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Comments that involve selling illegal drugs will be deleted. This site is for information on harm reduction and my opinion about issues related to opioids, if you want to sell drugs online take that shit to the silk road or one of its sister sites. And really who puts their phone number online offering to sell heroin in the comments section of a blog? What the eff was the author on when he got that number??!!??! And Im talking east coast powder.. Not garbage tar. These numbers are also for the people on the bottom of the distribution chain, the end users who usually buy less than a gram at a time. Like most drugs the more you buy the greater the break in price. Also note the paper reports prices, today's heroin price may be lower, although still outrageously expensive compared to what it would cost in a legal market. If you're getting it from the Hundos you're looking at bucks a gram but you always have to meet them sometimes a 20 min drive or risk meeting them in the park which is always hot and they stop working early as hell. Most other dealers standard is 80 bucks a gram but they are more flexible and usually have transportation. Then you have point for point 'dealers' who charge a hundred dollars per gram. They are users themselves. Though their dope is usually really good and they'll meet you at anytime of night they are ripping you off. This is in Denver. My brother passed in December. I just learned from the medical examiner that is was heroin laced with fentanyl that caused the over dose. He died in a public place Outside his storage unit next to his car - not a busy place - there was no evidence of drugs at the scene so we all thought it was a heart attack heart disease runs in family. Please forgive my ignorance - but shouldn't there have been wax paper or a baggie that the drug would come in. How much does that typically buy?? He was in South Florida Broward County. We have suspicions that someone was with him and didn't get help, and took the evidence. The person who found him called - they were there within 3 minutes. They worked on him for over 30 minutes. Able to resuscitate twice but he crashed very quickly. Not sure if he was a daily user of heroin as he did need to get drug tested at least monthly if not weekly. Alcohol was his main weakness and he did get into the Flaka scene for awhile. I just feel that the OD was preventable if he knew it was cut with Fentanyl. I think he had too much trust in the guy that sold it to him. Anonymous I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Heroin usually comes in a baggie, plastic or wax paper, or sometimes tinfoil. Its possible there was someone with him, but its also possible he threw out the baggie to get rid of the evidence before doing his shot. It might have been the fentanyl that killed him, though its more likely a combination of alcohol and opioids. As for who sold it to him, they likely didn't know it was fentanyl laced. Whoever added the fentanyl was up the distribution chain. It is an unfortunate side effect of prohibition that heroin users have to hide their use, which leads to using alone and in dangerous situations. If he wasn't found soon after he stopped breathing, its possible his heart stopped which would look like a heart attack to first responders. Personally I keep naloxone in my glove compartment for situations like these. Heroin prohibition per se did not kill your brother, but it did make his use far more dangerous than it otherwise would have been. So its not completely hyperbolic to say if there was no drug war, he would still be alive. Morepheen please help me Am from egypt addict to 2. Made me happy that I was a smoker honestly. It's most likely scammed trying to get somebody desperate enough to send them money. They're not sending any drugs back so they feel like they're not breaking the law. But still taking ppls money. Y'all popo need to just stop noone dumb enough to fall for that its pathetic and if u are not the d. O wow just yalls number alone the feds can find yall yall either stupid or just kids smh hope ur stupid enough to be ready to do yalls time too lol smh idiots! WTF are you talking about???? So, I'd love for you to post a link to some facts supporting what you said, rather than slanderous propaganda. Prove it, Angela Navejas. Grown in afghanistan.. You're willing to sell something? If you practice better prices that on Dark Net Market Place, let me know. I considered trashing your comments but decided to leave them as a testament to the monumental stupidity people who know nothing about drugs spew on the internet. Crack is far worse imo than heroin. Although, tar is sum nasty shit. Almost 10 yrs clean in march, and, ended up with a big ass gram in my hands yesterday. I need to throw in in the toilet. I was told it was sum good shit and do only do a little. Why I took it- I dnt know. That's one ignorant mofo cocaine definitely will kill specially speed balling. Nicotine is just as addictive. Do your research. Don't trust the media. David jerkoff you are a closet junky. Why would you