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By their number, the Kazakhs in sixth place In the third decade of February, those who served in the Soviet Army will hopefully celebrate its next anniversary. Amazing, that's what. It was one of the greatest stories humanity armies. But she's gone now. However, among us there are still a lot of people who served in it. She practically did not lose a single war. However, it is no longer there. She covered herself with so much glory that little other army was worth. However, about her, about this glory, we now speak as something like that that will not happen again. We already speak about the Soviet Army only with the use of the past. But her heroes were and remain in our memory as people who have accomplished feats with the biggest letter. The person who was awarded such a title along with her received the Order of Lenin. For those who wore it, were official batyrs or heroes. And in the person of their legendary epic heroes seemed to find followers of their business. The title of this, as you know, was established before the war. The first to receive it were pilots who saved polar explorers. En masse to award this title in the years of the Great Patriotic War. And yet they, the people who were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, turned out not to be too many then. Just over 10 thousand people. Such a number is comparable to the size of just one combined arms division. In Soviet times, on the territory of military units and at the buildings of military registration and enlistment offices there were stands, which indicated how many Heroes of the Soviet Union came out of a particular nation during the years of the Great Patriotic War. So we remember that the Kazakhs had The post-war Kazakh public opinion believed that at least three Kazakhs should or could have received such a title for their heroic acts in the war. We Kazakhs have always known about the exploit of Abdirov, who in March , sent a burning plane to the column of fascists. But it turned out that there was our second countryman. In June , the bomber of Captain Maslov returned, having bombed, to the base and was shot down. Everyone knew about the exploit of Nikolai Gastello, and they did not know about the team of Captain Maslov, although he was known about him in the 50s. But there was such a time - if there is a Gastello feat, it means that no one else is given. Now the truth has opened - among the members of the crew of Maslov, who did not leave the plane and committed the ram, was our countryman, Bahturas Beiskbayev. In Kazakhstan, Beiskbayev, in accordance with a presidential decree, was awarded the Halyk Kakharmany Order. The village where he was born, today is under the Kapchagai reservoir. Therefore, I want to transfer both of these awards to our historical museum. Thus, we will do the little that we can do for the person who gave his life for our happiness, for our present day. I think his name is also given to schools, streets and other objects. The most important thing is that his feat and these immortal awards will serve the patriotic education of young people in the love of their fatherland, their state. Military Review in Yandex News. Military Review in Yandex Zen. Dear reader, to leave comments on the publication, you must sign in. These people were brought up in the Soviet Union. And they really gave their lives for the benefit of our common great Motherland. Despite any nationalities or religion. Im Glory!!!! A lot of nationalistic infection has been driven into the heads of our once fraternal peoples! Yarbay 24 December A lot of nationalist infection was driven into the heads of our once fraternal peoples! Everything is correct borisst I draw your attention to the fact that RUSSIAN land was given to the natives, having invented history for them as the basis of their statehood. How long? Lignitz 24 December The territory of the Russian Federation is about 17 million square kilometers, of this total territory, the historical area where people of Russian nationality appeared and live is less than 2 million square kilometers. The Russian Federation consists of patches of national education. Say, for example, that Yakutia or Tatarstan is a Russian territory, the language does not turn. Please explain to me what you mean by the word 'Russian land'? Alexander Petrovich 24 December Russian land, the land which is owned by the Russians. Is it confusing to you? Be careful with the expression! Remember Tuva. She voluntarily became part of the USSR in It may also voluntarily come out. Do not forget that it was an independent state. So, here a mistake comes out. According to the latest research results, American Indians are descendants of Tuvans who migrated to America through the Bering Strait. Perhaps Genghis Khan was most likely a Tuvan! All the same, it confuses. Why is this expression? Is that not so? Nobody will allow them to leave, just like the state of Texas from the USA, no one oppresses Tuvans and does not suppress their