How to earn gold in the game.

How to earn gold in the game.

In the game there are permanent sources of income and one-time, for specific achievements in the game.

At the beginning of the game you have the opportunity to earn gold in the "ACTIVITY" section.

1) One-time award. Entering the game every day for 7 days you can get awards in the "ACTIVITY", on day 6 and 7 you will get a total of 800 gold.

2) One-time award. By upgrading your account, at certain levels you will receive valuable gifts, including gold.

3) One-time award. Quite a lot of gold can be obtained by completing the EXPEDITION, both in NORMAL mode and in ELITE mode. Rewards will be available in several sections at once. 

In the ACTIVITY section:

From "EXPEDITION" chests in NORMAL mode and for individual levels of ELITE mode:

In the ACHIEVEMENTS section:

4) One-time award. Buying enough gold to get VIP4, in the section "ACTIVITY", you can get a decent bonus (it's a kind of chests of gold, 1 piece contains 100 gold):

5) Daily Reward. Fighting in the "ARENA", for certain places you can get gold, the higher your place, the more you get:

6) Daily Reward. You can fight for "MINE". Each mine will bring you copper and gold, you can own 2 mines at the same time, the longer you hold them, the more you get, but each mine has restrictions on the amount of mined resources. For capturing mines, you'll get some copper and gold, the longer it was with the enemy, the more you get. You can capture continuously, but you can only own two at a time. You must lose at least one mine before you can repeat the attack. Sometimes there is a bonus and you can get double rewards for capturing and holding mines.

7) Daily Reward. A good amount of gold can be obtained by participating in a "NATIONAL WAR". It is most profitable to fight for the most numerous clan, as the amount of gold depends on the number of houses owned by the clan.

8) Daily Reward. Also in the "NATIONAL WAR", there is a section "ACTING ROYAL" the higher place you take, the more gold you get.

9) A periodic award. For the victory of your clan in the "NATIONAL WAR", are entitled to good rewards, including 1000 gold pieces.

10) A periodic award. Do not forget about the "Log In" section, once every 5 days, get some gold.

11) A periodic award. Finally bonus, follow the channels MyMasterWar, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, sometimes there are interesting events for which you can get valuable prizes, including gold:

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