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Also known as the Jewel of Kedah, Langkawi is a popular getaway destination in Malaysia, perfect for a vacation with family or friends! Made up of 99 islands on the northwestern coast of Malaysia, this sunny tropical paradise is a charming spot for an exciting getaway. Whether you're looking for a relaxed holiday or an.

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If you are wondering how many days to spend in Langkawi, I found this five day Langkawi itinerary to be busy enough to see a good mix of things, but .serp-item__passage\\\\{color:#\\\\} How many days in Langkawi – as many as you can manage, I say!  At Pantai Cenang you will find long, white, sandy beaches lined with cafes and restaurants.  For day four of your Langkawi tour itinerary it’s time to do two of the cruises you booked online or earlier in your stay.

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