be on here if you weren't? Should get spammed just for the useless comment.. Sincerely, -Your fat mother. Why do they cut heroin with fentanyl? Is this leathel crap worth all the deaths? They are able to make fentanyl analogs very inexpensively in labs. It goes out with the dope or regional sellers get it on the darknet and cut their shit with it. It makes it stronger, so it packs more of a punch, but the high isn't as good imvho, it's more of a body high than dope. People aren't expecting fent so they OD. Stay safe. Give the addicts all the dope they need; may lessen crime. Provide a drug rehab program for those who really want to stop their habit. Best advice comment I've seen all day. Some ppl need opiates fir pain and some ppl are stuck on it and want off but cant. But THIS comment didn't get censored?? We know you don't give a fuck about our health, don't care if we do drugs as long as it's YOUR drugs so you get paid, but seriously? This isn't even the dark web. Good luck catching teenagers and retards, the only ones stupid enough to 'buy' your drugs online! Ahhh the future snitches! Get em! I'm out. Where are you? I can't get anything decent for less than a g. Greedy ass mexicans are running my small town.. I am wondering how is this drug getting into the country? I can see where it is coming from and to me that doesn't matter. What matters more to me is HOW is it transported in? Are they putting it in condoms or something and swallowing it and flying into the country or what? BTW I really don't think they are doing that but how is it getting in? Does anyone know? It gets in all sorts of ways, swallowing condoms of drugs is only one way. Though you can transport over a kilo in your gut. There is a huge amount of products being shipped across national boundaries. The cops only find a small percentage. Really all you have to do is smuggle enough product and most will get through. Then there's corruption of officials. Baggage handlers moving packages around security. Corrupt customs officials and cops, ect. There's a million ways to get drugs into the country. A lot of the drugs come through by someone getting paid to let it pass thru Airports or by bus. For most of us you're living 'the dream'. It sucks to be an opioid addict in the US. Some on methadone, others on pharmaceutical heroin, and they've never had a fatal OD. If you lived further from the city, like in Vermont or Maine you'd be paying a lot more for less quality. I don't know much about Columbia other than they are a major producer of East Coast heroin and presumably it would be a lot cheaper near the source. And yeah it does sound crazy to move to South America just to get a good dope connect but you wouldn't be the first itinerant junkie looking for the good stuff. For some people methadone or buprenorphine works very well. Some seemingly hopeless cases have been able to turn their lives around with the help of opioid substitution. It doesn't work for everyone, but if your use is really becoming a problem in your life you'd be a fool not to at least try it. Unreal the comments I've seen and hear. My son just had a close friend die from a Heroin overdose as the police say. He got all up set at me because when others and myself talked about it on social media, he got so up set saying it was the Fentanyl that it was cut with that killed his friend not Heroin. Now with that mind set what do you do to discourage them from it. I have an academic interest in the wholesale heroin market, as it is easily the least well understood drug market. If even can clarify these numbers, please input. According to Google you're also selling Purebred Russian Blue kitten as well.. This is the most inaccurate paper ever. Ya right. Think there would be an epidemic at that cost. Horribly inaccurate info. Just like those stupid cops shows with drug busts. No wonder so many kids try selling drugs, stupid misinformed information has these kids thinking they'll get stupid rich of selling drugs. The people who determine street values for these shows live under a rock. In all actuality it'll cost them more Money then they'll ever make, due to posting bail after getting arrested, paying a lawyer, maybe medical bills when your shot getting robbed, or if your lucky just the tons of cash you'll throw down the drain buying drugs after your done with all the stress of selling, due to the addiction you picked up selling dope. People glorify dope dealer's cuz of rappers and movies but what's so cool about someone 60 lbs under weight, skin and bones, poor hygiene, probably homeless due to no job or money to spare for rent, all goes to dope, and has no friends or family cuz no one wants there sketchy ass in there house cuz every time they did something got stolen. Sounds like the life to me. Nothing cool about any of it. Take it from someone who knows. The good times are short lived. I'll agree with this sentiment. Think about it. All drugs or use of any product can cause death or damage. The choice is up to the individual. Ask yourself. Or live or die with the consequences. So, curious. Anyways, hello. Im curious to