culture and language. Well, since they are so close to you, then join us and you will not offend Russia. Shoigu will not mind, why? Well, when they come out, then only their land will be. In the meantime, this is the land of the Russian state. That is to say - Russian. And 'own land' - it is in a flower pot on the windowsill. Nobody bothers to own? So that as O. Bender used to say : 'When they beat you, you will cry. Marek Rozny 25 December The territory is Russian, and the land is not Russian, but Tuvan. Russian land - Golden ring. Russian land is the root land of the Russian people, Tuvan land is the root land of Tuvans. And all together - Russian land. This wording is fair. Alexander Petrovich 25 December So there is no American land at all? And there is no Canadian either?. And there is no Australian? Well then! Right, then Woland was: 'Well, you have anything to miss - there is nothing' c. But after all, the first nationalism arose in the Baltic states and the Caucasus, and we only answer. Or what to put other soldiers between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, so that they would not fight again, finding out from whom the ancestors came to this land before. Now an Azerbaijani movement for rapprochement with us is being created in Russia. Ascetic 24 December And where to go, Alikbek. An unroasted American rooster wants to peck everyone, and the Chinese Dragon is breathing unevenly. As the allies say, then you and I will not have to choose. Who is not with us is against us. So by the way, the Scriptures Apocalypse and the second coming of Christ and the Day of Last Judgment say, and Shiite Muslims also connect the appearance of the people of the twelfth Imam Mahdi on Judgment Day with the unification of the peoples of all faiths in the fight against universal evil. Too much connects us, too much unites us, and no matter how anyone wants it, the roads of peace and progress will never separate us. Friendship is impossible without sincerity, but it is not enough between countries, and with us the majority of the people are also more and more moving away from Russia!! Only the reasons for this separation are usually sought in Russian politics in Russians, etc. Moreover, sincerity is basically understood as a requirement - you be honest with us, and we will earn on your sincerity and honesty. AndreyAB 24 December Forget 24 December Glory to the Heroes, everyone who participated in the Great Patriotic War! Our peoples wanted to turn into slaves, to destroy some altogether, those who wanted to do this are now finishing off our peoples, introducing their morals, their parasitic customs, sex minorities, nationalists, the Bologna numbing education system have appeared in our societies. Where are we going? For the sake of a cool hundred, a cool car, soon we, and then our children will sell our Motherland, we are deliberately flattered that it used to be bad, today it suddenly became good, everything turned upside down.. Lignitz , Golden words Well done author and thank you site. So much chauvinism sometimes that tears come from such articles. A lot of Kazakhs were killed, both near Moscow and near Rzhev. Before the war, from to in the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic led by the Bolshevik, the killer of the Tsar and his family, Goloshchekin created an artificial famine, such that, according to scientists, half of the Kazakh population died. Until the s, skeletons of people were found in the steppe. And in the end, despite no matter what the Kazakhs during the war years sent to the front of the remaining population of almost all men of military age. So, comparing the conditions with other peoples, I come to the conclusion that the Kazakhs became small nations even in their own state. Vladimirets 24 December Marek Rozny 24 December Beck 24 December Born December 11 24 , in the village Urak-Balva, now in the Juvaly district Dzhambul region of the Republic Kazakhstan in a peasant family. AT graduated from 9 classes. Worked industrial bank economist, secretary district executive committee, head of the district police instructor of Alma-Ata Military Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR. In the Red Army from to and with year. In he graduated from the regimental school. During the second general offensive Wehrmacht to Moscow from November 16 to 18, Senior Battalion Momysh-oly apart from the division heroically fought on Volokolamsk highway near the village of Matronino. Skillful battalion commander allowed for 3 days to detain the fascists at this milestone. Then the senior lieutenant Momysh-ula led the battalion out of encirclement combat ready. As a commander of the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment, November , guard captain Momysh-ula in the area Sokolovo village, Moscow region with his regiment for four days led stubborn battles, successfully repulsing enemy attacks. December 5, B. Momysh-uli was wounded, but the battlefield is not left. During the battle in the village of Dubrovka Moscow region, he