle of the desert a little ways in. There is only one question mark icon in this general area, so it should be relatively easy to find. Once you arrive, you will trigger a cutscene between Bayek and his son where his son says he wants to go out and find all of these Stone Circles. I'm sure the fact Bayek has all these wistful flashbacks about his son and that his son himself is never around in any of the scenes in the present is a great sign. You will now need to go out and find all 12 of these Stone Circles, and they will be scattered all throughout Egypt. Obviously, you cannot do all of that now, but you can at least get this one. Interact with the stone pillar to start this actual mission. Move the constellation you have around until they line up with the stars in the sky. This one is actually right in front of you, so take your stars and move them down and to the left from where you start. This will be your first of the Stone Circles quests. If you're looking to find them all, please refer to the Stone Circles section of the guide for some extra tips and tricks. You won't get any reward for now other than the one associated with clearing this location so keep track of how many Stone Circles you find as you make your way through the game. Once you have found and completed all 12, return to the Stone Circle in Siwa one last time. You'll get a quick scene and finally complete this side quest. Bayek learns that bandits, taking advantage of the misrule in Siwa, have claimed the fresh water spring in Amanai Cave and demanded high prices from the surrounding farmers. This is another quest you can get from Hepzefa's desk after The Oasis. If you track this mission, they won't show you the exact location of the cave and instead a large area just north of town will be highlighted with a yellow circle. However, the cave you want to go to is actually a special location and is thus marked on your map with a question mark icon. Go towards the only question mark icon in the yellow circle to find the cave. Take the road up from town, and then when the path branches go to the right to find the entrance to the cave. A man will be crouched out here, warning you that bandits are inside. Time to deal with them. There are eight bandits here in total, four on the same level you came in on and four others below your starting position. You will need to kill all eight of them to clear this quest, and fortunately none of them are all that tough. You can sneak forward through the grass without being detecting, and from the edge of this grass you can use your bow to snipe some of the guards standing around up here. This will alert other guards that someone is in the area, but they won't know where and you can take out several others from this same location without raising the alarm. Clear the top level of enemies first, many of whom might just wander around past you while they're trying to find the guy who keeps shooting them. After, go to the edge of the lower platform and dive on down to get the guy just below you. This will alert the other ones down here, but as long as you have done a couple of other quests and have some halfway decent weapons, the enemies here are weak enough that it won't much matter. You'll get the reward for this missions after the last bandit falls. Bayek discovers that priests are being held against their will inside the Temple of Amun. While you're investigating the Temple of Amun, you will likely begin hearing cries for help. There are five priests that are captured in here, and if you go up and talk to them you can free them. You will not start this quest until you free the first priest, so go and find the first one of your choosing and let him go. There are a lot of guards in here, and do not rush out into the open as that is a good way to draw the attention of all the guards in the temple. Using Senu here is a good idea as well, as he can locate not only the guards, but the prisoners as well. This mission is actually much easier if you wait until after you complete the The False Oracle quest as almost all of the guards will be gone at that point. It will make freeing the priests much easier, so perhaps come back once you completed that quest. Find the first priest, and then use Senu to mark the rest. Senu makes finding the other four priests trivial, so as long as you can find one finding the others won't be hard. Make your way through camp, using stealth to avoid detection. If you took my advice and waiting until after The False Oracle though, very little stealth will be needed and you can probably mop up the few remaining guards very easily. The five prisoners can be located as follows: 1 Just to the left of the front entrance way. Go to the left from the entrance, and there will be a little area that is covered by a roof with some leaves on it. He will be just inside here. Do not take the main stairs leading up to the temple, and instead follow the area to the left of this. There will be a smaller set of stairs here, and if you turn left at the top you will find the second priest shown in the picture below. There is a large house here past a little wading pool. The third priest will be right inside this house, on the ground floor shown in the picture above. Go through the past the opening in the wall, and then turn left the first place you can. The fourth and fifth prisoners are in here together, actually, in a cell to your left. Interact with the door to free both of them. Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide. Send Skip Hide. Message Sent.

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