know, what are some ways to tell if your 'H' is fentanyl laced or mostly fentanyl? By smelling? Tasting, etc.? Key new know I've had a lot of experience with fentanyl laced dope. I know this for a fact because my door was kicked in and shit sent to the lab. Lemme tell you it's not shit to play with. And generally your dope will still have that acidy vinegar smell. The fent makes it taste a little sweet and draws up more clear than the normal Auburn looking or darker brown stuff. It's all over Philly right now. If your dope is a mix of heroin and fentanyl combined it is next to impossible to tell. I am not aware of any simple reagent test that could distinguish fentanyl from heroin, so without access to a fully functional chemistry lab it is not easy to know what you have. Now if your dope is only fentanyl that's a different story. For one thing fentanyl has a faster onset than heroin, when injected it hits the brain very fast. Fentanyl also has a slightly different high than morphine heroin , the difference is subtle but users with a broad experience with different opioids may be able to discern the difference. Finally there is the taste. Heroin has a characteristically bitter taste than most experienced heroin users will know well. I don't know if fentanyl has a taste, but since it is measured in micrograms I doubt you could taste it regardless of its flavor. So dope that doesn't taste bitter but still gets you high is almost certainly fentanyl, or a fentanyl analog. I need to do more research to determine if there's a better way to detect the presence of fentanyl. Coming to the US later this year where is best state to get smokeable H in the UK it ain't worth buying anymore any help would be much appreciated. I get dilaudid and methadone by prescription ,But I am a 'Doomsday Prepper' I want to know how to refine opium in an emergency when pharmacies no longer exist. All the contents you mentioned in post is too good and can be very useful. I will keep it in mind, thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts. Thanks unick forex. With us , you get meds discreet with no prescription. We've worked to create a fast, efficient and fair system for order processing. We know you want your order quickly, at the lowest possible cost. Check some of our highly purchased meds; We are the best supplier of pain medications and research chemicals. For more details contact our website through any of the details provided below Management Visit: shop4herbalincense. I have been looking for a loan for the past 2years until i was referred to a legitimate lender. Though it was not that easy to approve my loan, as you know nothing good comes easy. But I got my loan within 4 hours i got my loan, and before i knew it, the loan was transferred to me. Contact them via Email: gaincreditloan1 gmail. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website www. I can breath much better and It feels comfortable! Friday, May 17, Heroin in the United States: Where does it come from, how much does it cost and how pure is it? I recently read an interesting paper on the US heroin market. Ever wondered where does the heroin in the US come from, how pure it is or how much it costs? This paper answers those questions. I summarize the salient points in this post. The paper with a link to the pdf can be found here:. In the US heroin is largely supplied from two source countries, Mexico and Colombia. Colombian heroin made its way onto the US market in the early 's, and has since dominated the east coast. The introduction of Colombian heroin also coincided with a significant drop in price. Purity estimates are for retail amounts from 0. Samples range from high to low purity, I guess it depends on where you buy. Visit a blog devoted to dope bags here. Pictured are several 'bags' of heroin, which is an individual dose packaged in wax paper stamped with a logo. The stamp name often comes from popular culture and allows dealers to develop a brand. As expected there is some variation in the price of a non-pure gram of heroin. HCL heroin is more expensive, which is consistent with its higher quality. The price of heroin has been steadily declining since the 's. There is significant variation regionally as the final graph demonstrates. It is safe to say that most users are paying about 50 cents per milligram for heavily adulterated diacetylmorphine. Price Inflation Due to Prohibition. The following two tables list the cost of opium necessary to produce a gram of heroin. Based on this estimate prohibition raises the price by a factor of nearly 21, in other words heroin is 21 times as expensive as it would be if not illegal. The other way we can observe the effect of prohibition on heroin prices is by looking at the cost of legal morphine. Heroin is easily made from morphine , while this step might slightly raise the cost, heroin also weighs more so I doubt this would dramatically increase the cost. Anonymous April 29, at PM. MorePheen July 29, at PM. Anonymous December 30, at PM. Anonymous September 14, at PM. MorePheen September 17, at AM. Anonymous December 9, at PM. Anonymous