was again hard wounded and until March was in the hospital. In the same year he graduated from the Courses officer enhancements at the Military Academy of the General headquarters. In February - March northwest of Priekule station Lithuania units of a skillfully led division broke through three strips of heavily fortified enemy defense. As a result division offensive was released 15 settlements applied significant damage to the enemy in manpower and military equipment. For the courage and heroism shown in Battle of Moscow Guard Captain Baurjan Momysh-uly in was submitted to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but it was assigned to him only 11 December posthumously In year he graduated from the Military Academy General Staff. Since December Colonel Momysh-ula - in stock. He died on June 10, I have a question for the moderators, why delete my comments!!! Why is it possible to write that the infection of nationalism is normal in the heads of the fraternal peoples, but the fact that Nazism and nationalism cannot be written among Russians in Russia???? What is the problem??? What did I write wrong?? In another case, my koment was deleted, that there is no ideology for unification and is not expected!! The same was erased, if you think the opposite, please speak out, why stupidly erase?? Moderator erasing my komenty, if there is no courage to answer here answer in person! Thank you for the article! I can only add that a few more people were not included in the lists of Kazakh Heroes of the Soviet Union: - General Sabir Rakhimov mistake in the documents, recorded by the Uzbek - Rasul Isetov mistake in the documents, recorded by the Uzbek Several times the sniper Ibrahim Suleimenov was presented to the rank of GSS the official score of the killed enemies is , but he did not receive the Golden Star. Also was presented to this rank, but Lieutenant Altynshash Nurgazhinova and many others even my own grandfather Temirzhan Syrlybaev did not receive the guard. The heroes of the Russian Federation are, in addition to the helicopter pilot Kayyrgeldy Maidanov posthumously, for Chechnya , the following: - Lieutenant Colonel Shamil Zhalelovich Kokinaev was repeatedly presented for awarding this title, for Chechnya ; - grenade thrower Azamat Tasimov posthumously, for Chechnya ; - shooter Rafik Kadyrbulatov posthumously, for Chechnya ; - shooter Zhantas Zholdinov posthumously, for Chechnya ; - astronaut Talgat Musabaev current head of Kazcosmos. This is offhand. It is interesting to compare the references to Soviet divisions in foreign sources and ours. And indeed, almost half of the 62nd Army, for example, were non-Russian fighters. Gradually propaganda stopped focusing on this. A lot of trouble was brought about by immigrants from Central Asia. One lieutenant, the commander of a machine gun company, reported: 'They hardly understand Russian speech. It is very difficult to work with them. Not knowing the language made it difficult to communicate. The soldiers did not understand the commanders and their orders. Often this led to large losses that could have been avoided. It is also true that the division suffered heavy losses and it had to retreat on the orders of the army headquarters - people remained from the division, of them were commanding officers. However, the division was not only not punished for its 'bad' ability to fight, but on the contrary - according to the submission signed by the commander of the 62nd Army, Lieutenant General V. Gurov, division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for persistence and courage. The fact is that the 'inattentive' English historian E. Bivor, noting that the Soviet division did not understand the language of the commanders and, indirectly linking this fact with its losses, 'forgot' to add that only one th Infantry Division together with a separate anti-tank regiment and a separate tank battalion of 40 tanks, half of which are small items of the T type managed not only to withstand the Stalingrad battles with several German divisions, but also to inflict serious defeats on the 20th, 76th, th, th st, 16th infantry and XNUMXth tank divisions of the enemy. What's the difference. Kazakh is Uzbek. Health alive and eternal memory to those who left. How to die - so 'what's the difference' And as the Baikonur theme pops up, a hundred-voiced howl begins 'The Russian people built everything in the world! Give us everything that was built in Soviet times in Kazakhstan!!! Or let's divide everything up and calculate who owes whom how much or stop howling 'give back to Baikonuuuuuur, give all the shaaaaaahty and zavooooody, we washed you and taught you the alphabet, you are unworthy to claim the objects of the USSR! In the previous topic, I just copied and pasted the information about the contribution of the Kazakh SSR to the restoration of the liberated regions of the RSFSR and Ukraine - so many negative emotions were caused by some of your compatriots! They did not comment, of course, they just pointed out the