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How to find ECSTASY online Olympic Coast

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In June , I was driving through Snoqualmie Pass, just east of Seattle, Washington, despondent regarding my career. I had finished another year of teaching middle school. The hours were long. I felt intellectually starved. I dreaded the work and questioned my vocational plan. So, on a whim, I hit the highways for a month-long trip along the Cascadian Coast, in my Forester Subaru, the unofficial vehicle of the Pacific Northwest. The first hundred miles of high desert and elevated plains were uneventful. Rubber and gravel. Mercurial engine rattling and screaming interstate winds were my main companions—until I reached that gap in the Cascades. Ghost-kissed peaks, endless dun evergreens, and the rooted stillness of Keechelus Lake overwhelmed me. It exploded within my chest. The earth inhaled me whole. Tears welled up, warming my buoyant smile. I pulled my car over to the shoulder of I and dropped to my knees, eager to get ahold of some dirt. I clenched its elemental vitality in my fists. Possibilities felt endless. Potential appeared behind every tinge of moss and coil of deer ferns. I disappeared. This was ecstatic experience. Ecstatic experience consists of moments wherein we transcend our ordinary selves, connecting to something larger. Ecstatic experiences involve dramatic ego-loss, altered states of consciousness. They surpass the mundane and transform us, awakening us to deeper realities. Materialist philosophers like Thomas Hobbes believed that all that can be said to exist are matter and physical mechanisms. We are machines or computers. They championed dispassionate reason and control, of nature and the self. The materialist worldview allows no space for the Transcendent. To open oneself to ecstasy was to invite lunacy, hysteria, and the type of magical thinking entangled with belief in supernatural beings. Notably, some French Enlightenment thinkers were quite enthusiastic about the passions and skeptical of abstractions. Victorian anthropologists associated it with primitive cultures, notes Evans. Ecstatic experience was for savages and the ignorant. As a corrective to this, eighteenth-century Romantics invoked the Sublime : the terrifying beauty and awe of nature—reflecting my experience in Snoqualmie. I felt perfectly insignificant, kneeling before those monuments of granite born from thousands of short-lived volcanoes millions of years ago. I envisioned myself atop one of these icy crags in a snowstorm. Another wave of resistance to materialism came with the spiritual awakening of the s, espoused by hippies and the Human Potential Movement, which rejected the social alienation and estrangement from nature which they felt came from such reductionism. Jack Kerouac:. Eastern contemplative practices thrived during the counterculture. Figures like D. What else are these fireworks about? The West was liberated from restrictive social norms and religious dogmas surrounding sexuality, gender roles, and rigid social decorum believed to constitute the good life. Experimentation with psychedelics suggested another possible avenue for ecstatic experience. This revival of ecstasy revealed a dark side though, enabling the apostles of logos to clamp down on spiritual excess. Too many aspirants lost themselves in new religious movements prone to cult-like behaviors. The New Age embraced all kinds of nonsense, from horoscopes to crystal skulls. LSD turned out to be less benign than its prophets had predicted—people lost their minds, ended up in psychiatric institutions. The free-love revolution climaxed in an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, contemporary Western culture reified the border between itself and ecstasy. Enthusiastic exuberance, small-minded materialism, and religious extremism have hardened us against mystery , blockading us from crucial human experience. We dislike the idea of religious authority: we want ecstasy, but on our own terms, preferably without dogma, hierarchies, or long-term contracts. We encounter a deluge of traumas, trials, and tribulations. Existence confounds us. And Western culture is replete with prescriptions for coping with or overcoming our frailties. Cognitive behavior therapy CBT has proven incredibly successful at combating many emotional infirmities and might even improve our political lives. Its rationalistic approach helps counteract news-fatigue in politically uncertain times and reminds us that we can bolster happiness by shifting our focus onto what we can control. However, many find CBT is too superficial and mechanical. While an advocate of Stoic philosophy—having written a defense of it in Philosophy for Life —Jules Evans reneges a bit on rational self-analysis. The Stoics had little positive to say about romantic love, or intoxication, or music, dancing, and the arts in general. Alternatively, Stoicism is a solitary philosophy. We are wrong to resist ecstatic experience—for it heals, inspires, and connects us. William James is an intellectual giant renown for his treatise, The Varieties of Religious Experience : an investigation into the subjective encounters people have with the Transcendent. In his study, he attended more to the fruits of these experiences than to noxious metaphysical tussles. Like James, I remain agnostic on cosmological claims. It best benefits us to approach these occurrences through their impact on personal life, asking ourselves: does this path lead to healing, inspiration, and connection? Am I living a more flourishing life because of these ecstatic experiences or am I worse off? In The Art of Losing Control , Evans lays out several gateways to ecstatic experience—adjoining his own experimentation with current research. In charismatic Christianity, he finds community and grace. The arts, cinema, and dreams offer meaningful engagement with our psyches. At rock and roll concerts we clap and sing, dancing together like whirling dervishes. As government restrictions on psychedelics relax again, preliminary research suggests that not only are magic-mushrooms, like psilocybin, effective against depression and anxiety but even against alcohol and heroin addiction. Psychedelics have long been a staple of shamanic or animistic worship throughout the world, used as a vehicle for crossing into the supernatural realm. Whether it is reduced to a material explanation, like simple brain chemistry, or is attributed to something supernatural, contemporary psychedelic practitioners cannot deny its resemblance to other spiritual experiences. Mindfulness and meditative practices bring us more into our physical bodies, through breathing techniques, paradoxically joining us to the larger cosmos—even restructuring our brains. One can appreciate the wonder of natural landscapes, the wildness of the earth, and still, miss out on ecstatic experience. David Abram, philosopher and the author of The Spell of the Sensuous , found that as he spent more time in the shamanistic culture of Bali, he tapped into a deeper ecological domain. They otherwise would have remained apathetic toward me. Ecstatic experience is essential to human flourishing and we barely understand it—but therein lies its power. Humans have evolved as nodes with infinite connections, designed to sense, experience, and relate to the Other. Jeffrey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Erraticus , as well as host of the Damn the Absolute! He is a former mental health professional and educator, whose research interests center around localism, American pragmatism, and bioregionalism. He primarily covers education, philosophy, psychology, and religion. He lives in Southern Appalachia. I found your site from your comment on The Front Porch and the excellent essay you just posted about Wanderlust. Your essay contains a nice summation of modern spirituality and inspired me to order the book by Jules Evans. What do you mean by apostles of logos? They advocate unembodied reason as truth, disregarding the reality that the type of thinking we do requires many non-abstract things, such as metaphor. Even further, every thought we have is colored by feeling or emotion, including physiology consider what you feel when you resonate with a new insight. How does emotion translate into an abstract idea, let alone a mathematical equation? Apostles of logos worship control and predictability. Uncertainty, spontaneity, and ineffability are the evils which undermine the mechanical, perfectly-ordered universe. Reason, in in this sense, is universal, unchanging, somewhere separate from our lived experiences, something that exists regardless of embodied perceivers or thinking subjects. This piece is an attempt to have them reconsider that position. There are benefits to encountering The Transcendent. Skip to content. Understanding demands border-crossing geographic or otherwise. I corridor east of Seattle, Washington John Westrock. Snoqualmie Pass, Washington Chad Peltola. Ecstatic experience manifests in many ways and can be accessed through numerous channels. Jeffrey Howard. Jeffrey Howard Jeffrey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Erraticus , as well as host of the Damn the Absolute! Reply Great question. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Read More Essays and Ideas. 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