February 18, at AM. MorePheen February 26, at AM. Unknown April 4, at PM. Unknown June 2, at PM. Tattooedjnkygrl November 15, at PM. Anonymous December 26, at PM. Anonymous April 30, at AM. Anonymous June 1, at PM. MorePheen November 18, at PM. Anonymous July 16, at AM. Anonymous July 18, at PM. Anonymous August 2, at PM. Unknown October 7, at AM. Anonymous October 8, at PM. MorePheen October 14, at PM. Anonymous January 26, at PM. Anonymous March 5, at PM. Anonymous February 12, at AM. MorePheen February 24, at PM. Anonymous July 3, at AM. Unknown October 9, at AM. Anonymous March 4, at PM. Anonymous March 23, at PM. Anonymous June 17, at AM. Unknown May 5, at PM. Anonymous June 18, at PM. Anonymous February 17, at PM. Anonymous June 13, at AM. Anonymous August 4, at PM. Dahlia September 3, at PM. Elmahn Group September 19, at AM. Anonymous October 6, at AM. Philly Dope November 8, at AM. Anonymous December 14, at AM. Anonymous May 31, at PM. Hkhb October 14, at AM. Anonymous April 25, at PM. MorePheen May 12, at AM. Anonymous July 15, at PM. Anonymous August 18, at AM. Anonymous October 24, at AM. Anonymous October 27, at AM. Anonymous May 8, at AM. Philly Dope November 8, at PM. Anonymous June 4, at PM. July 24, at PM. MorePheen November 10, at AM. Crossdressingpanda October 3, at PM. John Lerch January 20, at PM. Unknown May 6, at PM. Lana Rey October 31, at AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

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Since , Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida has seen the number of overdoses from both fentanyl and heroin explode. Medical professionals and local officials in the Miami area are searching for ways to help get heroin users into treatment rather than serving jail time. In fact, this effort has caught on nationwide. The money will be used to provide treatment for between 50 and 80 patients each year for three years and is already enrolling clients. A combination of counseling and medication management will be used to treat each patient after detoxification has been completed. The fentanyl epidemic is becoming a tougher fight in South Florida with each passing year. Law enforcement officials estimate that there was a major shift from the abuse of prescription drugs to heroin several years ago. Since traffickers have now discovered how to manufacture fentanyl cheaper than heroin, many people are mistakenly purchasing fentanyl instead. Public officials and families have been stunned by Fentanyl, the most recent addiction epidemic. Narcan, the antidote used to reverse the deadly effects of these substances, has been used at an astounding rate by paramedics. Many communities are recognizing the intense need for treatment of this specific addiction. It has been repeatedly reported that communities should divert people arrested for their involvement in the use of this dangerous substance toward treatment programs. Lifeskills South Florida has been ahead of the curve providing treatment specified for the opiate and fentanyl addicted person. Since there is a physical and psychological withdrawal process from these narcotics, it is important to ensure that post acute withdrawal symptoms, cravings and urges are managed and addressed medically and therapeutically. Bober at Lifeskills South Florida is an expert in psychopharmacology and provides the most effective medication assisted therapy, which has been found to be key in preventing relapse for these specific patients. It is most recommended that a full continuum of care be implemented for this specific addiction to include initial detox, rehabilitation, residential treatment , psychological counseling, and long term recovery. Without this full spectrum of care it has been noted that patients repeatedly return only days later with another overdose. Opiates and Fentanyl took the lives of victims in Miami-Dade alone in and the numbers are growing. Therefore, addicts and their families will need to be vigilant in making sure that they get access to the drug treatment program that best fits their needs. Read more about Dr. David Ockman. If you or a loved one is suffering from this addiction, please contact us below to learn what you can do to make the most important life change there is. We offer treatment in both a residential and outpatient setting. Our treatment programs are designed to give our client the self-reliance and self-monitoring skills needed to make a strong and lasting recovery from addiction and other co-occurring disorders. Call us at or email us today. Home » Mental Health Programs ». March 7, By Dr. Tags: addiction , cognitive behavioral therapy , cognitive remediation , dialectical behavior therapy , dr. Related Posts. Is Self-Harming Addictive? November 25, November 14, Search Our Blog. Treating Mental Health and Active Addictions. Call Now Contact Us Today. Subscribe to Blog via Email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Contact Us. Connect With Us. Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. Lifeskills can help. Scroll to Top.

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