minuses. This does not fit into the beloved Russian picture of the worldview: 'We, Russians, gave nishtyaks to all our neighbors, and they all turned out to be ungrateful. To put it mildly, this is not entirely true. These are the Russians who built your industry, learned in their educational institutions. These are all your own words from only one topic. I'm confused - a Kazakh killed near Rzhev is a 'Soviet people', and a mine builder in Karaganda is a 'Russian people'? Marek Rozny 24 January Epta, Nazi shit is coming out of you again. It turns out that Kazakhs 'crawled out of their holes Go sober up, and then tell us what claims the Kazakhs have against the Russians. So far on this site, only Russians everywhere write that the Kazakhs allegedly owe something to the Russians, irritating the Kazakhs. And you just dodged my simple question and banally divided the Kazakhs into two different communities - before and after. But the Russian people turned out to be the same people, and at the same time you silently reaffirmed your idea that 'the Kazakh killed near Rzhev is the Soviet people', and the builder of the mine in Karaganda is precisely the 'Russian people'. It is around this skeleton that your entire worldview revolves, and therefore no Kazakh understands you. And as for how 'completely different Kazakhs who crawled out of their holes' relate to 'Soviet' Kazakhs-veterans and how they treat veterans in Russia and Ukraine - it is generally better not to speak, otherwise you will burn out of shame. In our country, the Kazakhs who crawled out of their holes, after , sacredly honor the feat of their Soviet Kazakh grandfathers, and it is absolutely unacceptable to smear Victory with shit, as is customary in your country. For some reason, the 'greedy inhabitants of the holes' maintain continuity with their Soviet grandfathers, but apparently the best race of people living in the neighboring country, shit the feelings of their grandfathers. As a Kazakh, I am absolutely not ashamed of my state and our society, where the veteran is a Hero. But do you, vlbelugin, have a sense of pride in your government and modern Russian society in terms of your attitude towards veterans? Teach us to be like you. Or is it better for you here - the ungrateful inhabitants of the burrows - to learn something? As protocol No. Division Acceptance Act: Top secret. Acceptance certificate of the th division. So our fellow countrymen went to the front. In Soviet times, we did not particularly understand who and what nationality, we were all indifferent. The main thing was - what kind of person you are - honest, decent, or 'harmful radish. Alvin 25 December They worked in the early 90s in Shevchenko now Aktau. The Kazakh guys were great men. And injected together and drank, not without it. Yes, no one looked, there is Russian or Kazakh, everything was fine, Ergazy, Nurlan, Alik - if suddenly on the site you never know - hello Agromadny! Egoza 24 December Honor and glory to the heroes who gave their lives for their homeland. There lived in the Kazakh steppe the old poet-akyn Dzhambul. In , his son in the pages of the division came under Leningrad. The division, together with Kazakhstani divisions, defended Leningrad and participated in breaking the blockade. Akyn Dzhambul wrote poems dedicated to Leningrad. Leningrad, my children! The people of Leningrad, my pride! To me in the stream of a steppe stream The reflection of the Neva jet is visible. If along the snow ridges With a senile gaze, I glide I see the vaults of your bridges, The light of the Baltic blue, Lanterns of evening swarms, The gilded roofs of the point Not then I lived, That the robber smell stink; It was not you, brothers, who served, To climb a creeping reptile The city is fabulous, in the city-garden; Not then to Leningrad Look Dzhambula charmed! And then I lived in the world, To the rabble Fascist thugs, Not having had time to recoil back, His wolf bones folded Your sacred fences. That's why the north run Kazakhstan rail tracks, That's why the Neva is protected Your embankments edge, Leningrad people, my children, The people of Leningrad, my pride, We are related to you from a long time, Closer than 6rat, closer to the sister Leningrad Alma-Ata. It is no coincidence that the Baltic Fleet, Glorious courage of two centuries, Seafarers' delegations Sends to Kazakhstan annually, And no wonder their sons From a young age to training we Helmet to the Neva, to the basis of the basics, Where, when men are married, minds are ripening. What does Jambul hear now? To you a steel door breaks, Like an eternity hungry - Distressed by losses Many-headed greedy He will die at your outposts! Without teeth and without scales There will be a snake in the croaks! The nightingales will sing again, Will be free our family, Leningrad people, my children, The people of Leningrad, my pride! Leningrad is stronger and more formidable, Than in any of the previous years: He is ready to reflect the pressure! Do not split his stones, Do not trample its gardens. To Leningrad from all angles Trains are sent, See off their fighters Our villages and cities. The eyes of the country are storm-lead, And I'm ready to bridle To the rascally scoundrels. From the depths of the Kazakh land The rivers of oil flowed to you, Black coal, red copper And lead, that in time and in the opposite direction The song of death is ready to sing. Gangs, rushing to Leningrad. Bread in a grain heavy as a fraction With lead goes on a par. Our best horses are offspring, Piles of apples as sweet as honey That should all help you. Soul slings away. Do not visit them in our homes! Do not get fat on our raw materials! Let the help be, friends, Songs to you on, my dawn, Leningrad people, my children, The people of Leningrad, my pride! Awesome poems. I first read them in such a volume. Previously, I knew only passages. Indeed, great times give birth to great people. Jambul is one of them. By the way, the father of Dzhambul - Zhabay fought in the Russian army with Kokand, took part in the Uzun-Agach battle. The son of Dzhambul - Algaday Zhambylov died in battles with the Germans in Ukraine during the liberation of the Dnepropetrovsk region in Beck 25 December The dead are buried in mass graves. Earth rest in peace and eternal memory!!! Not us, but everyone was afraid and respected us. If someone wants to say that the Russians built factories, factories, gave the alphabet having managed to change it twice later in Kazakhstan - I say thank you! But to whom I say, no, not the current Russian, but the Russian, who survived hunger and cold, huddled in dugouts, who lost 20 million people in the war, it really was PEOPLE!!!! The current generation not all! Is still not the same! Does it agree after work to stay and go to the village to eliminate illiteracy? Does this generation agree to go into battle without fear of the enemy and fight with their bare hands? Fedorov 25 December On October 15, , in heavy battles for the liberation of the city of Nevel during the defense of the dominant height, it remained one of the machine-gun crews, being seriously wounded by a splinter in the head, destroyed 70 enemy soldiers and died the death of the brave. She was buried in Nevel. She was 21 years old. We remember! People's Hero of Kazakhstan. In , at a concert of Rosa Baglanova in Yevpatoria, a woman on crutches appeared on the stage and quietly asked: 'Rosette, you will not recognize me? It was she who carried me out of the battlefield when the fascist shell took my leg off. I owe her my life. Two already adult women on the stage of a huge concert hall were not ashamed of their tears, not letting each other out of their arms, not hearing a flurry of applause from the moved audience. Restless I Alia Moldagulova - sniper of the 54th separate rifle brigade 22nd army, 2nd Baltic front , corporal. The hero of the USSR. Since - a sniper of the 4th battalion of the 54th separate rifle brigade 22nd army, 2nd Baltic front. She has accounted for more than 30 destroyed soldiers and enemy officers, three captured. In one of the battles, she raised an overwhelming Soviet battalion and led him into the attack. She died in battle on January 14, north of the city of Novosokolniki. The first line of defense was successfully broken. But soon the enemy brought down a fierce fire, and our infantrymen lay down. The attack was choked. And at this critical moment, Moldagulova stood upright and shouted: - Brothers soldiers! Behind me! And at the call of the girl - the fighters rose In the photo: soldiers of the Alma-Ata th rifle division 'Panfilov's men'. Moscow region, These young guys were made of iron. The th division, which was part of the 16th army, was in the direction of the main strike, it should be noted that it received an extremely wide defense line - more than 42 kilometers along the front. According to the charter, a division can defend a strip along a front of km and a depth of km. On November 16, the division was attacked by the forces of one infantry and two tank divisions of the Germans - the 2nd Panzer Division of the 40th Motorized Corps General of the Tank Troops G. Stumme attacked the positions of our division in the center of defense, and the 11th Panzer Division of the 46th Motorized Corus Panzer General troops von Fittinghoff-Scheel hit in the Dubosekovo region, at the positions of the th Infantry Regiment. Parts of the division led by Panfilov waged heavy defensive battles with superior enemy forces, in which the personnel showed massive heroism. During the fighting on November in the Volokolamsk direction, the th rifle division from November 17 the Red Banner, from November 18 the Guards stopped the advance of all German divisions. One of the two divisions of the Soviet Army, named for their commanders along with Chapaevskaya - the 25th Guards Rifle Division named after V. And in he was executed for participating in an attempt on Hitler's life But he was an iron general who fought in the First World War, victoriously passed the Polish and French campaigns, who successfully took the Baltic states and defeated 4 Soviet armies in the Vyazemsky cauldron! Akmola 72nd Guards Red Banner Rifle Division previously referred to as the 29th rifle division of the 2nd formation, even earlier as rifle division. She became famous in the Stalingrad battles. In just 20 days from January 10 to January 31, , the division exterminated more than and captured German and Romanian soldiers and officers! For the courage and heroism of the soldiers, it was transformed into the 72nd Guards Division. The division was nicknamed by the soldiers 'Irreplaceable, Waterproof and Imperishable', due to the fact that the division was never withdrawn from the front line for any length of time, either to the reserve, or to rest, or to reorganize. Recently, a copy of the combat banner of this division of the Great Patriotic War arrived in Astana formerly Akmolinsk from Russia by special flight for eternal storage. Akmola th Infantry Division fiercely fought near Leningrad, by November , only infantry and artillery regiment remained from the division. Until , it conducted defensive and offensive battles in the Volkhov River area. Provided the operation of the famous 'Road of Life', half of the drivers through Ladoga to Leningrad were from this division. The total number of goods transported to Leningrad along the Road of Life for the entire period of its operation amounted to over 1 million thousand tons; during the same time, about 1 million thousand people were evacuated from the city. Rakhimzhan Koshkarbaev - Soviet officer of the th Infantry Division. The first to put up a red banner on the Reichstag building. For the accomplished feat, the command of the regiment presented Lieutenant Koshkarbaev and Red Army soldier Bulatov to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union, but they were awarded 'only' the Orders of the Red Banner. A participant in the storming of Berlin, Asset Kempirbekov, told the journalist Kaldarkhan Kambar newspaper 'Turkistan' dated That day, for some reason, Rakhymzhan Koshkarbayev was late and came to the ranks of the veterans later than everyone else, standing next to Aset Kempirbekov. Everything was as usual - next to General Shatilov, the commander of the th division, stood with the regimental standard in the hands of the Hero of the Soviet Union Kantaria. Suddenly Koshkarbayev approached the Hero, pulled out a banner from that of his hands and again stood next to Kempirbekov. Everyone was surprised and began to look back at Koshkarbaev and Kempirbekov. After some time, General Shatilov approached them and also stood beside them. And Kantaria left the system altogether. Victory Banner. After the war, Koshkarbayev was a very respected person in Alma-Ata. He worked as a manager of the famous high-rise hotel 'Alma-Ata'. But the fate of Grigory Bulatov was tragic. After the war, he returned home to the Perm Territory the town of Slobodskoy and worked on timber alloying. For a long time he concealed his feat. Twenty years later, he unsuccessfully tried to prove it, for which he received the nickname 'Grishka-Reichstag' among his acquaintances. Unable to withstand ridicule, he hanged himself in Marek and who is stopping Nazarbayev from all the heroes of the Kazakhs who did not receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union??? In Russia, somewhere around participants of the Great Patriotic War have already been awarded the title of Hero of Russia!!! We ourselves forgot the heroism of our grandfathers. No need to be offended in Russia as many Russians have not received the title of hero. So, be sure to write to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to assign the title of hero of Kazakhstan. Talgat Bigeldinov - pilot attack aircraft. He began his combat career as a pilot of an IL-2 attack aircraft in the th assault aviation regiment of the th air division. And already in the first fights with an air opponent came out the winner. But once Begeldinov did not return from the assignment. He was already considered dead. It turned out that, returning from the mission, our pilots met with a group of fascist bombers, accompanied by fighters. There were nineteen Messerschmitts. Begeldinov began to maneuver. But the fighters took him in a vise and began to shoot the car. Soon the engine began to smoke. Begeldinov and his shooter Yakovenko jumped, so they were behind enemy lines. Only 15 days later, after painful trials and tribulations, having lost Yakovenko, Begeldinov returned to his own. In total, the Kazakh falcon made sorties to reconnaissance and assault enemy fortifications, airfields, railway junctions, river crossings, accumulations of troops and enemy equipment. Participating in 15 group air battles, he personally shot down 7 enemy planes in the battles in the Kursk and Ukraine, in the Iasi-Chisinau, Berlin and Prague operations. Bigeldinov made the largest number of sorties of Soviet ground attack pilots. He was the first to shoot down the Messer on the Il

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